The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I got my wires crossed on the tester beans. It's right in the signature block.

The Pink Champagne is the one I bought - but it is the one with the G33 and Cherry Limeade.

The testers ae the Grape Lime x 1st Crown. I assume it's Grape Lime Skunk. There will be another show about those MMK x Headband fem testers and if I can catch it live I'll get some answers. Never heard him talk about the "1st Crown" but it might just be a name he gave a male from another strain.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I am going to have way more of that Ducksfoot than I need. I think the long cure is gonna be a thing, and if it has that trippy fun high at the end I don't want to miss it. But having so much I am thinking about different ways to do that long cure that might enhace it.

One thing I am considering is how well some brick-weed that was treated well before compression held up through transport and eventual distribution to be memorable weed. I have a vacuum sealer and I am thinking that a nice brick will be one version of the long cure.


Insanely Active Member
I am going to have way more of that Ducksfoot than I need. I think the long cure is gonna be a thing, and if it has that trippy fun high at the end I don't want to miss it. But having so much I am thinking about different ways to do that long cure that might enhace it.

One thing I am considering is how well some brick-weed that was treated well before compression held up through transport and eventual distribution to be memorable weed. I have a vacuum sealer and I am thinking that a nice brick will be one version of the long cure.
don't let it show moist, in the vac bag , mold problems .will ruin it.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
100% germination. I had a helmet head before lights out and spritzed it with water to keep it moist. Lights on it had split far enough to be flicked off easy. I have one more that's on there too tight to fuck with for now. just hitting it with a spray of water whenever I think of it.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
don't let it show moist, in the vac bag , mold problems .will ruin it.
I burp my storage containers more for aroma therapy than the air exchange. I hang stuff until it's dry. And for the Ducksfoot was so fluffy that it probably hung for longer than needed,


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Good idea! Lights out is wasn't an issue but the light will make it dry quicker.

I blenderized some fresh aloe to go in tonights watering. I can definitely strain some of the leftover to get it through a sprayer.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Most of the stuff that is older is at 8 weeks now. The only bad news was a top-nanner on the BBW. It's a chem-on-chem cross so I guess that doesn't surprise me. I plucked it and am watching close. She could probably do with another week or two, but does have lots of milky heads. If she has to go now I think it would still be good smoke. They say the Chemdog is best around 10 weeks, but if you pull it at 8 weeks the potency is much higher, but the all around high isn't as good.

I had to rearrange again since the trees are still stretching. Fruit Jam and the early flowering Lime1 are in here with the Dog. She has beautiful leaves wherever the light doesn't hit. I am wondering if a shade-cloth would do the trick to keep her healthier looking?
Older plants and the shorter Lime1 in here. If she stretches a little more the Chemdog comes in here and the trees are in the closet. Might do that anyway for airflow.
The Cream and the Lemon Tree are on deaths door. I flipped 5 of the 6 fems, the Bubba cross is real short and will hang out with the 2 other Croq's and the other SSHP to play catch up. Flipping that WiFi OG in the 2g then up-potting later worked OK but the 2g pots are history. No clue what I was thinking. Fucking stoner. But I can wait to see how many of the 4 regs pop pistils before messing with them.
The Lemon Tree is 8 weeks tomorrow so I was using that as the barometer, along with the fact that both moms went 8 weeks. I think I'll be letting them soak up tonights watering real well and pull them tomorrow after lights out. Both have some newer growth up top, so these pics are not what I am basing my judgement on. Just some frosty goodness. Some have examples of what I am seeing in person
The Cream
And the Lemon Tree
This is at the bottom of the plant, and there are an amber or three in the nooks and crannies,
but the biggest percentage is opaque, plump, and juicy looking.
IMG_6405 (2).JPG


Insanely Active Member
I just went to check on it and perform the above mentioned maintenance, and the shell slid right off. Good idea with the aloe for next time though
thanks peps, i like the plan my thumb nails are rather , blunt was a time i would grab a seedling up and get the hull off, or behead the the plant.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Getting the last Irene clone bucked and found something cool. I have little 5qt paint pails that are just for dry sift, with the accessories I have found that fit them. I stick the sugar leaves in the "bucket" screen with handles, then the powdered sugar/250m screen over the top keeps the dust out. I work the crispy leaves across the bucket screen to get leaf crumbs and the sugar screen to get most of the veg out before it hits the real sift screens.
That is just to set the stage. I had this setting under the plant as it hung. It had a few of the sugar leaves in it I plucked before hanging it. But that's not a 'thing, it was just random to get the bucket out of the way. I pulled the plant and the bucket and noticed a glob that looked like rosin on that sugar screen.

As I am snipping off the main limbs I noticed this on one of the lower limbs.
When I wiped the drip off the screen it was sticky like rosin, not watery like plant juice.
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Bobby Legit

What smells like a skunk, Dad?
Getting the last Irene clone bucked and found something cool. I have little 5qt paint pails that are just for dry sift, with the accessories I have found that fit them. I stick the sugar leaves in the "bucket" screen with handles, then the powdered sugar/250m screen over the top keeps the dust out. I work the crispy leaves across the bucket screen to get leaf crumbs and the sugar screen to get most of the veg out before it hits the real sift screens.
View attachment 129882
That is just to set the stage. I had this setting under the plant as it hung. It had a few of the sugar leaves in it I plucked before hanging it. But that's not a 'thing, it was just random to get the bucket out of the way. I pulled the plant and the bucket and noticed a glob that looked like rosin on that sugar screen.

As I am snipping off the main limbs I noticed this on one of the lower limbs.
View attachment 129881
When I wiped the drip off the screen it was sticky like rosin, not watery like plant juice.
View attachment 129880
That's interesting man. Never seen anything like that before.


Getting the last Irene clone bucked and found something cool. I have little 5qt paint pails that are just for dry sift, with the accessories I have found that fit them. I stick the sugar leaves in the "bucket" screen with handles, then the powdered sugar/250m screen over the top keeps the dust out. I work the crispy leaves across the bucket screen to get leaf crumbs and the sugar screen to get most of the veg out before it hits the real sift screens.
View attachment 129882
That is just to set the stage. I had this setting under the plant as it hung. It had a few of the sugar leaves in it I plucked before hanging it. But that's not a 'thing, it was just random to get the bucket out of the way. I pulled the plant and the bucket and noticed a glob that looked like rosin on that sugar screen.

As I am snipping off the main limbs I noticed this on one of the lower limbs.
View attachment 129881
When I wiped the drip off the screen it was sticky like rosin, not watery like plant juice.
View attachment 129880
Are you sure that isn’t guttation?A plant I grew years ago did this, and it was sticky, but it tasted like thick sugar water to me.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Are you sure that isn’t guttation?A plant I grew years ago did this, and it was sticky, but it tasted like thick sugar water to me.
I didn't taste it, but I snipped those few leaves off as a bowl topper and it smoked like hash - but I guess that amount of honey or something would as well.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I found a green that will work well here for all my lettuce needs. It has the leafy part for sandwiches or salads, but the stalks hold up in soup or sauce like celery. I let about a dozen plants go to seed. a few fell over and in the heat of summer I got beautiful new growth, some making it's own seed. It's called "mizuna" and at first it was a single plant like any one of those branches. I snipped off older leaves as it grew, and to this day the local bugs have avoided it. Tasty too.
In my veg tent I have fruit!
ripening now and I'm getting a handfull every day.
It does spread out though
The new babies are all great
None of the regs have shown sex, and the 2g fems seem happy enough for now.
This selection of girls is [L to R] the Dank Sinatra, the Wedding Cake x Pina, the Wifi OG cross back corner, and the Durban Poison.
The other newbs are the Fruit Jam (Betsy cross) back left, and both Lime 1 x Jaro.
I am hoping to put off re-potting the 2g fems until I get two of these chopped, then go with 7g pots for all. The BBW
had one nanner then nothing and looks to go full term. The Obama Care had a few nanners and got chopped. Nice chunky buds that smell great though. Chemdog is obvious, and the Chromatic is looking stellar for being the same age.
The yellow tomatillos are starting to come in now. The purple shaded ones are peppers. Crazy similar.IMG_6440.JPG
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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The Big Bad Wolf [front left] is definitely done at or before the full moon on the 30th, which is also the 10wk mark for her and the Chemdog. The Chromatic was flipped a few days behind but will also get a close look at the full moon. She has fresh pistils all over but the older growth is looking good. I started the re-population of this tent with the Wifi OG and the Durban from the other tent.
Major up-potting and still two to go. I need to sift more pots and re-ammend before the last two get a pot. They are the slower of the fems, and on re-pot all three fems held together but they were by nomeans rootbound. so I can re-amend and let it rest a bit before worrying. The WC x Pina is the last tall one and moves with the next harvest. The Dank Sinatra can then come off the high chair and we're back to a canopy. Depending on if the up-pots stretch much more.

When unfolding a new 7g pot that I happened to get from Dagga a freebie 5-pack of feminized beans from Monkey Dog fell out 😜 Blue Jack City = Blueberry x Jack Herrer.
The two Lime1 x Jaro and the Fruit Jam are beautiful trees. Big fat jurassic fronds off the main stem and I left them where I could. The front Lime1 has almost no branching, but the flower sites all the way to the bottom are getting plump.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I still have the Bubba Kush unknown cross and three more regs to flip. There's a normal SSHP x Baguettes and a Croquembouche, then the runty Croq. I moved the ground cherry to the other tent and it'll be a shade tree for the Deep Chunk as babies if it still lives.
and the babies from the new moon. They already had their stress test. I have exhaust ventilation in the mini tent, but the vent screens got pushed closed and I didn't notice until I had the second light on for a few days. They were loving the heat until they weren't. 2 days of good ventillation and they're fine now but a few got wonky seed leaves out of it.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Very stoned and considering the next drop, which is tomorrow. It's an 'off-cycle' full moon drop planned mainly to get the Deep Chunk started on their shade-grown journey. One dome with my little cups is a 12-bean drop, and so far that has worked best for me.

I have 21 Deep Chunk. CSI is very generous in the variety of free stuff he gives away, but he's OCD when it comes to counting beans. If the pack says 7 you'll by God have 7 beans in there every time LOL

But I am about variety and I want to get another CLHP going. So I am gonna do 9 of the Deep Chunk, then another of the post-hurricane 3-packs of the CLHP. Maybe the blue moon is what they need to get going. If I don't get germination from those 3 I'll be adding one of the pre-hurricane beans to the regular new-moon drop


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
After watering everything last night I pulled the Chromatic and the Big Bad Wolf. I stripped them "hang ready" and got all the supports off so this morning it was just a snip, wet weight, then hang. Oddly enough both plants weightd exactly 230g wet. The Chromatic gave me a bucket of leaves with sugar at the base of the leaves. The BBW had zero. All compost. The BBW (ChemD x Chem91) had a few nanners, but the Chromatic was just done. I set them outside the tents but then shut the door to keep the cat out. Let them get their night time before harvest and soak up some water for the slow-dry. I had the lights for the three late flowering girls (back left tent) dimmed all the way which is abut 50%. I bumped that back up after seeing this pic and how dim it was compared to the closet. I bumped the closet down from 80% to 60%. IMG_6503.JPG
The Fruit Jam and the two distinct phenos of the Lime one x Jaro. The back one could be a twin to the Fruit Jam. Just a regular tree with chunky main cola and a lower canopy of tops. The front one has no branching except one at the very bottom, and all nugs look the same top to bottom.
The Chemdog is also at 10 weeks as of today. I couldn't bring myself to chop it. She has at least two weeks to go. based on the bulk of new growth and the pistils just browning a bit. There's some ambers on the old growth so I may change my mind, but this may end up being super couch-locky. I may have to pop another sooner rather than later. I stripped all the fans as I was deciding, and everything getting light might change things more rapidly.
Probably getting the last two fems in regular pots shortly. Not really a hurry since they are not drinking everything between waterings.
I have three varieties of beans producing now that were planted in the spring. The Chinese red noodle bean and the Thai long soldier bean have pithy pods that I don't think would be great eating, so they are shelling beans, The Thai looks like a black eye pea and is flowering like mad now, but the noodle bean is a novelty. Same size beans as the other pod, and about the same number. Just more bio-mass and not very prolific. It's flowering more too now so we'll see. The red ripper cow-peas are the third and I have some in the salsa garden and 2 massive bushes in the future garden. I am getting about a 1/4c of them every day shelled, and they are basicly a field pea, not a green pea. And very tasty. I have missed a few and they dried on the vine so I have a pack of seeds to plant now.