Let’s talk movies!


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
New movie that does't completely suck!

The Machine is based onthe comedy sketch by Bert Kreischer where he is on a class trip to Russia. It's like an old Chevy Chase movie meets John Wick. Not at all what I expected.

Deleted member 2835

New movie that does't completely suck!

The Machine is based onthe comedy sketch by Bert Kreischer where he is on a class trip to Russia. It's like an old Chevy Chase movie meets John Wick. Not at all what I expected.
No shit huh? Wasn't aware that they made it into a movie.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I just watched a documentary that was mathmatecal and basically should have been boring - but was amazing.

The Colours of Infinity (1995) is about fractal geometry, and the Mandelbrot "M-set". And if you get really high it's even better.

It's made by Arthur C. Clarke that wrote the 2001 Space Oddesy books and when it gets past the computer stuff which is visually cool it get's into the nature/space aspect and it mentally cool.