The James Gang


After several hours in the warm water, the Grandpa's Stash exploded. I had the Etho's Headband Cookies do this as well. Anyone have a clue?
View attachment 104822
I propped it up on loose soil and watered it in but it just seems wierd.
View attachment 104823
I had that happen with some seeds I got from New420Guy awhile back. I think they were Granddaddy Purple seeds. All of them popped out of the shells in less than 12 hours and they were pale in color. None of mine made it.
I had that happen with some seeds I got from New420Guy awhile back. I think they were Granddaddy Purple seeds. All of them popped out of the shells in less than 12 hours and they were pale in color. None of mine made it.
Ahh.... Premature Deshell umm... a nation Deshellumanation. :ROFLMAO:
The More You Know.gif
If it is abandoning the ship/seed so fast wouldn't it simply be do to fact there is nothing left for it to eat in there? Will be interesting to see if yours got enough of a genetic makeup/blueprint to actually stand up H.A.F.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I had that happen with some seeds I got from New420Guy awhile back. I think they were Granddaddy Purple seeds. All of them popped out of the shells in less than 12 hours and they were pale in color. None of mine made it.
OK, but this one soaked for 24 hours, then was in soil for three days, then back in water just because I found it and I was wetting another bean anway.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
If it is abandoning the ship/seed so fast wouldn't it simply be do to fact there is nothing left for it to eat in there? Will be interesting to see if yours got enough of a genetic makeup/blueprint to actually stand up H.A.F.
Tomorrow when the new bean is ready I'm giving that one a gentle tug. If the taproot has grown well it should stay. If it pulls out but it is longer than today it goes back. If it's shit I use the same cup for the new one LOL
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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I still have to go back and water these but I was checking trich pics first. The Prana back right could go any day as far as amber goes but there's still mucho clear trichs. Actually, all 4 from the same flip group are sporting amber, it's just about them looking 'done'. The SSHP cross front right is getting the powdered sugar look so probably going soon.
This is a hot mess for a week or so. I pulled each plant out and played with it. The first three I had to prune the lowest 'sub-canopy' sprouts that would make beautiful clones if I was doing that. I figured all of them would be the same, btu each one lost different stuff. If they lost shoots I jammed them in the soil for giggles since I was just chopping them up anyway.
The light green is obvious on some of the previously shaded tops, but I left the upper fans for now to feed the main cola stretch and stack. This one was the oddest, with all the shoots staying tight against the trunk and fairly short.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Stoner rambling while burning one before heading back.

Checking the trich pics because I am still watering everything, but I could make sure anything to be chopped was right by the door. I like to have them fully soaked, then let them go dark/dormant for 6-8 hours before chopping.

Make sure they are nice and moist for the long dry, but let the plant relax from the intense light for a bit before yanking it.

A cone mixed half and half Chemdog and ChemD makes for a nice evening :)


After several hours in the warm water, the Grandpa's Stash exploded. I had the Etho's Headband Cookies do this as well. Anyone have a clue?

I propped it up on loose soil and watered it in but it just seems wierd.
I had this happen with some auto seeds sadly none survived they just looked the same for a few days never developed and chlorophyll/green after I put them in starter mix stayed pale then faded away


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I think the tree novelty has worn off. I'll be shifting back to 4-tops. I think trees are good for testers to see the different structures but growing Member Berry for smoke [for example] I don't care about that.

5 gallons means short veg, which means no manifold unless I want to bump up the pot size.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Everything is vertical except the mutant, and it is surprisingly greening up. I may not yank on it so I'll get another cup set up for the second one.
Now that they are up, I gave each one a squirt around the edge of water, and added a dome extender for more air, but keeping the rH up. The little mini-fan will get added inside in a day or two.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Another random thought on the This and That tent. I need to limit the number of tops per plant that I keep besides the top cola.

As far as the contest goes the stuff up top above the fan leaves I kept is all that matters for "photogenic-osity" and getting a good top pic. Everything under that is more smoke. Unless they are wildly different phenos I don't need 2oz per plant of the same stuff. I'd rather have less of each and have it all top-shelf nugs.

Less limbs and pruning up the ones I keep will also help keep crowding from being a problem. I may just keep them in there for the duration instead of shifting tents.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Having a bunch of different heighths is probably going to be the deciding factor on splitting them between tents. I don't want to use shelves unless I have to, and the other tent has a few independent HLG lights I can set at different heights instead of one big strip light rig on one frame.


Ahh.... Premature Deshell umm... a nation Deshellumanation. :ROFLMAO:
View attachment 104826
If it is abandoning the ship/seed so fast wouldn't it simply be do to fact there is nothing left for it to eat in there? Will be interesting to see if yours got enough of a genetic makeup/blueprint to actually stand up H.A.F.
I think the shell is just there for protection. The food is in the cotyledons.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
This is my latest 'investment'. I like peat instead of coco, but the processed stuff you get is expensive, and usually of questionable content. I spent over $40 on a 2.1lb bail of unprocessed fresh-cut sphagnum moss. Since everything going into my soil is now going through the worm bin this is part of the bedding mix. And they love it. This is why I don't harp on organics as being cheap. It can be, but I have a weed budget that no longer needs nutes, lights, ventillation, etc. And 2lbs of this is gonna last a long while.
It is also good for keping my resting soil moist and the worms in that happy. Crazy rig I came up with to keep the cat out. I tried putting another pot on top like a lid and the bitch would jump on it. Now its scary...
I am trying all kinds of seeds just to see what happens small scale just to see what happens. The BS will end up in the window sill or composted. The covered ones are 2 kinds of wheat, barley and alfalfa. 2 daikon radish. Boredom mainly, but I started some pepper seeds that I collected last season. The Mexi-bell is a small bell pepper that is about half the heat of a jalapeno. Perfect for everything! The Lunchbox bells were tiny plants with bell-tasting/jalapeno-looking sweet peppers. There was an orange and a red variety and the red did better. One may stay inside. They are prolific and few seeds, so I was checking viability - check. I'll be using up my old FFHF soil getting tomatoes and stuff started shortly.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The little SAGE CBD runt is gonna be a good experiment. I just ripped off all the leaves - no trimming. All stems removed except for the three tops that didn't nanner. And on them I still brutalized them and got any foliage off the stem.
I got 14g of sugar trim, except there's no sugar, it's like little oil capsules. Resinous and sticky. That is getting decarbed then washed to reduce for oil. 7g of larf that fit through a 1/2" grid which will get decarbed to use as is, then 18g of nugs to try smoking, then decarb if the smoke ain't all that.
Not sure the actual ratio, but it's a 1:1 mix of a CBD and a THC plant.