I know a dude in cold ass NY that's growing in a cold ass basement with 4 4x8 tables knocking down 100k a year. 2400 a lb , not sure why anyone would need 4k a pound to turn 9 weeks of electricity into dollars. It makes no sense.LOL...I don't even have a heating system in my house...and we don't have or need A/C here. It just doesn't make sense here to formally heat the garage space unless pounds go back to 4K and that will never happen again here.
Do they still make grow cabinets/boxes? I haven't paid any attention to any of that for years...but for awhile there they were huge. OK...."popular". Might even work now that the LED's are in favor. With HID they were tough spaces to maintain. No zippers though....
If you can't move the product than just say you can't move it and that's that but I know 6 years ago I built a spot with every dollar I made selling weed to make a better spot.