Natural Immunity


Nerd Gone Vertical
We got 10" here in Colorado several days ago and it's been as low as -12F.

That's pretty unusual nowadays but when I was a kid here, it was NORMAL, SEASONAL weather. It's actually kinda nice to see it make a return engagement.

Global warming is not just about longer and hotter heat waves in the summer; in many places, the difference in winter cold is actually greater.


We got 10" here in Colorado several days ago and it's been as low as -12F.

That's pretty unusual nowadays but when I was a kid here, it was NORMAL, SEASONAL weather. It's actually kinda nice to see it make a return engagement.

Global warming is not just about longer and hotter heat waves in the summer; in many places, the difference in winter cold is actually greater.
We got 20” last Saturday, almost all of it melted over the last 3 days. The temp dropped again today, iced everything over, and now we have snow coming down on top of the ice. It’s going to be muddy and nasty when this melts again.


We managed to make it through without too much trouble. Roads are flooded.
Pretty cold. Lucky for veg tent.
Gonna fire up an HPS for heat. lol
Minus 15 degrees? Holy shit!


Might find this interesting. All these deer tested positive for covid but look perfectly healthy no vaccines or ventilators for them. Seems the scientific community is blowing smoke and the media are happy to oblige.



Personally here are my stories from the vaccine front. This is not hysteria and these are people close to me and don't have any agenda sharing this.

My Baby sitter died of stroke a week after the getting the vax due to the retirement communities mandate. She was 94 and had no health conditions and was in good condition for her age. They took really good care of themselves fasted regularly and her sister is still alive at 104.

Had Thanksgiving at my neighbors and two of the guests had vax reactions one 34 yo has GBS has spent $150k in and out of the hospital and my neighbors Dad 91 had his booster about 3.5 months ago and broke out with open sores all over his body shortly after. The guy that has GBS served in the army 7 years in Iraq and a now has a "rare" neuropathy condition played basketball and was an avid mountain biker prior to the vax. It is now hard for him to type and every step he takes feels like he is going to sprain or roll an ankle. Neighbors sister in law friend was vaxxed and is now needs a walker she is 28.

Deleted member 60

I have 10 less friends and family than I had in March 2019 when this started to roll in. Both young and old. No hysteria here either....just a sad fact.

I guess my peeps is lucky. (OK..the ones who didn't get COVID and die) >All< of my family and friends (cus you got crossed off the list if you are a threat and failed to act) got vaccinated/boosted.....and no one I know has had any ill/long term effects from any of it. No one. Can't say the same thing about the folks I know who actually lived through COVID though. Lots of lingering effects there.

It's CRAZY ('s ironically tell tale here) how it seems the same crowd can claim that COVID numbers are high due to lies/deceit/payoffs by "Gubmint" or "Fauci" (aka..THEM)....and that EVERY cause of death now (is a lie) is reported as COVID...and then spin right around and claim that EVERY ailment and death apres' vaccine is directly caused by the VAX.

Now that's some tailor made shit right there.


Might find this interesting. All these deer tested positive for covid but look perfectly healthy no vaccines or ventilators for them. Seems the scientific community is blowing smoke and the media are happy to oblige.

The taxidermist in my area said every deer head they worked on had it.
The deer look healthy that hang around my place.
National Guard is in all the hospitals around here still.


The Laziest
I have 10 less friends and family than I had in March 2019 when this started to roll in. Both young and old. No hysteria here either....just a sad fact.

I guess my peeps is lucky. (OK..the ones who didn't get COVID and die) >All< of my family and friends (cus you got crossed off the list if you are a threat and failed to act) got vaccinated/boosted.....and no one I know has had any ill/long term effects from any of it. No one. Can't say the same thing about the folks I know who actually lived through COVID though. Lots of lingering effects there.

It's CRAZY ('s ironically tell tale here) how it seems the same crowd can claim that COVID numbers are high due to lies/deceit/payoffs by "Gubmint" or "Fauci" (aka..THEM)....and that EVERY cause of death now (is a lie) is reported as COVID...and then spin right around and claim that EVERY ailment and death apres' vaccine is directly caused by the VAX.

Now that's some tailor made shit right there.
The only people in my family that have had issues with covid requiring hospitalization are all unvaxxed. We've lost 1 second cousin on my moms side who was a Trumper. She gave covid to her daughter and her husband. Daughter (vaxxed) is fine however it killed her husband (not vaxxed). He was overwheight and smoked ciggs. Fuck him, he was abusive to her. He had a mullet, loved Trump, hated "pussy ass libturds". Then my other cousin in Florida is in the military. Husband is vaxxed cause he has to be and she is not. She pretty much been sick again and again for the last year and a half. I have stopped following her as I'm tired of the whining week to week.


The taxidermist in my area said every deer head they worked on had it.
The deer look healthy that hang around my place.
National Guard is in all the hospitals around here still.
This is what I find interesting how human reactions differ between animals. If we ate as clean as deer or more deer. It all gets down to comorbidities ie things humans eat that trigger high blood sugar (lots of subsidized corn syrup) . A virus feeds on sugar this is why diabetics are one of the highest risk factors of covid. Couple that with the fine blood vessels in the lungs and viola viral replication triggers autoimmune response in the lungs.

The whole response of hospitals treatment of covid is come back when you are sicker is unbelievable to me. They could be doing a much better job getting people to recover while the immune systems have functionality vs on their death bed. Honestly I think it's designed this way.



This is what I find interesting how human reactions differ between animals. If we ate as clean as deer or more deer. It all gets down to comorbidities ie things humans eat that trigger high blood sugar (lots of subsidized corn syrup) . A virus feeds on sugar this is why diabetics are one of the highest risk factors of covid. Couple that with the fine blood vessels in the lungs and viola viral replication triggers autoimmune response in the lungs.

The whole response of hospitals treatment of covid is come back when you are sicker is unbelievable to me. They could be doing a much better job getting people to recover while the immune systems have functionality vs on their death bed. Honestly I think it's designed this way.

This whole mess was mishandled from the very start. No politics needed.
People are saying their pets are getting sick.
Just speculation of course, but
I said from the start, they were spraying the population, water, animals etc.
There was way more activity in the National Forest I live in last year.
Said they were spraying for some type of bug or insect.
This has affected people in so many different ways than just death.
Will this ever come to an end?
But I flipped my tent on its side and gave me way more room to grow these pretty flowers.
@stiickygreen, how is your wife doing?
Hope she is healing up.
GF gets operated on this coming Wed.
Cutting female parts out and doing a biopsy on her liver.


Nerd Gone Vertical
Might find this interesting. All these deer tested positive for covid but look perfectly healthy no vaccines or ventilators for them. Seems the scientific community is blowing smoke and the media are happy to oblige.

This means nothing. Humans got AIDS from chimpanzees in Africa, where they have it for live and it does nothing to them. If they get a human flu? They die at high rates.


Nerd Gone Vertical
I got vaxxed last May, Pfizer. No problem, not even a day. Got a Moderna booster in November. Felt like shit for two weeks. I've been feeling drug out and fatigued ever since. Two weeks ago I had a heart attack scare. I know for a fact I have excellent resting heart rate, low blood pressure, great cholesterol numbers.

I'm one person and the plural of anecdote is not data.

But I'm not getting another booster.