Please help me name this movie

Amos Otis

Brisco's Bargain Beans
I'm also not as big of a fan of Waters as Gilmour. I play guitar so I am biased, but I also don't put Waters on a musician pedestal like I would many other bassists (Steve Harris from Iron Maiden., Geddy Lee, etc.). I would put David Gilmore in a large group of those elite guitarist though.
It's not a case of me being a big fan of anyone specifically in Water's event. There were several performers in it, that I otherwise have little to no use for - Sinead O'Connor, Cyndi Lauper, the Scorpions and others - but that's also a reason why it was surprisingly good, because they were somehow good in it. Also, Waters strikes me as a borderline egotistical a$$hole quite often. You can't really see Gilmore pulling off the 'put 'em up against the wall' bigoted rants, can you? For Waters, it's like a confession. Blatently brilliant.

I'm also a guitarist [Love showing beginners easy, recognizable chords from Dark Side of the Moon tunes that they can play along with.] Those two in Water's Wall performed Gilmour note for note with gusto.

But, yeah, it's a cool world when we're always two clicks away from instant musical gratification, regardless of preferences.

Look guys I’m not into music so this got away from me, I was just looking for a couple song recommendations.
P J Harvey - The Wind
Faith No More - Evidence


This is the closest I can find to something resembling what I’m thinking of. I can clearly picture like an enclosed version of this and instead of trying to stabilize it he’s trying to plug a bunch of cables in...

Thanks for coming along on this journey with me, I will not rest until it’s found or I’m proven completely insane.
Nor shall I rest.
So you better ask "Alexis".
I'll put on a pot of coffee. lol

Deleted member 60

Who is listening to music while watching movies??
LOL...I'm sure all of my peers remember how standard this truly was "in the day". TV on.....sound off.... and nobody sayin a fuckin thing until "OK...who the fuck is picking the next record?".....unless...that is....somebody pointed out how the movie was in sync...somehow...with the tunes...heeehee....

I still can't sit through a movie :ROFLMAO:


Active Member
Hey friends!

I need some help remember this movie I’m thinking of. I’ve searched google for literally hours trying to find it. The problem is I saw it so long ago I can’t remember much about it. Hell, I’m not even 100% sure it didn’t just happen in my mind. If it is real it can’t be less than about 10 years old.

Anyways, here we go...

So there is an astronaut training for space in a couple different simulators. They had the G force spinner I remember but the one I’m thinking of and can remember clearly is like a one man pod. The guy inside is strapped in and the pod is shaking and spinning and he’s trying to reconnect a bunch of loose cables flying around. Anyways, that’s about all I remember, and I’m pretty sure he eventually gets to space and he encounters this scenario..

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you so much for your time in reading this. ☮
Gravity is my guess good movie!