The future garden. Only a few here are mine. Sometime in the last two weeks my old veg room caught spider mites. Didn't notice until moving them. Gave them a thorough rinse and picked up some neem oil spray shit for the eggs. Only Jenny had a couple on her lowers today. Gave her another spritz of the spray shit. I'm hopeful to have it under control. Just glad I noticed now before they got any worse or spread.
Growmie going hard popping
GG#4 left, GMO Cake bottom, Wedding Cake top(mutated) then he soaked 2-3 pigeon pie and 2 adub then two more wedding cake and something else lol went into cups tonight.
This is a Sundae Driver X Purple Punch that came back from the dead. Growmie old garden was sabotaged by the home owner and burnt to a crisp. This plant was just tossed out a window and ofcourse she wanted to live. So here she stays the remnants of his once beautiful garden. Oh her name's Clarice too. I'm gonna add some more soil to her tomorrow, it's bothering me now exposed she is
My grafted cactus that I thankfully kept away from the garden lol.