That bridge definitely needs some attention. He added a span on the right side in the pic because the entire embankment...back to the garden statue....was gone. You can see the landscape fabric and some grass hanging there. That BIG orange-ish rock in the bottom of the new wall was mid-creek...and had a huge rise to a wave.....and that's what it created...after it went made a a big down-crashing wave on the downstream side and took out the bank. We sat the new wall partially on it....and the 2nd big rock just above it was the one we heaved and ho'd as hard as we could to move it a foot back out of the flow. On the other side we widened it all by a good 2 ft. It was solid roots and rocks. His property got hit by a mudslide 10-15 years ago and completely re-routed the creek...right up almost to his house. The deck is just out of view on the left in that downstream shot. Cool but scary ambience in the Spring...for sure.
Did the doc thing. Didn't even get to the physical...LOL. I have too much medical history, it seems, to cram it all in such a short span. Talked mostly about SLEEP...or lack of. Question for you guys.....have any of you ever taken gabapentin? She frowned at me taking Tramadol....but was all for thisdrug....and said it wasn't addictive. However...a visit to the Net last night shows that a buncha folks have troubles with it...either abusing it...or having a fuckin hard time getting off it. I have it in hand but i'm thinking I'm gonna pass on taking it.
Anyone have any experience/insights with/about this drug??
Stickii, I just weaned myself off this drug with my dr's help. Ive taken it two or three times, if you are a chronic pain patient, its the one nerve pain med they really push, at first I couldn't tell it did anything. Thought maybe it was helping with pain, wasn't ever really sure. First time I was gonna quit myself cold turkey, ended up in urgent care, wasn't sure what kind of spell I was having, ruled out heart and stroke fore I even got there, but weird head sweat, couldn't sleep, etc, anyhow, they called it a seratonin event, told me to take an extra xanax and never ever do that again, cold turkey. I talked to my pharmacist and he said same thing, come in, I'll give ya three or some till ya get to the dr, etc. This is just my opine, but its one of the nastier ones to come off of. For a super small dosage, my dr had me take 6 weeks of halving doses till I was done. If it takes that long for the smallest dose they hand out, some people I know take 4-8 times what I was taking per day. I'd never recommend this med for anyone as IME, any benefit, and Im still not sure what they was, don't outweigh the side effects, aka constipation, fuzzy headedness(I didn't mind that part) but just a yucky feelin med to me. I see on some CBD blogs they got kids takin it now for pain, seizures, etc. I don't like the fact its one of them they claim can help many different things, lol. That usually means it Won't help the one thing. Kinda like the new class of drugs that help the antidepressents, lol. If the antidepressents work, why do they need help? But again, must my experience. I can tell it messed with my weed buzz also, which was another downside for me.