Official Heisenbeans Platinum Lemon Cherry Gelato Contest


Fungas Gnat
Got two of mine moving a little faster than the other two. I had to pull the Kangols off the stubborn ones. A little spot on the leaves from light burn from water droplets. The spray does seem to help them to shed the helmet... I mean the Kangols, only the gangster bitches wear the Kangols.:cool: 20231126_130027 (1).jpg


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I want to see a few true leaves before I up-pot from these mini cups. But my last 4 Chunk-a-dunk are acclimatized to a no-dome environment with the rH about 40%. I'm not gonna get the quickest growth but by picture time I should have some healthy flowers. This (for me) is the time to weed out the weaklings. That little one is doing just fine but she ain't gonna take off. And I'm not gonna have to worry about domes and stuff. They're plants now. That center plant looks to be a different pheno from the rest already.
Here's the Platinum Ice wierdo. All I need is one limb or the top to pop out of there then it's game on.


Ok guys, as of today, we have 5 people who haven't let us know if they've received their seeds or if they've started them. Of those 5 people, four of them haven't logged into the site in over 2 weeks. We also have 2 people who have reported they haven't received their seeds yet. If you are on the list below then please give us an update so we know where you stand.

@Bambam (Last seen Nov 14)
@BlueRidgeGreen (Still no seeds yet?)
@dankyduane (Last seen Nov 13)
@Evergreengardener (Last seen Nov 14)
@homegrowncreations (Just found his seeds at a friend's house)
@Slowdrawl (Still no seeds yet?)
@ttystikk (Last seen Nov 9)


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Got the babies all transplanted regardless of size. The 6 Chunks are all looking great. The late-popping runt may end up culled.
The Platinum Ice is now a plain ol' three-toed sloth. Slow growing but defined now. The initial chrysamthemum hot mess was three leaves all trying to get out at once.


Ok guys, as of today, we have 5 people who haven't let us know if they've received their seeds or if they've started them. Of those 5 people, four of them haven't logged into the site in over 2 weeks. We also have 2 people who have reported they haven't received their seeds yet. If you are on the list below then please give us an update so we know where you stand.

@Bambam (Last seen Nov 14)
@BlueRidgeGreen (Still no seeds yet?)
@dankyduane (Last seen Nov 13)
@Evergreengardener (Last seen Nov 14)
@homegrowncreations (Just found his seeds at a friend's house)
@Slowdrawl (Still no seeds yet?)
@ttystikk (Last seen Nov 9)
Update....just got 5 Platinum seeds in the mail from @Zaphod420.....gottem soaking!
Thx Z....really appreciate it!