End prohibition

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Nerd Gone Vertical
Except that he's an idiot because the feds cannot legalize anything. They can reschedule, deschedule, and/or decriminalize what they have criminalized - regulating weed is a states by state issue which is why we have what we have now.

If the feds do what they can, THEN the states that are hesitant no longer have illegality as an excuse. That's all.
I'll take it! That's one whole hell of a lot further than anyone else has been willing to go, right?


Nerd Gone Vertical
What ? You mean the lying to you part so you vote for something they can't do? How is that going further? They all lie.
I don't think Dr West is lying to me or anyone. He knows what his chances are and what the job is.

I'm done with the career liars- and we all know the two major parties are crammed full of them.

Remember; it's not my duty to vote for someone because the other guy might be worse; it's THEIR job to convince me they're the best person to vote for.

I cannot and I will not vote for the architect of modern mass incarceration. Cornel West has made the end of that awful policy the centerpiece of his platform. "I stand for the least of these," he says. Well, I'm a lot closer to homeless than I am to being a billionaire and it's well past time everyone in the same boat as me started acting like it at the polls.

I'm not going to drive into a political discussion here out of respect for forum rules; I'm voting for the person who will best serve my interests in government.


Insanely Active Member


Insanely Active Member


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
And there it is. Play the "taxes for the children" card. This is how Kalifornistan went over the cliff and is now a communist paradise for the wealthy and the homeless - paid for by those in the middle that cannot benefit from any of the things they have to pay for.

Deleted member 60

Colorado gave some concessions to get our weed law (rec) passed. Supposedly the tax revs go to schools/parks/etc....a lot like lottery $$$ are supposed to do and gamblin' dollars are su[pposeed to do. (sin taxes and shit, as always) Where the $$$ really goes...LOL...I dunno. All I know is that I don't help fill the tax coffer/don't shop at the State/clown run dispos...so it isn't my worry. As long as I can do "me"...they can do whatever they want. My county doesn't allow any weed-related businesses but they do get tax $$$ from it all just the same...so...um...whatever. They are muy good conservative hypocrites...yes they are.
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