The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I dropped the 9 Deep Chunk and the 3 CLHP by the light of the blue moon and got them in soil this morning. Several of the DC had tails popping, didn't see anything from the CLHP. I'll still be dropping on schedule in 2 weeks. Just 12 regs, but If I don't get at least one of the 3 CLHP I am busting open a pre-hurricane pack to get one going. Might even drop 2 and just hold back on 2 of the regs.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
How do you weigh the plants after chopping?
All the stuff I buy now that I ain't buying nutes - I broke down and bought a hanging scale - mainly because you reminded me :LOL: I never remember shit like that when I am buying stuff. I think about it once or twice a month at harvest time - if I have a large plant. I just got a cheap ass digital Chinese thing for as much I'll use it.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Quick update - mainly pics. I have three fem 2g plants to up-pot, but I flipped the three remaining regs when I dropped the Deep Chunk, I have one corner of a tent just small pots. Th Notso x TK is the giant in that tent that will go in the tent with the Chemdog next watering. Might have to prune and tighten up some plant to make it fit. I have some giant jurassic fan leaves and it's getting to be a shade problem on some of the plants. There was a bad helmet head on one of the Deep Chunk, and I broke off half a coty being a dumb-ass. On the cup plants, all the green tags are the Grape Lime testers. Wide variety including a whorled one.


Insanely Active Member
Quick update - mainly pics. I have three fem 2g plants to up-pot, but I flipped the three remaining regs when I dropped the Deep Chunk, I have one corner of a tent just small pots. Th Notso x TK is the giant in that tent that will go in the tent with the Chemdog next watering. Might have to prune and tighten up some plant to make it fit. I have some giant jurassic fan leaves and it's getting to be a shade problem on some of the plants. There was a bad helmet head on one of the Deep Chunk, and I broke off half a coty being a dumb-ass. On the cup plants, all the green tags are the Grape Lime testers. Wide variety including a whorled one.
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those are the ,blue moon drops, right?


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
those are the ,blue moon drops, right?
Just the Deep Chunk, and the three-pack of CLHP that has a very low germ rate. If I get one or three that's fine with me, but I am not counting on them. If they don't give me a plant I'm opening one of my several pre-hurricane packs that never went through a power outage and no AC in the middle of summer for next drop.

The Deep Chunk was just for giggles. They are gonna veg for too long to be counted as a regular 'drop'. They would just fuck up my rotation. So I plant to have them under low light and shaded. They were selected for outdoor shade plants to hide from the helicopters. When they eventually get to a point where I can flip and get some flower and not a little chunky mass of no-node-spacing bud-rot flower I'll adjust what I drop that month to compensate. I am gonna try letting everything get pretty rootbound before each up-pot, and up-pot in small increments. 9oz cups to 18oz, then to 1/2g, then 1g. By then they should be flippable.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Dropping a dozen regs per month gets me 6 girls to flower (roughly)

I can fit 9 plants per flower tent if they are kept small, so 18 plants max, plus the closet for overflow and/or tall plants.

4wk veg and then only taking up the space the girls will fill when I flip means that 6/mo on a 4 month rotation keeps

4 weeks in the veg area, then up to 12 weeks in flower means 6 girls per month is the sustainable "rotation" number I shoot for. Sometimes I get less and make up for it next drop, or I get too many and make them fit. But so far it has worked pretty well.

I have had up to six 5g plants in the closet, or all of the flip plants, so it's a great add-on to have - but not factor into the math. Having three veg tents has been unnecessary except for growing other plants besides weed, which is one reason for the Deep Chunk project. After the DC (if it works) then the lineup for runty broadleafs will start and that will be the tent the Lemon Tree, Catpiss and any other runts that can't keep up with the pack grown alone.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
4wk veg and then only taking up the space the girls will fill when I flip means that 6/mo on a 4 month rotation keeps...
Someone got stoned LOL

Keeps regular harvests happening and not having too much empty floor space as plants get choped.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
All 9 Deep Chunk popped. One was a no-show, but when I excavated it was a curly root and a helmet-head. Shell popped right off and the tail got buried. We'll see. None of the CLHP popped.

I finally said to hell with it. I had five 3-packs of CLHP left. I almost tossed them in the hemp-seed bin for sprouted seed tea, but if they won't sprout... :unsure: 🤷‍♂️ then there's not much point

I have 6 full packs of the goods remaining so if these all crack I do a sea of green early-flip. Better than a SST.

I have all 15 in water with just a dash of Rootwise. After the 18-24hr soak they will go into a paper towel until I see a tail or not.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Been pretty busy, and did some introspection while gardening after "winning" seeds - that I bet end up being auto's - which I probably "won" because I was the first one to bash the effects of autos in chat. Then I realized I was arguing with people I didn't know about shit that don't matter LOL

So I am swearing off my almost OCD addiction to watching all the cannabis podcasts. There's a few I'll keep an eye on but no chat LOL

Anywhooo Starting from the bottome we have the Deep Chunk. Looking great for jusrt being a week since they met water. The one I broke the coty on is fine (I left it on the soil, middle left), but the curly-Q root one didn't take. so there are 8. Lower left it looks l;ike those nodes are wantoing to stak up real tight already.
So I switched which 65w light they are under. For most drops I would be adding the second one. I may even rig some sort of shade cloth to see how that works. I have the side vents open, and with the tent closed that muffin fan venturi's some air circulation in the dome. When I had the dome full the ones by the vents would dry out on top first so I know it works. I have a four inch "Inline exhaust booster" fan on low, sucking from above that righthand light.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I got the babies into 1g. The Pink Champs crosses are the lower three on the right. Middle one has a funky cabbage leaf thing going on. The two on the lower left with black tags are the two fems, And the upper two rows minus that fem are the Grape Lime testers.
I have some variety in them. Lower right had the cabbage leaf thing again, and next to it there is whorled node #2. It only had 2 coty's and seed leaves, then triplets. The other 5 are like regular weed.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
And in flower I have the Chemdog at 11 weeks and coming down in the morning. Checked the trich pics and going back to set her out in the dark until morning.
The foxtailing and plumping have met my approval - big knobby buds shrink a little but they protect the overall flower after dried.
Fugly though ;)
I got the 2g fems up-potted. The Chemdog mystery cross got a 7g because she's huge. The Sweet16 cross got a 5g because she'a already flowering good and doesn't look to go long. The Bubba cross got a 5 because she's tiny. Her and the Dank Sinatra make bookendson their little shelves.
The last 1g is a Croquembouche and is just showing sex. It was the runty one and may be a girl. The other one and the SSHP cross were dudes.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Are you going to rotate the Deep Chunks to keep them from leaning?
That is the plan for now, but so far there isn't enough light for them to lean to so they are pretty good.
I have the Ground Cherry tent cleared out enough to stick them under the edges of the plant around the pot. The ramen tray has two days worth of cherries. I water every two days and give her a good shake before watering to pick up any ripe ones.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I had to rearrange for height. One of the Lime1 had to leave the closet to make room for the Notso TK. She has a top stacking now so I think the stretch is done except for a few inches of top. IMG_6606.JPG
The Chemdog mystery plant graduated to this tent as the second Lime1 got demoted.
The runty Croquembouche was a girl so now I have two and the SSHP for the aficianado Baguettes crosses. I think I may have some 8-weekers for a change since stuff is flowering up pretty quick.
Of the cover crops I have tried, the morning cglory has been a surprise. Didn't know if they would bloom inside but they do. I don't know if the buckwheat will make grains, but it's doing it's job covering. Instead of chopping I have just pushed it down where it gets too high.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
All these are doing good. The lowerr left is a "walking onion" that is supposed to make little baby onions on top of the flowerr stalk instead of flowers - then they get heavy and fall over and root - so it 'walks' to spread. I bouthr the 3-pack of bulbs (pictured) and a 10-pack of the "bulbils" that are doing fine but noticable smaller. I expect them to take longer to fruit.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I changed things up and waited until a few hours before lights out to water. The two Croquembouche are front center and right. They both seem to have reached their DLI and are turning the fan leaves sideways to avoid excess light. If they show any issues I may dim the tent a bit, but the lights are high.
Here is the hack I have for not having to lift plants at odd angles, like leaning into a tent. One extra plant caddy, and the rig I have to support the plants and make everything pretty stable has it right at the height of the zipper. Slide the plant outside then I can lift it and give them a 360 and all while sitting on my ass.
The Durban Poison is fading fast, but not showing any brown pistils yet, maybe a hint of them changing a little. But my dumb-ass put it in a 5g pot instead of a 7g, knowing that it could easily be a 12-weeker. To try and help this I put a layer of worm casting all asrount the pot about an inch thick except right around the stem, then added more rice hulls.