The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
But if there's less than 5 slots open I could check another strain or two off the list of un-tried gear. I have a few more of the Snow Cone, But no more Lemon Piff.

I got that spare pack of Chem 91 S1 fom CSI so I get to grow the current plant out for smoke. I'm growing it out bigger and likely taking a clone or two, and that might start the CLHP project - to get one of those above ground and in rotating mom status as I pop more.

The Muttzarella is a definite on the fem side so I may do one for one replacement and drop the Trinity next month as planned, and 5/mo until I get that figured out.

Y'all really didn't need to be here for that, but I may forget in the morning.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Only mine will be empty, same smile though lol.
That's my RSO jar :ROFLMAO:... I'll need a bigger one now that I can re-claim the everclear.

:unsure: actually, since it's not wastefull now I can have lots of little batches of individual strain RSO!

This is decarbed 120m kief of different ages, done in small batches about 5g each. the pucks are 1/2g and 1g, and seem to be aging well in a "cool dry place" like the back of a cupboard. I had bad luck storing stuff in the fridge, lost a few balls of Frenchy-style hash to mold. 51g total. I think I'll do another batch and bring it to 2 zips then move on :ROFLMAO:


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
One of the older harvests that is still getting smoked is the Bees Knees from 707. It's the GMO x Kush Cleaner. The initial funk has mellowed into an aged cheddar. Most of the 707 stuff disappears quick, but I think I got two girls out of two beans, and both were chunky and harvested along with a bunch of other 707 stuff. It ages well. I am sure the others would have too if I had more of them.

Fiddler's Green

Just a regular vato
How many Kush Cleaner crosses have you sampled?
Does it leave the same type of flavor/effect profile?

I know it's hard to say without filling a whole tent of crosses. I guess I'm asking is it worth running a bunch to build the head with some known dank?


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I got two of 5 recovered so I said screw it - close enough. No more random drops unless i get a super low germ rate. I was hopeful but not counting on the three fems, so I basically lost a Sherb and a Snow Cone. One Snow Cone and one Comet Fuel are on the struggle bus but have a taproot and no more shell.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
How many Kush Cleaner crosses have you sampled?
Does it leave the same type of flavor/effect profile?

I know it's hard to say without filling a whole tent of crosses. I guess I'm asking is it worth running a bunch to build the head with some known dank?
I've tried 5 different crosses so far and I couldn't tell you what the Kush Cleaner might be like. I don't think there is much commonality in any of those. So far the GMO, Chem Sis, ChemD, Betsy, and GG4 crosses have all had their own thing going on.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I think the main thing is that he grows and smokes the offspring to know what he can put his name on. But when you get 100,000 seeds from a few plants and they turn out not to be the right cross, that's a lot of hemp seed. If it has any redeeming qualities then letting us have a hunt through it is pretty cool.

I'll trust his judgement on most of the bulk seeds though, not interested. I want to try a Blockhead/Love Candy strain eventually. The Forbidden Fruit x Love Candy might be a decent bulk-hunt if that Potion D'Amour I have going now lives up to expectations. I'll know what the Forbidden Fruit is like, and should be able to tell the Blockhead leaners.

For all I know he has them all in bulk because he hasn't tested them yet. The only regular packs he had of it were the $200 purebred/backcrossed F3 packs. That's listed as out of stock, but I don't think have been in stock yet. They might show up on there soon but that's a steep price for regs if you aren't gonna make another generation and/or breed with them

If the shit male to female ratio can give me one out of ten fire Trinity x 707 OG females (for example) I can sacrifice ten 1g pots to find a girl. And they'll likely be cloners since both parents are in my wheelhouse - and neither pretends to be chem ;). I'm not dropping replacement beans for my duds but I am thinking about firing up the 100w tent again to run a mess of those next drop in addition to the regular drop.

Here's the survivors this round. That's a Chemdog and the Bombthreat HP13 in the closed dome. It has more vents open and the thermostat in it to keep the other dome warmer. It's only set a few degrees above room temp so it mainly heats up at night, but the 1020tray buffer zones seem to be legit.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Nothing to do in the grow tonight other than see that the SHN still hasn't showed sex. It does have a little nub of something though so maybe tomorrow.

On the 707 stuff Kush Cleaner crosses, in the first plant of each I wasn't as impressed with the chem crosses. He doesn't use the 91, except as a line he bred with it so the KC only hit the Chem Sis and Chem D. Chem Power and MayDay.

Both were great smoke but they weren't Chemdog. Since they weren't up to that standard they didn't appeal as much as the Chemdog in the next jar. But for me I will try and keep the Chemdog in stock, and so far none of the crosses have been to that level of just being an all encompasing "fix it" weed for whatever mood you may be in.

So basically, I found my chem, and the crosses need to be way different or they don't matter. I think the UK Cheese cross will be one of those, but most of the rest of the Chem crosses I have are gonna be pack drops and looking for "the one" if it exists.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I have the house temp at 71, and the domes are set to 75. With the lights on the heat mats stay off but the cups have stayed warm. The plants seem to love it. These two were really slow, and based on root progress I think the top one is a bubba leaning plant since they do the slow/tiny thing. After it drinks what's in the cup I'll probably give her a 1/2g pot with some worm friends to play with and see if that helps. Chem91 was slow but normal growth, roots look to be spreading to the edges of the cup and the bottom. The vents are open and the rH low so I gave them a little mist.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The three Raspberry Boogie are hanging with the chunks, and they look likesome Dr Seuss thing from Whoville :cool:
I put the little Girl Scout Breath :unsure: :oops: - I mean, Motor Cookies - I mean - whatever on the shelf because Idon't think she's growing tall much.
I'm about to kill the Sour Hebrew just because it refuses to pick a side. It has two nubby things on the top node, and one looks boy-ish, kind of; and the other looks like it's gonna pop a pistil - or already should have...Damn! No Pat's in my garden!
Stuff is starting to stretch now and get different personalities so that's cool. That Jane Doe in the back looks real dark too. Gotta just be genetics.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Hearing all the horror storries I'm not that bad off. Super cold for here early mornings, but above freezing every day so nothing sustained. Exactly a week of winter LOL
------------------------------ 👆 here is where I plant my early spring crops.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
This is me just doing what the plants tell me. I have been taking more lower limbs early rather than waiting. I think it's seeing a sufficient amount of stuff above it. All lost the lowest 3-toed leaf node limbs. I waited on several to make sure they would do something. A few times I have had to keep every limb, but then all produced. The Sour Hebrew from "Best Coast" was the the triceratops and it was a dude. So far a 5-pack of Step Child, and a 5-pack of SHN have produced nothing but duds, dudes, and mutants that you had to wait longer to just to find out that they're dudes. Fuck them. The JD Skunk back right has short stubby limbs but they all look stout.
The Dirty Taxi was an exception. I was going to just take lowers, but one side of the plant had two runty limbs, the rest were all fine. So this one always goes by the wall! I have 4 of them, no problem! LOL


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
With the cold snap coming I got a crew out to top the 150yo oak that was gonna fall on my house. I think it'll be cool to see what happens up top, but if I have to take down the rest I can do that without worring about roof damage. On the tree standing beside it there were limbs that reached out to my house - super long - so they went too. The stub of a limb pointing towards the removed tree has scared me for the past few winters.
Because it was larger, and it had grown around that limb. Pretty much to the core. With the half missing being the half pointed towards my house.
My veggie garden is gonna have loads more sunshine this year so that's good. But the old cheap bastard didnt want to pay extra to have it removed or cut up, so I have this. Pic from the roof is the best vantage of the monstrosity, but still doesn't do it justice. The super long one was hanging over my roof from the tree behind that pile :oops: Gotta be 30'-40' long. But I am stubborn and I see all this either being terrace breaks on the hill or ground up into wood chips for the garden. I have a battery-op chainsaw that is so much safer than a gas one just by not having a pull-start. And a little electric wood chipper. So I will be self limited into not killing myself trying to do too much at once LOL


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I think most but the huge logs will end up in the garden in some form. I think for the shrooms it needs to age for a year, but that's being considered as well. I have a few low areas that I tried "fencing in" where I already had huge logs as a wall and filling it with limbs and leaves. I am gonna top off those areas and toss logs on top to let it rot, Kind of backwards hugel, but it'll crush those scraggly-ass tiny oak limbs that point in a hundred directions.

I have a bunch of old cloth pots of random sizes I'll be chipping the small limbs into, and anything that won't fit in the chipper is the base for new garden. I don't need firewood, so it goes from hugel to landscaping timbers. I own the top of a hill and my water leaves rapidly. Very rocky soil.