The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
H.A.F. you always give me another , thing to try to do well ,i have it set in my head this is stuff i need to know how to do, to keep to myself and not depend on the boys draging stuff in from out of state . i don't want .the latest clone only ,even where i live starting to see a lot of things i don't trust .
I'm learning as I go. And I am not hesitant about sharing fails or shit that worked. With the living soil there's been a lot less fails.

I keep bragging on these strains, but they may not be what works for anyone else. But the process for saving your favorites would be the same, or some non-fucked-up version of what I do. I just know that I have some good smoke that works for me, and now I have clones of it to make more.

I'm pretty sure this is not the optimum way to clone. But both have roots and it'll sort itself out. This one shows the before. I think I kept the humiddity too high for too long. I left one to get another node out of it, but it may have been wasted effort,
Since this one got pretty much raped, but the sprouts are popping quicker.
In the background is the top clone with almost no roots and I am not counting on it - but I only need one cloneable limb out of the 3 plants.


Insanely Active Member
I'm learning as I go. And I am not hesitant about sharing fails or shit that worked. With the living soil there's been a lot less fails.

I keep bragging on these strains, but they may not be what works for anyone else. But the process for saving your favorites would be the same, or some non-fucked-up version of what I do. I just know that I have some good smoke that works for me, and now I have clones of it to make more.

I'm pretty sure this is not the optimum way to clone. But both have roots and it'll sort itself out. This one shows the before. I think I kept the humiddity too high for too long. I left one to get another node out of it, but it may have been wasted effort,
View attachment 137434
Since this one got pretty much raped, but the sprouts are popping quicker.
View attachment 137433
In the background is the top clone with almost no roots and I am not counting on it - but I only need one cloneable limb out of the 3 plants.
i'am kinda like nowasited have 1 that needs a reveg no more than it has on it, a test bud lower ,turned my head around,thinking just trim the shit out of it and run it like the rest!!like you my stash has grown to the point 1 could sit tight for 6 months or so before the next run and still have smoke!no vapes or edibiles or clones one cat is the same age as( he went in armed forces did his time) my oldest is hooked upl me and his dad ran together for years, i just don;t think he has anything i want around and him know it:(
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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Here's the re-vamped veg. I moved the harsh looking clones to the mini tent with 20w of light out of a 100w possible. As they get more leaves I'll bump it up or move them to the regular tent. The bigger pot is one of the MacFish. The slower rooting of the two Chem91 is in here and the rest are Dirty Taxi
The Dominion G may eventually make plants. If I had no room they'd be gone. One has an almost normal leaf.
But overall real happy with most. I topped the 6 Hollyweed and the two Greenway fems are popping limbs now that I toppedd them. I wonder if it's light spectrum getting me the beanpole plants or just genetics. The domed seedlings are vented, and thats the dominion 3 above it. Back wall is the moms with established roots and a successful up-pot. I have two of the three taxi set, and the other MacFish is way better. And the Chemdog under the outlet. But that's it for a mom tent. I'd like the addition of a Flashback or two from the different pollen donors, and a CLHP if I get one to pop, and a Headline if I find the right one. I'll keep a headbanger for a bit until I smoke it, and others may visit for a while if they are one-offs until I am sure they aren't gold, but basically a powerful chem set with the Taxi and Chemddog, and the umami ones on the other side. I'd like two of each so there's variety.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I got the first Chemdog jarred yesterday. I kept out some of the lower stuff but unlike some I know it needs to cure. It was half a dozen pea-gravel nugs, and it was still fresh enough that the sugar leaves stayed in the top of the grinder. Anyway, I spent yesterday stoopid. It's a good plant. I had stufff to do but wandering around behind a mower was safest.

But I don't just smoke the hard hitters or heavy meds. I woke up and had a bit of the Flashback to get me going, but I was smoking on a cone of Bombthreat/HP13 and a few bowls of Catpiss Kush while working in the garden. That's how I get into all the new plants and see what they do for me, and occasionally find the stellar ones. But mostly I just stay comfortably numb.

I like that I'm retired and if it's a shitty day out and I don't have inside chores I can get silly all day.


Insanely Active Member
I got the first Chemdog jarred yesterday. I kept out some of the lower stuff but unlike some I know it needs to cure. It was half a dozen pea-gravel nugs, and it was still fresh enough that the sugar leaves stayed in the top of the grinder. Anyway, I spent yesterday stoopid. It's a good plant. I had stufff to do but wandering around behind a mower was safest.

But I don't just smoke the hard hitters or heavy meds. I woke up and had a bit of the Flashback to get me going, but I was smoking on a cone of Bombthreat/HP13 and a few bowls of Catpiss Kush while working in the garden. That's how I get into all the new plants and see what they do for me, and occasionally find the stellar ones. But mostly I just stay comfortably numb.

I like that I'm retired and if it's a shitty day out and I don't have inside chores I can get silly all day.
sounds like you have the free time (and moneys ) to chase you dream bucket list . and the dream to stay healthy later in life. hell i steped on my shovel handle over two weeks ago it did,nt break ,brused, torn tendons and all purple from ankle to my toes, still wearing a brace. have a few in the tent pushing for new shoes ,i think it will be first of week!


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
sounds like you have the free time (and moneys ) to chase you dream bucket list
I'm retired.

I'm retired meaning that I worked for the man for enough years to get a fat pension.

Years that I couldn't even think about smoking my weed.

But I went into it with the goal of retiring young and doing what the fuck I want. I'm still years from social security.

I have my bills paid with spending money leftover and I live in a place where the taxes and cost of living are resonable - at least in comparison with most of the country.

I have this one hobby that I am now growing and/or making the inputs to grow. This hobby expanded into the concerted effort to grow most of my own crop food.

I still need to get into chickens or meat rabbits sometime before the apocalypse, but I am a lazy fuck and don't want the animals to suffer ;) I have a cat and not a dog because I don't want to train anything. "shit in that box" - training done 😂

I have people across the road (and all over) that take their cattle to market that the local butcher buys from - etc. I don't mind putting my money in the hands of people doing it right. Maybe 10 years from now we all operate on barter for most of our necessities.

But mainly I don't have man toys like 4-wheelers or boats that rape the bank account on the regular. I have a 2006 truck I bought new. Being rich is alot about what you need to feel happy. I like good weed and the growing thereof 😜


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
And the harvesting thereof - calendar shmalendar - moon was pretty damn full last night and I even harvested two I wasn't planning on. One of the Headline just has different bud structure. It has spear shaped flowers instead of the chunky tops, and wispy pistils that are brown all over but so thin the buds look green still. The Trinity cross also had ambers everywhere except on the tips of those 'nugs-on-nugs' flowers and they would probably be that way forever still growing.

So this is the two Headline shrubs up front, then the 4 trees in the back. Trinity up front, Muttzarella back left, both CLHP back right. Mutt and Jeff.
IMG_9920.JPG IMG_9921.JPG
The initial smell blaster is the mutt. It is the UK cheese and the Chem91. It smells like blue cheese that is dipped in rancid chemicals. Should be a winner! LOL


Insanely Active Member
I'm retired.

I'm retired meaning that I worked for the man for enough years to get a fat pension.

Years that I couldn't even think about smoking my weed.

But I went into it with the goal of retiring young and doing what the fuck I want. I'm still years from social security.

I have my bills paid with spending money leftover and I live in a place where the taxes and cost of living are resonable - at least in comparison with most of the country.

I have this one hobby that I am now growing and/or making the inputs to grow. This hobby expanded into the concerted effort to grow most of my own crop food.

I still need to get into chickens or meat rabbits sometime before the apocalypse, but I am a lazy fuck and don't want the animals to suffer ;) I have a cat and not a dog because I don't want to train anything. "shit in that box" - training done 😂

I have people across the road (and all over) that take their cattle to market that the local butcher buys from - etc. I don't mind putting my money in the hands of people doing it right. Maybe 10 years from now we all operate on barter for most of our necessities.

But mainly I don't have man toys like 4-wheelers or boats that rape the bank account on the regular. I have a 2006 truck I bought new. Being rich is alot about what you need to feel happy. I like good weed and the growing thereof 😜
cool deal round here it'll look hell less than 20 mile to interstate hwy/river traffic,both can be a safety concern!


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Another thing I have learned about having a happy retirement is that laying in bed trying to sleep when you aren't tired just because it's night is a working mans thing. I was thinking about this about 2.30 am when I said fuck it and got up and made coffee :cool:

The thing that was bugging me was the Hollyweed x TKM10 cups. Sooooo rootbound. I topped them to force limb growth but they needed room for root growth too. The went from big solo cups to 1g. There is a good bit of new soil under them but not mitch around the edges. Everything for water with some Fish Amino Acids, some activated LAB and some Cal-Mino from Bio-ag. Since taking the pics and sitting down I realized that I am flipping them too.
The Headbanger and ad Flashback are waiting until I can clone them. They will get the little 5qt paint-pail size pot next.
I have the three Dirty Taxi and the two smaller Chemdog clones in here now. The Taxi look uniform so I think worrying about which clone I keep is pretty much moot.
And I have room in here to flip the Hollyweed plants , and probably flower out all the girls without firing the closet up.

I am dropping beans full moon or not. I have room and both a mini tent a veg tent and a flower closet shut down. I need to consider if it's a grow it out drop or a clone it drop. But I have to deal with this tripping hazzard first. That's my little mini countertop humidor seed fridge with all the slaps on it.
More to follow.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I may have got stupid a little bit. I just got enough beans wet to almost fill a 1020 tray. Not even bothering to upddate the signature block until I see what pops. Lots od old stuff with one seft of new freebie regs and a freebie fem.

12 4th Gear
7 Hippie Crippler x Rosetta Stone
5 Crown Jewel
1 Blue Nose Pitt
5 ChemD/91 x Koffee F8

The 5 freebies I am pretty sure the Koffee side is an F8, not the cross. The Blue Nose Pitt I got a dud last time. The 4th Gear had 0-alot a month or two ago, and the Crown Jewel are just as old. The Hippie Crippler stuff is relatively newer. but I am not holding my breath for any of those to germ. The unrelated cross on that F8 should bring some hybrid vigor - or not 😜 No clue who or what bred them.

I decided it was mostly clear the fridge of some leftovers with a new side dish so I'll get something good to eat.


But mainly I don't have man toys like 4-wheelers or boats that rape the bank account on the regular. I have a 2006 truck I bought new. Being rich is alot about what you need to feel happy. I like good weed and the growing thereof 😜
It absolutely blows my mind when I see people barely affording to live while having a brand new truck or luxury car and recreational toys.


Insanely Active Member
It absolutely blows my mind when I see people barely affording to live while having a brand new truck or luxury car and recreational toys.
most people will not do their owne mechnic work! it is a cost they pay for not doing their owne repairs !seems to me peps can't get those hands dirty,even a air idal selinoid will cost em 1 time @ 150.00 a hour for a 10 minite chore.
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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
This tent is cruising.
The JD Skunk nannered up top. Easy cull. She is really skunk smelling so I'll dry it out for topicals. But even the best skunks now are just a good high.
So I have plenty of room for the girl Hollyweed. The closest Chem91 clone was one that rooted real well on one side of the stem. I pruned away the runty limbs that grew out of the runty root side so it has a one-sided candleabra - just two odd extra limbs poking out on one side.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Something I just noticed is that the tents are all full of stuff I love, the T-star included. Not odd rreally but what I noticed is that all of them have really fat pistils. I can see it on the Frosty MacFish as well so that's good.

I'm comparing it to the ones that have the tight curly pistils or a thousand skinny ones. These will end up letting you see bud through them at the end when they finally get plump.

The Sour Puss is also phenomonal - but it just gets me really high. It doesn't have that special whatever. There has been a wide variety o stuff from Greenway. The Blue Jack City as well. The Flamethrower I decarbed though. I want to see how those orrange terps translate into edibles and the high was nothing I was interested in.

The Chemdog will be getting abused before it's cured just to keep me from smoking the last of the '68. If I remember right the Dirty Taxi finished quick. The next full moon puts the T-Star, MacFish and three Chemdog at 10 weeks, and the Dirty Taxi at 8 weeks. Gonna be interesting, but real boring until then.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Pretty much what I expected. None of the old CLG stuff is above ground.It's older so I'l let it go a while,
but the newer beans are fine. It's good to have that barometer to check against the old ones. The BNP looks a little wierd, I had to flip it over after the root popped out of the soil.
These pics are from Sunday night so this is a big difference in just a day or so. The yellow box is all Dirty Taxi, the orange is Dominion G. I just potted that good one from a solo to a 1g. The Frosty McRe-veg is the little one between the boxes.
She's gonna go the long route but looks healthy. Sine she's re-vegging I culled the slower one. Don't need two of those around and this looks healthy.
Since the topping the limbs are popping
This one may still take forever but the limbs look THICK
And this is a fimmish thing on the Headdbanger, there's another sprout or two on the tip.


Insanely Active Member
It absolutely blows my mind when I see people barely affording to live while having a brand new truck or luxury car and recreational toys.
yep, we have a bunch with side by sides on tractor tires, striped front factory ring gears ,don't stand a chance.5 ft. fording depth,1 cat has close to 50,000 in his rig after market front axel housing was 10,000 grand ,my toys are cheap shit compaired to a lot of these guys! and i do my own repairs !


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
yep, we have a bunch with side by sides on tractor tires, striped front factory ring gears ,don't stand a chance.5 ft. fording depth,1 cat has close to 50,000 in his rig after market front axel housing was 10,000 grand ,my toys are cheap shit compaired to a lot of these guys! and i do my own repairs !
I'd like to find the gofundme and donate a few dollars so these poor kids can afford a muffler....