The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I pulled out several nugs of four of my prime headstash and that's what's left. I have another tin full of Homecoming Queen and SSHP x Baguettes that I also consider 5-star 'my stuff'. That GMO cake is in with the chems but it's a little cakey for me. Minimum 6 months old for all, and still perfectly colorful. Last September was a good harvest, damn!

That is what got me away from doing a chuck. Known fire. I have stuff that may cure out and make the cut and a lot of good smoke, but this is all primarily no-shitter one-hitter stuff with a high potential of making you take a seat. I have a CLHP in early and late flower, and more to play with while I am getting the other head-stash stuff ready to flower. The Chem's are dropping next but only one each. The GMO Cake will probably be a pheno hunt later. I have several small sets of fems that I want to see everything and keep the best - or not.

The Thunderhole I never cloned looks like the kind of stuff I really like - no clone :rolleyes:


Really Active Member
Pretty much chillin' on dropping beans for now. As soon as I get enough of the hoard in the veg-closet flipped to have some room I will be dropping an auto or three. A lot of this growing notes crap is so I can visualize when I will start having room again. I don't want to rush things since my new goal is finding a respectable stable of moms but the auto's don't play into that. All I need is veg space and I already know that I can veg a drop of one gallon plants to flip around them with a shelf if needed.

I have three crosses from @Bobberr that I can't choose between - so one of each seems reasonable if I keep the pots small. The next regs will be something Piffy from the upstate region I got from @High kev.

I have a few more like the Chem91 and ChemD I know I want a mom of so that's next on the fem side, and I'll drop a replacement immediately if 'this ain't the cut'. But I have the Road Dogs going and if either one checks the Chem box there's no hurry on them either.

I have the 4 fems I dropped for breeding going that are all ones I wanted to mom-hunt anyway so no loss, but they aren't ones on the "MUST KEEP ON HAND" checklist ;) They are more on the "here's something different" list - but ya never know. I have some regs I want to run back through as well but that is gonna take more room and more soil to do right so that's the long term stuff.
ell i'll tag along and watch em all pic please


Really Active Member
Randome shit

I'll try and get better pics before I harvest, but the Velvet Heat (middle left above) has an almost iridescent purple hue to it. It may be seeing the underside of the leaves along with the tops since she's always been praying, but it has an odd shimmery quality to it. It looks anywhere from dark purple to pinkish-red depending on the angle, and it changes if you stare at it.

If I had to guess it probably has a lot of those trichomes with no heads on the underside of the leaf making it kind of shiny.

long cure test on some questionable strains and one of the Briscoe County Line phenos is bumped up to top-shelf. It leans berries like the County Line Diesel and has a light purple tint to the grind. The Orgi from that drop smells exactly like the orange baby aspirin, or Tang - and it doesn't get me high for shit.

I have a green pheno of the BCL left to re-check and when I ground some it smelled like toasted sesame seeds.
Berries + Orange = Chinese cooking oil... who knew...
your helping me a lot just talking about some stuff ,like on the bcl phenos


Really Active Member
Anyone know anything about mushrooms? I think there are truffles on my land but have no way to really confirm it. The setting: Old growth oak and assorted hardwood forest, sloped and well drained, but generally moist with an abundance of various shrooms popping when the time is right. The red arrow was the spot.
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Those are thorny ass wild blackberry bushes just starting to flower, I was making paths through them so I can harvest easier later. Pulling some honeysuckle and I found this. I have found them occasionally and tossed them in the worm bin, but never thought to take a pic.
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I thought it was bird eggs or something at first. The mycelium network comes from one "root" at the bottom and fans out from there. Is it a form of truffle?
View attachment 113261
Hi Kev knows someone good at that


Really Active Member
View attachment 113400
I pulled out several nugs of four of my prime headstash and that's what's left. I have another tin full of Homecoming Queen and SSHP x Baguettes that I also consider 5-star 'my stuff'. That GMO cake is in with the chems but it's a little cakey for me. Minimum 6 months old for all, and still perfectly colorful. Last September was a good harvest, damn!

That is what got me away from doing a chuck. Known fire. I have stuff that may cure out and make the cut and a lot of good smoke, but this is all primarily no-shitter one-hitter stuff with a high potential of making you take a seat. I have a CLHP in early and late flower, and more to play with while I am getting the other head-stash stuff ready to flower. The Chem's are dropping next but only one each. The GMO Cake will probably be a pheno hunt later. I have several small sets of fems that I want to see everything and keep the best - or not.

The Thunderhole I never cloned looks like the kind of stuff I really like - no clone :rolleyes:
View attachment 113401
i barely keep up with my demand .


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
your helping me a lot just talking about some stuff ,like on the bcl phenos
Part of my profession was training the next guy to do my job after I left. You learned, did, got proficient, taught, then went somewhere new. Everyone found their best way to teach and mine was to do and show. You get good at talking people through what you're doing/thinking.

ell i'll tag along and watch em all pic please
The auto's are in soil, but I may have to try a couple again. One's up. Today is a day for dropping stuff so I may get bored. Everything's watered and I have a whole 4/20 to play with. Dropping something might keep me from buying something.

i barely keep up with my demand .
The rotation is the key. Don't waste time on veg. An extra month to get an extra ounce - equals an extra ounce of smoke you need to get through that extra month - it even's out.

A second flower tent or one that is large enough - then a separate veg area is the key.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I just jarred two plants that are still being burped, I have 4 hanging with a few days left to dry, 5 in various stages of brownness that have less than a month left are the top line of my signature block. That is just a concise area to update when I dropped/flipped stuff, since I do stuff almost every day and post pics. I might forget to jot stuff on my wall calendar so it's a good back-up for an old stoner.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Busy 4/20 so far. I dropped the next batch of beans as planned but added a Cotton Candy Cookies freebie from ethos because everything else of his has been good. Updated the signature block so no need to repeat. I dropped a replacement for the two auto's that haven't popped. They don't factor into any space considerations, just going into the same pots already in the closet.
Next I'm taking clones for the CLHP project. I snipped away the fan leaves to get a good count, and there are 10 plus a top on the big one. Also taking the top and a few off the small one. It will stay the mom until the clones root then I'll select a keeper. I am aiming for a 15g pot with a dozen or so clones going right to 12/12.
The plants are mature and I haven't done a SOG yet. Good thing is I don't have to label everything. They get their own dome.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
By the time these are rooted and I should also be potting the beans from today from their cups. Soooooooo

  • I need to get 11 soil cups ready for beans today.
  • I'll need to make sure I have enough soil amended for that 15g and for the 11 beans that will need 1g pots in a few weeks.
  • I need 5g pots today for the 4 fems in the veg closet - that need to be cloned too - damn. 🥴
  • Need to get three more cubes ready. Not cloning the CBD Sage. Wouldn't have dropped it if I wasn't planning on it catching pollen.

I'm taking a break to make sure I didn't forget anything else. I might just play with soil now and save the rest for this evening when the veg lights are back on.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The brown water in the seed pic is leftover recharge. My process has been to warm that water on the mat for a while in generic cups. The beans are in separate labeled cups warming up from the fridge and waiting on the water. I use a syringe and add 1ml of h2o2 to the dry bean in the labeled cup and swirl it around. If I put any pathogens on the beans handling them it should fix that. Then I dump the warmed water into the labeled cup with the bean and h2o2 and replace it in the spot on the warmer.

It's a good system to keeps me from getting stuff mixed up. After a few hours I'll use the same 1ml syringe and play "sink the bean" in each cup with the recharge water. It will end up looking like weak tea by the time I plant the bean. Not a lot but it's something beneficial starting to colonize the roots immediately - or that's all bullshit. Who knows.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I got clones taken. I don't care if the flips are staggered as the plants are ready but I wanted the clones on the same schedule. To get enough clone, the Sangria Cookies is basically a 2-top. The 3-toe node limbs are like t-rex arms so they may go and I'll make a manifold. Only had half a dozen good clones where I could bury a node in the rooter. There were several that were just straight internode jammed in. I think those take longer.
A little more stretch and I can take the top off this one
If the SC had t-rex arms, this one has baby t-rex arms... I took the bottom two runty limbs off to promote growth and stuck one in the cloner just for giggles. It was about an inch tall sticking out of the cube.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
When I mentioned half a dozen clones I was talking about the CLHP.
I cloned every appendage on the big one and the top off the little one. I have the two tops and about 10 regular clones, but some are better than others. I'll let them play gladiator school in the dome and whoever roots gets flowered.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The two Road Dog by Lucky Dog were identical - saved me a tin. Smoking on that this morning and it is top notch chem. I think it might rival the originals once cured. I kept out the pea-gravel from both to smoke on now. I try not to store stems so all the places there was a little stretch between the top and the next set of nugs got snipped. Anything tiny I get to smoke. Cool story bro :rolleyes: :ROFLMAO: What is kind of cool is that even though the plants are wildly different product they were grown the same and pruned the same, and I got 4.5g of tiny's each. same exact amount from each plant.
The Velvet Heat from Exotic is dense and sticky. There was very little product from the dry sift but twice as much glove-hash as from the two RD plants. The little sheet of resin/rosin/whatever still has a fruit roll-up consistency after sitting out in the low humidity overnight. Like it's gonna be full-melt glove hash. It has a sharp smell to go with some berries. Not definite yet.
IMG_0034 (2).JPG
The RD literally dumped sandy goodness with very little effort but it's glove hash was brittle this morning.
IMG_0031 (2).JPG


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Hot damn @H.A.F. thanks for sharing all that goodness
Least I can do after showing them for months is let people know if they suck. Might save you a dollah. The Velvet Heat isn't one I would have bought since I have a lot of fruity stuff to hunt through. But I'll run a freebie like a regular buy since there's no telling why people decide what's free and what's for sale. This was more to check out the breeder than the strain.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Checking for sex on the two DeChempose from Covert and I have a first. Whorled phyllotaxy gone mad. That's a measly little triploid node under my thumb, but that's a ?quadra-ploid? just below it. Still no sex but I always want mutants to be girls - and now I have clones! There's enough time for some stretch so they aren't just a crowded mess of stem-nugs. This is on the one that had a natural 6-top canopy, and this is on a side with two limbs, The other is normal and I will probably lop it off to make room if this is female.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
One of the Skunk XXX had 4 nuts on the lowers. I'm hoping that the skunky-trait is linked to it so I ain't culling unless it gets bad. I pruned away all the lower limbs so everything is clean and easy to inspect but I'm letting it ride for now. I just marked "nuts" on the tag and plucked them. The sister seems more confident in her gender...

The cool thing is I can reduce it to the lowest common denominator. Any smoke from it now is better than a cull. That's why I pruned away the low limbs. No secondary or tertiary node sites to check. There's about 4 nodes left on eash limb for now and a few more that can go before it's in full puff-ball mode. This is about 2 weeks from flip and the flowers are just forming well so I think I have about another week to keep an eye on them.

But I found them because I was looking for them and will never scrog just because of stuff like this. Instead of not seeing it until too late and ruining a whole room I may be able to flower and smoke it.