Mr.white vs budders….grow off!!!

You seem obsessed with proving people wrong and makeing sure everyone k owes your “the guy”……….. u have narsasistic property’s about you…….. the fact you never admit your wrong and only deflect and find a new angle to work when “your” proven to be at fault or wrong is proof…………. That’s why you go threw lengths to prove people wrong even if their not……u guys always have an angle to work lol……fascinating…….but always predictable……. U guys attack with passive aggressive comments and turn up the heat when your put in a spot………..nothing you do will surprise me nor will You ever be able to best me in any form of day to day life………….I got “you guys” down to the T……. I k ow what your Guna do and how your Guna do it before u even know…… you guys are simpler life forms that Rely on parasitic relationships to get by………. Your beneath me @twentyeight.threefive ……….By a large margin
Not quite. I do like to point out inaccuracies though, like your tent measurements.

Narcissistic would be the last adjective I'd describe myself as. I'm wrong all the time. Daily.

I didn't know we were in a competition in the game of life? Beneath you? In which manner are you speaking?
Pretty sure I'm above you in the fact that I don't have to call out experienced growers in "grow offs" to prove how much better I am than someone else.


Really Active Member
Way back in the day when I was learning to produce music, the very first sample I used was "Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."
You’re that little Spanish boy I taught a lesson aren’t you?


Full send….always
You dont trim dude. Your tops are untrimmed. That's a fukin fact. If I weighed 10 inch un trimmed branches I would be at 6 pounds a table. Fukin goober
Theirs a reason I don’t shit talk trimming…………….. I’m not about to call a kettle black when I k ow got damn well mines black too


Dont Need One
Off? Ok!!!! Let me put my diaphragm in……. just don’t break at this time please… was not easy pulling it out last time……..
Ima smash your ass son. When we go our round will be the same principle just one big ass bucket. Haha day 1 to day 30 will be your most embarrassing part of the competition, after that folks just gonna feel.sorry for you than u might make some new friends and get a few hugs. :giggle:20220121_134858.jpg


Dont Need One
dude gonna be doing all that bending and cutting and training. Ima let mine get like 3 feet tall and come in and net stomp that bitch down to a foot in an hour and watch how she looks in 24 hours.dude gonna have take double dose of his ridlin that day so he don't start cutting himself and shit.


Full send….always
This thread needs a custom banner similar to the thread that got us here....
"Jedi Smack Talk (NO TROLLS BARRED)" black belt edition.
@Heisenbeans that’s actually not a bad idea…… I’m sure it will rally some peeps over to this form and boost your numbers…. I wouldn’t even change the title…..that shits fucking gold lol


Full send….always
dude gonna be doing all that bending and cutting and training. Ima let mine get like 3 feet tall and come in and net stomp that bitch down to a foot in an hour and watch how she looks in 24 hours.dude gonna have take double dose of his ridlin that day so he don't start cutting himself and shit.
I’m Partial to auto erotic asphyxiation myself……. Cutting only hurts……but that other one….Ooooooweeeeeeeeeeeee it’s the best of both worlds