Schwaggy P's Random Stuff


Heathen Basterd
Thats actually something good to touch on as well is the breeding part of it. Me personally, I dont care if someone finds a male in a tester and wants to chuck with it. An honorable mention is always nice. Some other seed makers aren't as open with their testers and from my experience they usually come with rules if the breeder is against it.
It is all about honor amongst thieves and some don't operate with honor in any part of the equation unfortunately


Super Active Member
If you grew some and journaled as promised...I see no issue with gifting the rest. Accepting "testers" to later sell for profit or even accepting them with intentions on hoarding are lame. Its a disservice not only to the breeder, but to the community relying on those reports as well. Just my .02
Pop all testers run them for breeders and community if you do good job you will get more beans to hoard or give away

Selling testers beans Is a big no no


Hobby Farmer
Wow the skunk went POOF!!.
I was trimming the glue I remembered the sale and got a pack of Skunky VA and Citrus Milf. With the freebies it is a fantastic deal with the shipping and everything.

The HAOG seeds were very tempting but the height would be a pita.

And I am once again stocked up on seeds for a while....until someone drops something else I have to try at least!

I will watch for that Schwaggy Afghani Skunk to come up again!. But I will be happy with that Skunky VA for sure.
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