Budders blunders


The Laziest
Oh man. Kids toy boxes and pillows... You bought a ring so your wife would get off your back.... I just dont get it. How you gonna spend 2 times what the light costs to buy your wife a ring but steal toy boxes and pillows from your kids.... And I think everyone said to clean that thing. Not replace it with something that hides the sludge better and is still dirty.... On a positive note, I like the title to your thread. Manages expectations.


Full send….always
Are you assuming my work ethic?

80 hrs a week? Do you own a concrete business on the side and homeschool your kids too?

Work smarter not harder. Just because you work a lot of hours it doesn't mean you're working harder than someone else.
I got a bunch of shit that I do. Time spent in bed is a dollar lost…the way I see it….. when the wife and kids are asleep it’s time for ot


Full send….always
Oh man. Kids toy boxes and pillows... You bought a ring so your wife would get off your back.... I just dont get it. How you gonna spend 2 times what the light costs to buy your wife a ring but steal toy boxes and pillows from your kids.... And I think everyone said to clean that thing. Not replace it with something that hides the sludge better and is still dirty.... On a positive note, I like the title to your thread. Manages expectations.
Because she’s worth more to me than anything I got going on in life. The mo ey I save cheeping out on the shit I do, is more money spent on my wife and kids to keep them happy…


Full send….always
Oh man. Kids toy boxes and pillows... You bought a ring so your wife would get off your back.... I just dont get it. How you gonna spend 2 times what the light costs to buy your wife a ring but steal toy boxes and pillows from your kids.... And I think everyone said to clean that thing. Not replace it with something that hides the sludge better and is still dirty.... On a positive note, I like the title to your thread. Manages expectations.
How am I hideing something and replacing it at the same time…….like is that possible…..if your guna TRY to insult someone at least be logical about it not throw contradictions out there my guy……. At least I’m improving my shit every grow….how’s yours doing?


The Laziest
How am I hideing something and replacing it at the same time…….like is that possible…..if your guna TRY to insult someone at least be logical about it not throw contradictions out there my guy……. At least I’m improving my shit every grow….how’s yours doing?
You went from a dirty alge muck white drip tray to a dirty black tray there my guy. Fucking dirty either way. I understand cleaning something might be hard for you. Talk to your wife. Im sure she can educate you. Improving every grow huh? 3 years and you have some pretty disgusting habits. Damn my guy. Maybe you need a new hobby.
Clearly your not married and if u are….I bet that side Dick she’s getting is real nice my guy
Oh im married and I would never insult my wife by buying her something to shut her up. See we have a relationship of communication. Not one of buying things to get her "off my back".
Sounds like true love. Nothing like buying silence.
Sounds like the beginning of a "domestic situation" on a bad cop show.
if u are in a relationship, I feel bad for your boy Freind…….it’s gota suck living with some one who acts like the 5th grader on the playground belittling all the second and third graders……..
Please explain how I belittled you. You said you gave your a wife a ring to get her off your back for buying a light. You paid for her silence. Fact. You act like I'm saying things that are made up, like the numbers from your last harvest.


Full send….always
Please explain how I belittled you. You said you gave your a wife a ring to get her off your back for buying a light. You paid for her silence. Fact. You act like I'm saying things that are made up, like the numbers from your last harvest.
Like I said…….a 5th grader with a shit home life taking it out on others lol……….idk y I let u get to me so much……your grow is dinkky


Full send….always
Please explain how I belittled you. You said you gave your a wife a ring to get her off your back for buying a light. You paid for her silence. Fact. You act like I'm saying things that are made up, like the numbers from your last harvest.
Bruh…..you Have followed me on 3 diff forums with that slick ass mouth……that’s all u do is troll…….case and point…..your on my thred……like a fly drawn to shit……u can’t get enough of my stink…..it’s ok…….u can get this work