Platinum Lemon Cherry Gelato Contest Shit Talk & Banter


Super Active Member
Heres mine .. waited a little long to transplant the 3 lighter green ones with couple yellowing leaves..
Looking better each day tho.. they'll b fine..
They loving that BAS dirt..
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All are nice n squat.. Topd all but the bottom left one..
Loving the structure on all, especially this one..
Will post more pics once they reach a month in veg..
View attachment 133185
Thx 👊✌looking bad


Super Active Member
I'm feeling inadequate lately.....😎
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Got 3 picked out that look like they'll make it!
Always the conundrum, does the runt give the frost. To cull or not to cull? That is the question.
Serious let the frost begin.
Pics soon come from across the pond.
I expect. Patience, ain't it.
Sometimes less is more.


Big Terps

Growing on a dime
@Big Terps - not sure how we're supposed to coment on pics in the other thread. In your most recent post that is a beautiful plant! That structure just screams "top me here" with those perfectly level 6-8 tops all canopied out.. I agree they must like the soil. My first run with living soil was harsh, but all after that were great. But I mixed my own instead of getting the pre-aged stuff.
Hey dude, how u doing..?
Yes , when i seen how the secondary branching was almost perfectly same height, it quickly became one of my favorites..
If u can top a plant once, and it creates 10 good branches, them are the ones i love structure wise..
Heres a pic with sum dots on the plant to show how many sites and at what height..

I dont run the amount of plants that you do Mr HAF, but ones like this one structure wise, dont happen very often in my world...


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I dont run the amount of plants that you do Mr HAF, but ones like this one structure wise, dont happen very often in my world...
Sorry, but that's what is pretty much a textbook plant, and it doesn't happen in a lot of gardens regardeless of plant count. It still comes down to the smoke but when I see those that grow themselves and tell you what to do I know it's gonna be a worry-free plant.

As far as the 10 tops, I guess it depends on how long you veg, how crowded you want it, if you lollipop them after they grow out a bit, whatever the style is. In my world I look at the number of tops, how long I am vegging, and the pot size I am flowering in. Doing living soil the short veg and flip means I can keep rotating the small pots. But I also need to limit the tops I am expecting to get. Don't want the "fat man in a little coat" going on with the small pots and ginormous plants.

Easier to do trees and say to Hell with it, which is what I do...
unless I get a plant like that...
then I top the bitch and she gets a bigger pot 🤟

Big Terps

Growing on a dime
And @HAF as far as the BAS dirt goes, ive learned to buy 2 bags of the Light Blend soil, and 1 bag of newest BAS 3.0 soil.

The bottom 1/3rd of each 2 gallon airpot gets the 3.0 dirt, with 2 teaspoons of buffalo compost from Grease.

Rest of pot gets filled with the Light Blend..
Depending on veg time, its pretty much water only, with couple top dressings, sum teas..

Its cheaper for myself to just buy the premixed bags of dirt from BAS than to mix my own..

In past id mix my own like yourself , but where im at now, i just dont have the time and space for all the stuff involved in organically producing my amendments( worm bins, compost, etc)

With using the BAS dirt, u can definitely tell at end, that my final product is just better, than when i mixed my own soil imo..
Another thing ive noticed is More flavors and usually get a more defined fade with the BAS imo..
Lastly, i no now if i order from BAS, try to order when theres no sale, just cause of the wait time to get your stuff..
Orderd on black Friday last year and it took almost a month to get 3 bags of dirt.. Order b4 ur out.. lol
Thx ✌

Deleted member 60

I'm playing @treefarmercharlie and moved my reply over here. Let's see if we can get the same convos going on both threads and fuck folks heads up...LOL
I'm planning to flip around 1st of the year.
Bad time of the year for me to grow, but I'll do my best to keep them alive.
The temps can destroy your crop in a matter of days.
I had "fresh frozen" on the vine last winter.

The plants are not happy at the moment..
Humidity is 40% and I'm running a small electric heater which is drying them out even more.
It's not the warm, subtropical rain forest environment they should be living in at this stage.
Not every grow is under perfect conditions.
It sure makes ya realize how having a climate controlled space to start with is about 75% of the "skill" that we think we have. :ROFLMAO:


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
And @HAF as far as the BAS dirt goes, ive learned to buy 2 bags of the Light Blend soil, and 1 bag of newest BAS 3.0 soil.

The bottom 1/3rd of each 2 gallon airpot gets the 3.0 dirt, with 2 teaspoons of buffalo compost from Grease.

Rest of pot gets filled with the Light Blend..
Depending on veg time, its pretty much water only, with couple top dressings, sum teas..

Its cheaper for myself to just buy the premixed bags of dirt from BAS than to mix my own..

In past id mix my own like yourself , but where im at now, i just dont have the time and space for all the stuff involved in organically producing my amendments( worm bins, compost, etc)

With using the BAS dirt, u can definitely tell at end, that my final product is just better, than when i mixed my own soil imo..
Another thing ive noticed is More flavors and usually get a more defined fade with the BAS imo..
Lastly, i no now if i order from BAS, try to order when theres no sale, just cause of the wait time to get your stuff..
Orderd on black Friday last year and it took almost a month to get 3 bags of dirt.. Order b4 ur out.. lol
Thx ✌
I think the soil is like a sourdough starter. When I ammend it I am just mainly adding Craft Blend. There's some insect frass and other things not in that mega-blend, but I mainly re-mineralize. I haven't had to add much pumice - that doesn't go anywhere. And my rice hull mulch ends up in the soil as aeration and volume, and prevents compression. As the volume increases I have added some fresh peat in small quantities if it starts feeling a little dense.

As far as worm bins and compost, I have dialed it back to one worm bin and am putting more compostables outside for the veggies. I have a "Compost" tub that is mainly root mass that didn't decompose before I sifted the soil. Everything gets back to the soil, but in the interest of growing more plants in small pots I can't wait for the roots to do their thing naturally. If a pot was fairly rootbound there's mainly worm castings and rocks left 🤷‍♂️ But it's not really compost as much as it is a long term worm bin tub. I am ditching that project after I sift it next. No reason not to just shove the roots in the regular worm bin.


Active Member
I wish I got my environment on point before I got into the contest. 1 closet got too cold and then when I moved them into a tent it was too much light and they are just evening out now. They are ok but nothing like some of the plants I've seen so far but they are for sure moving along. I'm also dealing with leaf septoria so that's always a blast! I'm excited to see everyone's different pheno expressions in flower. I'm glad I saved some seeds, even though the contest will be over by then I still want to give the PF the best chance they can get.


Super Active Member
I wish I got my environment on point before I got into the contest. 1 closet got too cold and then when I moved them into a tent it was too much light and they are just evening out now. They are ok but nothing like some of the plants I've seen so far but they are for sure moving along. I'm also dealing with leaf septoria so that's always a blast! I'm excited to see everyone's different pheno expressions in flower. I'm glad I saved some seeds, even though the contest will be over by then I still want to give the PF the best chance they can get.
Got a runtz the same. Culled saved the sis. Av tp pull leaves off. Is it a new world thing? Old b less is more.
it. No leaf rot tf no tomatoes


Super Active Member
I wish I got my environment on point before I got into the contest. 1 closet got too cold and then when I moved them into a tent it was too much light and they are just evening out now. They are ok but nothing like some of the plants I've seen so far but they are for sure moving along. I'm also dealing with leaf septoria so that's always a blast! I'm excited to see everyone's different pheno expressions in flower. I'm glad I saved some seeds, even though the contest will be thoughts over by then I still want to give the PF the best chance they can get.
Frost it platt.
UVa last 2 3 thoughts.
kan is flowering. 🍌 loves H
Lone Ranger. Yard and foreign. H plat dat cut.
Platty Ice double zero is it Maroc.
Giv me 3 wks.
If get nicked, change the filter.



Awfully small pots for living soil.
Not trying to defend H.A.F it's just a genuine question.

Why would a pot need to be a certain size for living soil? Only thing i can think is to get the living part started. Let's say you have a trash can or 2 full of living soil that you've "prepped" and got growing and then never really completely emptied it. Obvious stirred it once low or while adding back. I mean your talking about microscopic organisms........ How big of a space do that really need to stay alive if you understand what they need? Idk im a hydro guy so no skin off my back.

Bobby Legit

What smells like a skunk, Dad?
They say a lot of things.

Large beds/pots are great for organics. But you don't need them. It just makes tending plants easier as far as providing the soil what it needs to feed the plant(s). You will have to feed with teas and limit top dressing amounts with small containers. Small containers with organics can be done, but you will need some knowledge to be successful.

I've gotten half pound from (1) 5 gallon living soil container before. Average on that rig was 4-5oz per plant.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Moved it here
I'm not trying to be a smart ass but I've read you want at least 30 gallons of living soil per plant. I'm a hydro guy to I've never attempted organic growing
I've read lots of things - the key is to understand what you read.

If you want to plant one plant after another in the same pot without amending the soil you would need a lot so that there's time for amendments to be broken down for later plants.

I've grown in small pots of living soil for 3 years now - same soil, re-mineralized after each grow. And look - they're green and make weed - an it's no hassle except mixing the soil.