The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Worked my ass off last few days winterizing the garden, drying herbs etc, as well as tending the tents. I snagged some pics I still need to post but I always check/crop everything first to make sure no incriminating evidence :cool:

Anyway, the Savage Headband mutant two-top that bifurcated on its own at about node 2 - Straight fucking FIRE! I got over 36g dry from two limbs, all dense but not rock-hard - purrrr-fect. Just the two tops here.

I did a test smoke and I'm fucked-up-er than a football bat.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Hit 'post' before I meant to - fuck it. Still fucking high :ROFLMAO:
The other SH hit 11 weeks today. I shall go snag it before lights-on this evening and get her hung. I was thinking about letting it go and go just to see since I have the room, but she's milky and has a few ambers. The spurt of late growth was the only question, but fuck that. I think it might be a scary/unpleasant high if I let it go too long.

I have basically had it more on nanner watch than trich watch. I have spent probably an hour total over the past week louping the new pistils popping because they looked like nanners. She's been ready-ish but the new growth is uniform all over. But after bucking and jarring the sister and getting a taste the decision is made.

Did I mention I'm high?
Thunderhole - The Shit. I will open pollenate the pack. Hit in the face with a spicy-dank pine tree.
Polecat91 - Great, chemmy skunky, more fun high.
Savage Headband - Amazing! Spicolli buzz.

So Dominion has not given me anything bad in reg form. The Space Queen fem (Romulan x C99) that nannered hard about week 5 of flower. Also a Mountainberry fem dud, so I still haven't smokesd either fem - maybe that's not his thing.

But the Polecat and the SH seem to have fire in every bean. That's mom plants. I'll pop one bean at a time and keep the first girl for a while. No need to chuck.
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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
This is as of last night. With the SH gone I moved the Lemon Cello fem into the other tent to even things out.
I stripped all the lower stuff off of everything. Last John Lemon was a girl, so she went into the por of the Reveille I had to cull. And the Lemon HP cross tossed lower nuts. I snipped limbs instead of culling because I want a taste - but it may be gone tonight. No worries. It was one of two - out of a 25 pack that should be hunted, not selectively grown I think.
The next round is looking pretty good. The triploid Machine is getting zero stretch. Might end up a 3-top.
The ChemD is stretching but not giving me secondary limbs. First goal will be to get that top good an clone-able, then let the shoots grow. If I can get a mom clone game over. The Stones in the back are still the long-veg project I mentioned. Clone and re-clone over a couple of months to age the plant before flipping, sexing a set at some point and culling males. So this is really only 5 regs.
The Milk and Sugar is another that has no desire to grow, but is healthy as fuck. I dug in there and stripped the bottom two nodes to let it spread out a bit. each has a mini shrub of a sprout pushing everything up. So I have no clue if it's praying, or just propped up in church pretending to pay attention ;)
This is the burpers. The Pam x KMR and the Lime1 Grape Soda Skunk x Wilson are now cured. I don't stick any of it in the weed fridge unless it earns a spot now. I think alll of this will. I make notes on the lid every time I burp it and smell something identifiable - or if there's a buzz-thing that's notable. Like, was it situational or can I expect a little nervous/anctious feeling from the Headlites?
So whenI am only getting half a zip from the MK Ultra, or less than an ounce from several - it really doesn't matter. Also, having similar terp profiles stored in the same tin doesn'e seem to matter. My sniffer was on point the other cool morning and I was pegging some smells down.n The Freakshow smells like a Halls cherry cough drop, including a little of that noze-burn ou get from the menthol. The Pam x KMR smells just like that Kraft cheese powder. and right next to ir the LGSS x Wilson smells like lucky charms. That toasted grain/sugary smell.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Here's one for ya... I like a little dry sift, but the amount I get compared to the amount I use is way out of proportion. I only get a gram or two per plant because they are so small, but never smoked all that before I had new stuff. So I started decarbing most of it to use as edibles. You can stick one of those little silicone oil barrels in the Ardent and you don't have a mess to clean up even if you decarb oil.

So one time I did this and the kief melted in the barrel. That's the larger blue one top right. I thought that was pretty cool so I saved it instead of washing it and cured it like hash. And a few months later it smoked like hash! I have started being more attentive to a good sift, and decarbing in multiple little barrels for the different grades in case I find more gold. It's like a lazy-temple-ball if you find the right plant, and seive grade.
The MK Ultra did the same. If the smoke isn't that great I'll sift that half ounce and decarb it ;)

In the middle the headlites and the Puna Lites both gave me massive glove hash. That's the separate little tub. Those will just stay skinny and get stuck in a joint. Those rolling machines make that easy. Those snakes may dry out brittle and not stay soft since they are full of impurities pistils, leaves) and not finely sifted.

The G13Genius is the lower left one that almost got there, and with a little heat and pressure would/will be hash. The cool thing is that since I already separated it all, I can try each as an edible separately and see if there's noticably different effects. With hash it's generally in the 60-80% THC range. That means that 0.1g of it is 60-80mg THC


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
My mostly non-weed room... In here I have the Purple Heart. It's a 1:1 and I'm not really that excited about it. But is is from Rasta Jeff so there's hope. Now that I have room I'll stick it in a pot when I get all my soil sifted and re-mixed. I have done no trainint on those vines other than to un-snag one from the electric cable at first.
Other than having some Thai basil ready to take a few leaves for a stew, the main thing going on is the Mexican Sour Gherkin.
It is labeled a cucumber, but it looks like a mini watermelon and tastes exactly the same, but like if you bite into the rind a little. Idon't know if the one I tried got ripe, because they did for shit outside here. Apparently they are good in tents? Here's one I snagged before the freeze from the outside vine - those are all cherry tomatoes of various sizes...
In the mini tent the Chem91 is still being a little bitch. I may move it into the closet and see if the different environment is better.
The others are ready for new pots in a few days. I tried my new trick of raisint each of them and adding a little new soil underneath.
The ramen tray in a rotisserie chicken tray 😜 🤷‍♂️ is working great to sprout some barley and stuff. I want to start snipping and adding tothe worm bins, and setting one down for the cat to play with works too. No soil. I just soak it then drain it a few hours later once a night. Any of you vegans I have wheat-grass for sale! LOL


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Stoner epiphany

Black ash - bad, white ash - good.


Based purely on fire science white ash means that the fuel (vegetable matter) has been fully combusted. There's nothing left to burn. Black ash leans more towards charcoal, and there is particulate matter that has not combusted.

the fucking magical butter machine kicking on when you're distracted is fucking annoying! 😂

Translated to weed, we are not bio-mass farmers. We are oil farmers. The stuff we want is on the outside of the vegetable matter as far as smoking goes.

Take that same weed that had white ash and use a flattish bowl, then flash the flame over it or hold it far enough away that you don't touch flame to weed. Or even if you do get it burning cap and remove the bowl and clear the bong before the cherry is close to being out.

Your flavor level will be much better even if you get that toasted taste. You will gt a nicer hit, and the previously white ash will be darker... you can essentially vape with a bong. Or heat the outside of the bowl even.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I say as far as smoking goes because used for topicals, tinctures, etc. the stuff that's in the plant and even the roots is all beneficial - it just don't get you high.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I agree with this when the product is vaped but, if you want to smoke it from a joint, then you want something that burns cleanly and completely.
That has more to do with the dry, cure, and grind than anything else. Unless it's so greasy it clogs in a joint. I just mean as far as the claim that flushing will make a difference.

For example: damp weed will not burn clean with white ash. Don't care who grew it, or how. Conversely, perfectly dried and cured weed that grinds with the right consistency (ie. not too dry and powdery) it will burn with a white ash.

A marlboro burns with a white ash...


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
What you feed your plants is taken in at the celular level. It ain't washing out with fresh water and yucca. That'll work well at washing anything beneficial out of your soil and making sure it's neutral for the next grow - if you don't toss it.

We feed them silica, me via rice hulls and time... When they take the silica in it helps with plant structure/strength because with the right intake of calcium you get that hard cell wall forming. How much flushing will wash away the cell wall? You could probably do this with all of the minerals/nutrients, and they are either consumed and transformed or disposed of immediately, or they become part of the plant as is.