The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Getting ready for the next drop and I'm holding off on the Freeborn tester beans. The 5 girls out of 7, with 4 looking like twinsies, I'm gonna have a lot of one type of weed. Never a bad thing if it's good weed, but there can be too much of a good thing if it doesn't age well.

I have a few to drop because I want more, but most are to see what's there. Except for a few strains I have gotten all males from I have almost tried everything I have purchased. Not counting the random freebies. By just doing one fem, or two regs to get a girl I can classify the rest of the pack. If the first plant was mids then I know it's a hunt and finding one good girl might be best I can hope for. If the first plant was fire I'll drop another two or three when I want more smoke.

I know there's big flaws in that logic. I also see the possibility that I already found that one great plant in pack and the next two bean drop might produce mids. No worries. I can see stuff working it's way from the "fire" group to the "hunt" group but not the other way around.

So far I have 2ea of the Watermelon Hustle from Jinxproof because I got dudes first try. The Jalalabad Star x Colombian Red from Coastal is supposed to be some good high school weed. The rest is from Top Dawg. The T-star gets a re-drop because Trinity. Love her. Running low on the Dogma. Out of the T-star. For the new stuff I have his Dirty Taxi, and the Jane Doe Skunk which was a freebie. I am not on a "skunk hunt" but some of it is good smoke. If it's from JJ I know I'll at least get the great smoke even if it's only skunky during part of it's life (or death LOL)


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Just a quick note. Since I am not running testers except ones that I haven't talked to the breeder (freebies) I have gotten out of the habit of smoke reports. I just told the seed dude he can lurk here for pics and whatnot and gave him a link.

Anyway, since I grow lots of random flavors I think reviews on the stuff I grow can be helpful to others thinking about buying seeds. Other than that this is just a grow journal for a guy that likes this kind of stuff.

Sooo if there's anything I have grown and you are wondering how it turned out and I didn't mention it, just ask. The signature block is about the only place I keep track of what I dropped when and when I flipped it.

I tested the second Lime 1 x Jaro today. The first one was the cilantro smelling one and it is top notch. Both are a little harsh on the throat with a big bong-rip, but I think that's the citrus. It's not an unpleasant harsh, but it's noticable. This one is straight lime candy and it has potency.

My initial check on a strain is a wake-n-bake bowl - then go make coffee and ponder the efects. In this instance, the one-hitter did good. I felt the behind the eyes effects and the "OK, wow, I'm high" feeling that I love.

Next check is the decider between top shelf and good smoke. In this instance the second bowl got me higher :cool: I like weed that has a high or no ceiling. Sometimes I like that light head-buzz and go do stuff, but it's good to be able to add to that until you get the right blood chemistry going on.

For effects both of the L1 x J are there. That's all I need to classify the rest of the pack. 2 plants, both fire. I will drop 2 more when I run out, rather than half a pack to find something good.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Here's a random thing I came up with for "sub-par" flower. Getting into these cannagar things and I noticed there's a good bit of weed left in the roach part that is stuffed down in the tip One idea was the glass cigarette tips or one-hitters that would hold the roach well enough to finish it. That works well enough but at some point it's just smoking a roach unless it's Chemdog.

Two ideas came from this. First was just packing the first part of the thing with the mids. Either stuff I didn't like the effects of, or older stuff I won't get around to smoking that might have ended up edibles. The Wedding Cake x Pina that nannered about week 8 but should have gone 9-10. It was an understandably mild buzz but it was there was amazing smell and taste. Nothing that would adversely affectsmoke passing through it with it tightly packed as the first part of the cannagar.

The best for me being a hermit is just packing little one gram-ish nubs that work great with the glass cigarette holder. Little one-inch stubbies that still burn for 20 minutes but smoke like the regular size ones.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
More random stuff. Going through the stash and I have an assortment of OG Kush types, an they are all good. there's two types, the fuelly/gassy type and the dirty hippy headshop smelling type. Beyond that, they are all the same to me. And it's all real potent so it lasts a while. I need toio refrain from dropping any more until I see the need. Especially with all the headband stuff in flower which is supposed to be the LA Pure Kush as a reversed mom.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Been a bit with no plant pics. The change is pretty amazing in two tents. Not this one though. I am waiting to drop the next beans until these are closer to flip-ready. I had an e-Piff-any. The little runty NYC Piff x Lemon Tree fem on the right
would fit nicely in here and take the place of the aloe. She seems pretty light sensitive and is not gonna ever be a large plant. She's a month old and as big as the pot though, so she needs flipped and moved along. It's a damn freebie LOL. This is definitely not the Rev's Deep Chunk. I have trees! Last boy got the axe tonight, took 10 days for the last plant to show from the light change. 3g plastic pots and we'll see how that goes. I think with worms and such the smaller cloth pots would dry out too quick to be good.
The second big change is the Grape Lime x 1st Crown plants. They all have a respectable amount of stretch and are flowering out nice - YUUUUGE leaves on all. The Pink Champs 3 in the back are exactly what i want from 2 girls from the same pack - variety.
The Chemdog mystery plant seems to make this whole tent look sketchy, but it's perfect beyond the crispy top leaves. Both it and the Shoreline are beasts. The front 5 all seem to be popcorn nug plants and I prefer those for the most part. Much better for long term storage. The Croquembouche has ambers, but still lits of milk. It looks done until you scope it.
The Notso closet. The Chemdog cross in here is also the beastiest. the other two look more TK with the skinny limbs and popcorn nugs.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The Croquembouche has ambers, but still lits of milk. It looks done until you scope it.
Fucking stoner. It has some ambers but still lots of clear. There's pistils that haven't even turned yet, but it's hard to see them because they match the bud-frost. The good part is that it's not just stalks. The heads are tiny but I know from experience they have the good stuff in them ;) .


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I expect the next round of harvests to start rolling around as the moon gets full. I think I am gonna drop a few beans to keep me busy, but not trying to fill a tent. I am gonna let stuff empty out and the next real drop will be for the con-tester beans from Heisen, and depending on what shows up I may drop the lot.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I used a larger than usual dose of RSO last night to do a "factory reset" on the system. I woke up about 2am and did stuff for a few hours wired for sound - then slept 'til noon. I feel pretty good now, wth that ear-ringing "hangover" that makes you want to do stuff. I bucked the Sweet 16 mystery cross and it smells like candy. It still needed to dry a little and my room rH is perfect. I set it in a cooler part of the house and is smells delicious!


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The babies are almost ready to flip. Everything is drinking like a fish, even the runts. The two in the middle may get flipped regardless of size. I'm thinking about just flipping this tent then moving the girls to the flower room, rather than jamming them in a tent that's already 12/12.
The NYC Piff got a new pot to see if that helps, but I think it's just a pre-cull experiment. Weak-ass root system. The Deep Chunk are still stretching, but the tops are starting to take shape on a few.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
In my tall-girl closet the Headband x TK is getting a nice fade on. The Headband x Chem91 is starting to do the chemdog thing That makes me happy because I know my plants aren't deficient in anything - it's just Chemdog.
It has way more bulk than the dog though, this is a hand grenade
But is has the same trichomes - less of them and they all look fat. Lots without stalks too.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I wonder how tight the nodes would be on the DC if they received more intensity.
I was thinking about moving them to a regular flower tent - then I remembered they are loving this. If it ain't broke don't fix it. I'll ride this out and see how they do. I have the other half of the pack, and it's not like I need a big reason if I want to buy more beans. After I do this one as planned I may do the others split up between regular and low-wattage.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I have no veg.

I flipped the Macchiato tent to sex them then it goes back to veg. I have the mini tent with the two 65w lights ready for the next batch of seeds, but I think I am waiting until the Heisien testers show up. The Macchiato tent girls will be sexed, potted and moved by then and letting stuff gradually clear out lets me drop more of those when the time comes.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
These two hit 70 days on the 25th. The Spyrock Special Hashplant x Baguettes could probably go 11 weeks, but the full moon is on the 28th so it might be 73 days.
The Croquembouche is gone tonight. Lights just came on so I'll stick her back in the dark somewhere until I can get to it.
She has a few ambers and lots of milk, but it looks like the next round of "please let me make beans!" pistils are about ready to curl out.
This is just a zoom on the above pic. I bet it could go longer but my luck one of those new "pistils" would be a late nanner and I'd miss it.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I should mention that I check trichs with a loupe. I like to get pics of the lowers to zoom in on because I can steady my arms on the pot for a clear-ish pic. In most cases these are the least ripe on the plant, but the best pics.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Wanted to make sure I got at least one half ass pic outside the tent before I gaver her the axe and hung her. That bit up top is what I was talking about. I thought it was a nanner - which at 10 weeks while I am scoping trichs is not a biggie - but it's a stack of about 5 stigma just currling out. There's a handfull on every top nug like a last ditch effort to get sex. So it was time to chop her while the nugs are still pretty. Extra hairs just make it burn hotter and taste a little off.