Anyone know what this looks like?


I looked for bugs but didn’t find anything. It’s only happening on one plant and only in that area, but overall all plants pretty healthy.
I was occasionally misting plants with plain water to get humidity up with lights on tho so maybe a burn but idk. Could have possibly gotten nutes on it too View attachment 109028View attachment 109029
I don't think id worry a bit about it until i started seeing it else where. I would keep a close eye on it before i did anything. I've seen this in my grows before.

Id guess it has something to do with when the leafs were formed and then just got more noticeable as the leaf got bigger. Maybe that one didnt like all the light at one point? Again i don't think I'd put much thought into it but definitely keep an eye on it.
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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
If we are still talking about the stink bugs. They can fuck up some tomatoes. All you see on the skin is little puncture marks and the fruit ripen normally but splotchy. When you slice it there is no 'meat' between the skin and the seed-pockets. It is all white and thin and dry-ish. They suck moisture.


I don't think the Brown Marmorated suckers are making those marks. I say Broad Mites now that @NoWaistedSpace mentioned it. I didn't even think of that, but think he's spot on.

I'd just get predators.

You guys seem to think I don't know shit though. So I don't expect anyone to actually take me seriously, but that's fine. I tried.

Avid is about the only I found that will kill Broad Mites. He needs to check those spots underneath. Could be eggs in those bumps. It creates a perfect incubation environment. Like a mini greenhouse for their larva
Better safe than sorry.
I battled them things for 18 months and ended up having to throw everything out and start over.


You want those plants free and clear of any pests and disease before hitting flower. Around 5 to 6 weeks in flower is when you start noticing you got problems if it's Broad Mites. So you feed them thinking it is a deficiency, adding more new growth for them to devour.
It took me 2 weeks to actually find the Mites.
I had never seen them before in all my years of growing.
I kept misdiagnosing what was going on with the plants.
You need a good scope to even see them the damn things.


I looked for bugs but didn’t find anything. It’s only happening on one plant and only in that area, but overall all plants pretty healthy.
I was occasionally misting plants with plain water to get humidity up with lights on tho so maybe a burn but idk. Could have possibly gotten nutes on it too View attachment 109028View attachment 109029
The more I look at these leaves, the more I see critter marks. Need to see a close up of the underside to be sure. And you aren't gonna see any bugs there. You're lookin' at where they been.
They'll be in the newest tender tops of the plant. It's the trail they leave you have to find.
Avid will kill them but that "Plant Therapy", I highly doubt it will kill Broad Mites.
They are a different evil all together.


You want those plants free and clear of any pests and disease before hitting flower. Around 5 to 6 weeks in flower is when you start noticing you got problems if it's Broad Mites. So you feed them thinking it is a deficiency, adding more new growth for them to devour.
It took me 2 weeks to actually find the Mites.
I had never seen them before in all my years of growing.
I kept misdiagnosing what was going on with the plants.
You need a good scope to even see them the damn things.
Perhaps I should clarify my statement I sprayed weeks ago at the beginning of flower and I am still bug free in 5th week I had a broad mite issue this summer from some clones bought it was a costly error ended up shutting down every tent and room sadly lost some moms i had for a minute I tried my darnedest but I swear them mites were sent by the devil himself never again I even "quarantined" them treated them damn mites still got everywhere...


Yeah so it’s some type of mite that you cant see with the naked eye and I haven’t been able to find any signs like eggs or webs except leaf damage.
I noticed symptoms on others while some were perfect but I’d have to do more research. The rest of the plants look healthy outside of these individual spots in the pictures. Lol I am aggressive with them sometimes but this definitely looks like bugsF168BB46-EC20-40B6-BC73-C30924B2C23D.jpegF0505321-C27E-4837-B127-6F6D3B351AF1.jpeg8D9B8EC0-789D-4502-A1C8-779796C43516.jpeg92D2644C-64A4-4315-BD1F-6D4AB84E5CE9.jpeg


The more I look at these leaves, the more I see critter marks. Need to see a close up of the underside to be sure. And you aren't gonna see any bugs there. You're lookin' at where they been.
They'll be in the newest tender tops of the plant. It's the trail they leave you have to find.
Avid will kill them but that "Plant Therapy", I highly doubt it will kill Broad Mites.
They are a different evil all together.
I’m gonna look into a different spray. I think the plant therapy is more of a preventative thing

here’s pictures of the entire plants in those pictures above
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Yeah so it’s some type of mite that you cant see with the naked eye and I haven’t been able to find any signs like eggs or webs except leaf damage.
I noticed symptoms on others while some were perfect but I’d have to do more research. The rest of the plants look healthy outside of these individual spots in the pictures. Lol I am aggressive with them sometimes but this definitely looks like bugsView attachment 109337View attachment 109339View attachment 109340View attachment 109342
You definitely have pests.


Get you some Avid and spray them down. Better safe than sorry.
These are something you don't want in your garden.
Avid will take care of about any critter you got.
It's not organic but it works.
Be prepared to have to start from scratch for the next run.
These are no joke. Ruined me for 18 months and 7 years worth of high composted organic medium.
You live and learn.
These things been going around the cannabis community for quite a few years now.
I've got pics of the damage and trails they leave somewhere.(possibly posted on here)
I'll try and find them for you all.
Get you some Avid and spray them down. Better safe than sorry.
These are something you don't want in your garden.
Avid will take care of about any critter you got.
It's not organic but it works.
Be prepared to have to start from scratch for the next run.
These are no joke. Ruined me for 18 months and 7 years worth of high composted organic medium.
You live and learn.
These things been going around the cannabis community for quite a few years now.
I've got pics of the damage and trails they leave somewhere.(possibly posted on here)
I'll try and find them for you all.
Did you ever try predator mites?


That's good stuff but be careful i was using it in my IPM routine for first time I didn't shake the sprayer enough and fried some leaves is all I can figure only the last 3 plants had issues week 5 flower no bugs 👍
What did you routine look like? I was reading online and they say you can see damage weeks after you get rid of broad mites.
I do like the stuff so far tho.



What did you routine look like? I was reading online and they say you can see damage weeks after you get rid of broad mites.
I do like the stuff so far tho.
I used 4 different as natural as I could that have proven themselves in the past with infestations of two spot and thrips they were grow effency method 1 pps, azamax, mighty wash and lost coast Theropy you have I normally do not hit them so hard but I was paranoid from the broad mite experience and well I thought I seen a mite carcass lol


I used 4 different as natural as I could that have proven themselves in the past with infestations of two spot and thrips they were grow effency method 1 pps, azamax, mighty wash and lost coast Theropy you have I normally do not hit them so hard but I was paranoid from the broad mite experience and well I thought I seen a mite carcass lol
They say it’s good to mix it up so the bugs don’t get used to whatever you’re using anyway.
also just squished this guy but here’s his mugshot56CFF122-01AD-41BE-B093-387E4452A295.jpeg