Skunk Hunters


i really hope people are hoarding those beans , maybe 1 day i will get my hands on some of em before they are gone forever!i love the looks of your skunk piss pheno .healthy looking plant!
It's ready to chop.
It's a little stinker for no bigger than it is.
I believe I have another one.
I bumped and got a whiff,
but not as intense yet.
These are mixed seed from 2012 and 2016.
I always get something good out of them.
I was hoping for a couple strong smelling Skunk plants for outdoor season.

I'm still having trouble with the real old seeds sprouting.
I know there is living tissue inside the shells.
I've gotta buy something to help them sprout.
I feel more comfortable working with them now,
cause I don't have to hide the smell. lol
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Insanely Active Member
It's ready to chop.
It's a little stinker for no bigger than it is.
I believe I have another one.
I bumped and got a whiff,
but not as intense yet.
These are mixed seed from 2012 and 2016.
I always get something good out of them.
I was hoping for a couple strong smelling Skunk plants for outdoor season.

I'm still having trouble with the real old seeds sprouting.
I know there is living tissue inside the shells.
I've gotta buy something to help them sprout.
I feel more comfortable working with them now,
cause I don't have to hide the smell. lol
seems like i have had some sprout real quick ,soak for 10/12 hrs paper towel plate warm place let paper towel dry near dry, then spray damp agin ,seem the change in moisture urges em along! Or it could just be in my head, that they do some better at sprouting.


Insanely Active Member
It's ready to chop.
It's a little stinker for no bigger than it is.
I believe I have another one.
I bumped and got a whiff,
but not as intense yet.
These are mixed seed from 2012 and 2016.
I always get something good out of them.
I was hoping for a couple strong smelling Skunk plants for outdoor season.

I'm still having trouble with the real old seeds sprouting.
I know there is living tissue inside the shells.
I've gotta buy something to help them sprout.
I feel more comfortable working with them now,
cause I don't have to hide the smell. lol
sure wish i had that option , not worring about the smell!


These little witches are going to the "gelatine" .
A little bit of "bud rot" spotted
Oh hell!
Bud Rot is "smiling" at me.😲😒 MF'r...

This is the "peculiar smelling" one.
Forgot to take a whole plant pic.
I exterminated the biggest part of "Rot's family".
I'll be back!

I'm surprised more flowers weren't rotten.
Been raining everyday, it seems.
Anyways, this was an unexpected surprised to have these "3 seed in a bottle" turn out like they did.
Should I re veg both of them?


Insanely Active Member
These little witches are going to the "gelatine" .
View attachment 137348View attachment 137350View attachment 137351
A little bit of "bud rot" spotted
View attachment 137355
Oh hell!
Bud Rot is "smiling" at me.😲😒 MF'r...

This is the "peculiar smelling" one.
Forgot to take a whole plant pic.
I exterminated the biggest part of "Rot's family".
I'll be back!

View attachment 137353View attachment 137354
I'm surprised more flowers weren't rotten.
Been raining everyday, it seems.
Anyways, this was an unexpected surprised to have these "3 seed in a bottle" turn out like they did.
Should I re veg both of them?
@NoWaistedSpace ,could very well be worth it!


Dazed and confused
I was scrolling around and did a double take! Those are some pretty flowers I would definitely reveg. I wonder how strong it is, have you tried it? I've definitely seen awesome plants out of bag seed. I hope it's as skunk as can be lol


I was scrolling around and did a double take! Those are some pretty flowers I would definitely reveg. I wonder how strong it is, have you tried it? I've definitely seen awesome plants out of bag seed. I hope it's as skunk as can be lol
I didn't re veg them.
Planes have already been checking on me. lol
They were circling over some other suspects properties.
What I've heard also, is someone around here is trying to sell (claims) AK47 seeds,
30 bucks each. lol
I hope this doesn't get stupid, now that it's legal.

I smoked some of the Skunk yesterday. Untrimmed flower joint. I got a "nose run".
That's how I can tell if I'm smoking good weed.
It needs "homogenized" before I can tell the aroma. (trimmed flower)
It still carries pretty strong Piss esters,
but really needs to cure for a couple weeks.
Once I start smoking it, I can't stay out of it. lol
I stuck it in the "contest flower" jar.
Hoping it will pull in some of that aroma.
From now on, I'm not gonna talk about Skunk.
I'm working with "piss" plants. lol
"Skunk Piss", and "Cat Piss" to distinguish the difference,
from what people are actually calling "Skunk" today.

Road Kill Skunk?
WTF is that?
There's no "smell of death" in any of mine, ever, as I recall.
Busted scent bag, but not "rotting flesh"?

The Cat Piss is my favorite, it's the one I'm looking for, will smell like the bottom layers,
of "soured" saw dust/straw from calves' bedding in a dairy barn.
Make you sick at your stomach when it's disturbed. lol
Reminds me of my grandma's "pickled corn" when I was a kid. 😋

People mention onions, burnt rubber, etc.
There was so much branching
off of those early 80's breeding bag seeds.
Whatever I have, or whatever you have,
is very unique in it's own way.
People just gotta keep looking through their seed stock.
The Spain guys say BSV has the real "shit".
BSV sure dogs Jodrey and that bunch. lol


Master Grower
I didn't re veg them.
Planes have already been checking on me. lol
They were circling over some other suspects properties.
What I've heard also, is someone around here is trying to sell (claims) AK47 seeds,
30 bucks each. lol
I hope this doesn't get stupid, now that it's legal.

I smoked some of the Skunk yesterday. Untrimmed flower joint. I got a "nose run".
That's how I can tell if I'm smoking good weed.
It needs "homogenized" before I can tell the aroma. (trimmed flower)
It still carries pretty strong Piss esters,
but really needs to cure for a couple weeks.
Once I start smoking it, I can't stay out of it. lol
I stuck it in the "contest flower" jar.
Hoping it will pull in some of that aroma.
From now on, I'm not gonna talk about Skunk.
I'm working with "piss" plants. lol
"Skunk Piss", and "Cat Piss" to distinguish the difference,
from what people are actually calling "Skunk" today.

Road Kill Skunk?
WTF is that?
There's no "smell of death" in any of mine, ever, as I recall.
Busted scent bag, but not "rotting flesh"?

The Cat Piss is my favorite, it's the one I'm looking for, will smell like the bottom layers,
of "soured" saw dust/straw from calves' bedding in a dairy barn.
Make you sick at your stomach when it's disturbed. lol
Reminds me of my grandma's "pickled corn" when I was a kid. 😋

People mention onions, burnt rubber, etc.
There was so much branching
off of those early 80's breeding bag seeds.
Whatever I have, or whatever you have,
is very unique in it's own way.
People just gotta keep looking through their seed stock.
The Spain guys say BSV has the real "shit".
BSV sure dogs Jodrey and that bunch. lol
Who is BSV? I’ve got some F2’s out of some Serious AK-47.
Also got some NL’s that should be sprouting up any time, I’m gonna try to make some fems out of the best one I find. They’re big, fat striped beans, probably the biggest I’ve ever seen.


Who is BSV? I’ve got some F2’s out of some Serious AK-47.
Also got some NL’s that should be sprouting up any time, I’m gonna try to make some fems out of the best one I find. They’re big, fat striped beans, probably the biggest I’ve ever seen.
He calls himself "Blue Skies Vienna".
He sounds like he is from the UK.
But, you can't believe anything on the internet anymore.
People just want to make a quick buck,
and will lie, cheat, steal, whatever it takes on here.
He's asking like 150 bucks a pack or some shit.
If that's all he's asking,
then I know he doesn't have it. lol


I had the Jane Doe Skunk from Top Dawg nanner between weeks 5 and 6. Definitely hadd the skunk smell eventhat early, but the hermy thing was also a skunk trait from what I understand, I froze it and am washint it for topical use - who knows?
I've never had any of these old Skunks herm that I've grown. You might of wanted to let it herm and grow those seed out. Take a chance.
I don't like to see herms either but, shit happens.
It doesn't matter what seeds you buy,
they are way too sensitive to stress now a days.
And for you to get herms, I'd chalk it up as bad seed.
(organic grow)


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I've never had any of these old Skunks herm that I've grown. You might of wanted to let it herm and grow those seed out. Take a chance.
I don't like to see herms either but, shit happens.
It doesn't matter what seeds you buy,
they are way too sensitive to stress now a days.
And for you to get herms, I'd chalk it up as bad seed.
(organic grow)
I blame the genetics, not the seed or breeder. I think it's just a known trait of certain skunky strains.


I had the Jane Doe Skunk from Top Dawg nanner between weeks 5 and 6. Definitely hadd the skunk smell eventhat early, but the hermy thing was also a skunk trait from what I understand, I froze it and am washint it for topical use - who knows?
Was that Jane Doe Skunk any good?
I've been breeding Skunk pollen for a few years now. I think I'm finally getting more seeds with the esters.
I'm at about 3 out of every 100 seeds carry the esters.
Another 10 years, and I'll be in business. lol
Last post, I was trying to wake up the thread. Hell everyone out here, has done stole each others weed like every year,
but now there's unsuspecting "newbie" grows falling victim.
They'll learn
Got to keep them close and stay on guard 24/7.
What has happened to this forum? Kinda died all of a sudden.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I'll drop the rest of that pack at some point. I didn't bother smoke-testing 6-week weed. I am still of the opinion that the skunk was really great, because it was being compared to mexican brick weed and other 'long term' weed shipped from far and wide.

The first fresh weed we got was skunky. It was also pine-y. It was sticky.
It was also low-tolerance kids used to mids that got their first taste of some low-end kind bud.
We loved the smell because we associated it with fresh weed and it had little or no seeds.
If you bought a quarter bag all you weren't smoking was stems. That was new not having seed-weight as part of the fraction.
I also gave us the giggles and created memorable stoner moments.
I think the up-side of it was that it was sticky. If you had it squished in a sack in your sock anything sqiushed out of trichomes soaked into the leaves and didn't fall off with the shake because there was none.
But if you gave us a sack now it would not be in a sack.
It would be well dried and cured in a jar and kept in cool temps and won't have that same smell.

As far as the forum there was a contest that I think artificially boosted the participation for a bit. Then when "everybody won" there was no drama to be had after LOL
I think the Superskunk was an attempt to hit it with something to boost the potency and I a few of those cuts had some kick and were held for crops, but it also lost the skunk aroma.
Its been a while since I personally found anything close to the old school skunk we know. Like you seems like potency was gained where the aroma was lost. could have been breed that way for all we know so it can transport easier lol.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Its been a while since I personally found anything close to the old school skunk we know. Like you seems like potency was gained where the aroma was lost. could have been breed that way for all we know so it can transport easier lol.
Could be. I think the mythology about people getting busted for the skunk smell is blown out of proportion. Maybe for a few indoor growers but practically NOBODY was doing that back in the late 70's/early 80's. The people supplying weed that made it around the country grew bulk outdoors. And if you are walki g through the woods and smell a skunk (and are not a stoner) you don't go reporting anything to the cops. and if you are a stoner you probably looked to see if you could find it for other purposes. Major busts happened from helicopters so there was no smells gonna make the guy slingin' packs change what he was growing.

The Skunkman Sam story was that he bred away from the smell because he didn't like it. Period. But it had the smell when he took everything to Amterdam. Neville had the stinky skunk and changed it, Everyone that got the stinky skunk over there bred it to other stuff because they liked haze.

BUT, that wasn't here. There were no seed banks, and you and your neighbor could both have guerilla grows and never know it because no one talked and no one shared anything. Everyone was a potential narc. Better weed with a better effect is what killed skunk. Our own mythology about it is nostalgia. Memories from getting high when weed was scarce. Almost any weed was good weed back then, especially if it still had terps.