Now I have room!
The Florida Diesel by
@J.James are phenomenal! day 70/40
There is a distinct bulk difference between the 4-top and the 8-top, kind of confirming previous experiments that showed they should produce about the same final weight, just different size flowers.
Both are still healthy, eating well, and seem to like the XB light better than the other strains did.
My HLG room has my 4th Gear (same grow dates as the FloD). and my 12/12 from seed experiments. The Black widow in the front seems fine with it, the S.O.G in the party cup is awesome, but the Bruce Banner in the rear shows a definite failure to thrive. If it wasn't a free seed I'd bitch for a replacement. It either didn't like the XB200 light, the 12/12 from seed, or it was just a dud.
The 4th Gear is racing the FloD 4-top for bulk, even though it's an 8-top.
And you can see the comparison between the BW (front) and BB (rear)