The James Gang


In my quest to find roadkill skunk I tried some new 420 guy early skunk when they grew past 12ft I knew it wasn't even lose then I ended up moving them inside to finish they took until the end of November so much for early lol I ended up with a few pounds of bud sadly it was meh ended up giving it all away it had weak scent it did have great bag appeal which is not a priority for me


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
In my quest to find roadkill skunk I tried some new 420 guy early skunk when they grew past 12ft I knew it wasn't even lose then I ended up moving them inside to finish they took until the end of November so much for early lol I ended up with a few pounds of bud sadly it was meh ended up giving it all away it had weak scent it did have great bag appeal which is not a priority for me
I honestly think Skunk is a terp. No clue if you should even be able to smell it until it's cured. All I know is what I smelled in a bag back in the day. It has a distinct pine smell as well as the skunky smell. Green and sticky with bright orange hairs.

I think skunky was a common trait, but was bred out during the Nancy Reagan era. Skunk seeds were selling were likely a strain of Afghan beans that had a leaning towards that terp. It may have been in many strains, but I think the named "Skunk" seeds were only one part of what was skunky back in the day.

I also kind of laugh at the people that call it "roadkill". What other skunk smell is there? If it sprays your dog, or gets under your house, the smell is the same as if it got hit by a car. Paper mills in Mississippi smell righteously similar. That name probably came from people in the UK or somewhere that doesn't have a big skunk population. Or some big city people that have never been in the woods.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Actually, after growing out the Chemdog and ChemD they both have that wierd chemical funk with other stuff that I could see turning skunky if you had it in a rolled up sandwich bag in your waistband in high school :cool:

I think the terps are still out there, just recessive as hell unless some breeder brings them back out. And I think hunting in things that are called "skunk" right now is probably a bad move. I think hunting through whatever made Skunk #1 is the ticket. Duke Diamond at Dominion is doing work with that, and Skunky VA. But the strains they have named skunk this and that are phenotypes/chemotypes of other genetics they have sorted through and worked. Lots of afghanica stuff I think.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I'm almost tempted to get some fold-n-close bags and roll some dank up in it and toss it in the back of the sock drawer to see if I get that skunky nostalgia :cool:


I honestly think Skunk is a terp. No clue if you should even be able to smell it until it's cured. All I know is what I smelled in a bag back in the day. It has a distinct pine smell as well as the skunky smell. Green and sticky with bright orange hairs.

I think skunky was a common trait, but was bred out during the Nancy Reagan era. Skunk seeds were selling were likely a strain of Afghan beans that had a leaning towards that terp. It may have been in many strains, but I think the named "Skunk" seeds were only one part of what was skunky back in the day.

I also kind of laugh at the people that call it "roadkill". What other skunk smell is there? If it sprays your dog, or gets under your house, the smell is the same as if it got hit by a car. Paper mills in Mississippi smell righteously similar. That name probably came from people in the UK or somewhere that doesn't have a big skunk population. Or some big city people that have never been in the woods.
We grew skunk gorilla style for quite a spell come harvest time I could smell it quite always from our plot especially early morning when downslope winds dominated I worried someone might follow their nose But I agree it was impossible to hide a baggy in ones pocket even in a smoky stinky bar lol I used to pickup roadkill skunks and place them on the road hoping to throw people off stoner thinking lol....


Actually, after growing out the Chemdog and ChemD they both have that wierd chemical funk with other stuff that I could see turning skunky if you had it in a rolled up sandwich bag in your waistband in high school :cool:

I think the terps are still out there, just recessive as hell unless some breeder brings them back out. And I think hunting in things that are called "skunk" right now is probably a bad move. I think hunting through whatever made Skunk #1 is the ticket. Duke Diamond at Dominion is doing work with that, and Skunky VA. But the strains they have named skunk this and that are phenotypes/chemotypes of other genetics they have sorted through and worked. Lots of afghanica stuff I think.
Totally with you on afghan being in the mix of what we used to know every "skunk" I have tried had skunk #1 in it which IMO isn't even close


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Totally with you on afghan being in the mix of what we used to know every "skunk" I have tried had skunk #1 in it which IMO isn't even close
From what I understand the original beans had funk. There was a ?main guy" back in that era that admitted to breeding out the funk on purpose because of market demand. I think it became standard. "Gotta have the cookies!" (for example)

"Superskunk" can be a beast of a plant and can get you real high or a little high, but there ain't one lick of stinky. Smells like perfume.

Stoned Cold Bulldog

Active Member
UK Cheese from Humbolt CSI is a little fluffy but smells delicious. It is more blueberry than cheese but has a little funk so it's like a blueberry cheesecake or something. However - it don't stone me. Very smooth smoke even though a little leafy, and very tasty. I am thinking it has some other cannabinoids going on because it can't smell that strong and have nothing. So I am decarbing my second batch. Keeping a small c-vault of tops to smoke on later, might be a tasty vehicle for some hash in the chillum. The Nova is not smell proof. I has a 'drop on' silicone lid that lets moisture escape, and some funk. The UKC smells exactly like blueberry muffins in the oven while decarbing.

I am thinking nthis might be more medicine weed than stoner weed.
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Cheese has so many imposters I won’t buy cheese seeds without seeing the life plant colas. The original cheese picture all consider to be legit can still be googled.

none of the top cheese sellers have I seen produce/show anything like that photo. Years back threads were all over how to verify real cheese.!

now, with that said many imposters aren’t that potent and the skinny on cheese was it’s more hyped than most and not worth pursuing.

Then a decent fake makes others like it or the blue cheese I smoked that was awesome but the young dude I got it from chose to stop being legit. If I saw him with no witnesses I would tear the fur off his punk ass.
Leave him thinking damn that old dude wasn’t joking when he said he could fight with his style taijiquan lol.

Stoned Cold Bulldog

Active Member
I should have the sex on the Querkle tonight. Found what resembled a pistil but it was green. It's looking like I'll have three short girls plus the CBD runt and four tall ones. This might be fine because it looks like I'm 0 for 2 on the Sky Cuddler Kush, and the Mojito ain't popping quick either.
The Sweet Cindy looks like it might pull out of the funk so that's good.
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Cool u running sweet Cindy. I’m thinking I kept that for myself and gifted Juliet to a comrade. I’m gonna keep an eye 👁 out for her.

what spectrum. And light schedule do you use to sex ?


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Cool u running sweet Cindy. I’m thinking I kept that for myself and gifted Juliet to a comrade. I’m gonna keep an eye 👁 out for her.

what spectrum. And light schedule do you use to sex ?
Well, that Sweet Cindy got culled. With the contest coming up I'll be waiting until next year to re-drop the ones I culled or got males of.

I have an HLG-65 (2 actually but just one per propagator) and it's a veg spectrum.

For light cycle I am 17/7 in veg because the extra hour of dark supposedly helps out if you aren't going for bulk - so far so good.

In flower I have them at 11.5/12.5. One extra button on the timer for a little extra dark. This is supposed to be better at least at the flip because they really know it's time to flower. I just leave it at that. Both fall into the "can't hurt" category, and save a bit of electricity.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
This is the most "work" I put into feeding. I sprouted a cup of barleyfor about 3 days, then stuck it in the blender with some RO water and got it to smoothie consistency. I strained it into a bucket of water. For giggles I added a quart of "weed tea" from making bubble hash today. Every plant got some. The flowering ones got a quart each, the veg plants less based on size. The stuff that got strained out is worm food.
Here's a stoner-thinking-exercise if you like that type of thing.
I have 4 big plants that are in 5g pots that have stretched out to fill their environment
I have 7 stretching plants in here that don't seem to be crowding each other and there's no training to speak of. Several seem to have fairly vertical branching which may or not be strain specific. It might be environmental with the plants doing what's best for them? The middle and lower left are the only lateral-branch, bushy ones.
The Mojito is looking like a mutant, so Swamp Boy's ain't letting me down with their less than stellar germination quality.
I ain't killing it, but space-wise if it doesn't pan out I ain't sad.
These are looking fine though. The Creature Panic is gonna be a beast compared to the other two.


From what I understand the original beans had funk. There was a ?main guy" back in that era that admitted to breeding out the funk on purpose because of market demand. I think it became standard. "Gotta have the cookies!" (for example)

"Superskunk" can be a beast of a plant and can get you real high or a little high, but there ain't one lick of stinky. Smells like perfume.
I never knew how close we were to the source until later in life a friend of a friend I would like an hour of Sam skunkman time! my paranoia in the 70s-80s kept me from writing much stuff down my then young brain had a good memory that said I'll always remember lol best I could dredge up was the original was afghan, Acapulco and Columbian gold cross I thought I had some very old viable Acapulco gold seeds but most were now empty hulls... I also question why so many of us remember and want it but no one seems to come up with the recipe I know the thc was good for the period but would be considered weak today


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I also question why so many of us remember and want it but no one seems to come up with the recipe I know the thc was good for the period but would be considered weak today
Terpenes. Everyone is learning that it ain't all about THC numbers. You get something with 30% THC, then something with 20% THC but 30% total cannabonoids, you get a different buzz. Probably a better, longer lasting buzz.

"lets make the plant less stinky", "lets make the plant more purple" etc. If you are breeding for anything other than the high, you are going to lose something in the interpretation.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Busted out some old tester strains for the day from my "just a bit left" tin.
The Hippy Crippler x Rosetta Stone and the 4th Gear x White Larry Dragon are both dank.
4G x WLD has a fermented fruity dank, but mostly that sour chemical smell like the CLHP.
The HC x RS is just dank. Maybe a hint of sandalwood or patchouli inscense.
- I just smoked a fatty of one of those two and I can't remember which one :cool:
The Headbanger Zee was one of that run of testers that I didn't ever see a nanner on. The rest were pretty raunchy. Long story short this is the one that seeded herself in secret, but let enough go to make maybe a dozen beans each on her tent partners. Those are the bagseeds I am saving. I got 7 beans out of a top the size pictured, and those are just hemp as far as I am concerned. I'll sprout those for a tea to feed the real plants ;)

But the flower - even after being fully seeded - is fucking great! It is sour. Like a candy sour. Maybe a cherry Jolly Rancher. This is the reason I kept those dozen or so beans from the 5 non-hermie-prone plants that were in the tent - including the volunteer plant that caught a little and has two kids growing in the closet right now. That was lemon, this is sour, could be special if it doesn't throw nuts. IMG_7226.JPG


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I did find one lone bean in the 4GxWLD - out of about two ounces unless there's another hiding in that last bit. I saved it because it might be the biggest bean I have seen, like a coconut. So if I ever do the big bagseed run that is the type of thing I want to see happen.
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I did find one lone bean in the 4GxWLD - out of about two ounces unless there's another hiding in that last bit. I saved it because it might be the biggest bean I have seen, like a coconut. So if I ever do the big bagseed run that is the type of thing I want to see happen.
I'm definitely doing a bag seed run soon as some of the weed I've been smoking on lately from my local dispensaries has been just amazing but lightly seeded. This is hilarious to me because due to that "flaw" the price goes down from 10$ a gram to 2$ ! Talk about a home growers DREAM :ROFLMAO:
I now have a nice vile of bag seeds off of White Apple, Dosidos, and a Lemon Garlic all of which I thought were really fire. I want to pop all 3 to see what the plant looks like that spit out that flower and if I can grow it without seeds and hopefully make it even better.


Terpenes. Everyone is learning that it ain't all about THC numbers. You get something with 30% THC, then something with 20% THC but 30% total cannabonoids, you get a different buzz. Probably a better, longer lasting buzz.

"lets make the plant less stinky", "lets make the plant more purple" etc. If you are breeding for anything other than the high, you are going to lose something in the interpretation.
They actually recently found that the skunk smell comes from some sort of sulfur compounds. Most of this is over my head but I saw this posted yesterday


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
They actually recently found that the skunk smell comes from some sort of sulfur compounds. Most of this is over my head but I saw this posted yesterday
It could definitely be a regional thing where the right combo of elements in the soil. Virginia is where it is supposed to have originated from, and Sam the Skunkman took it overseas and it went perfumy whether on purpose or by design or both.

Terroir is how a particular region’s climate, soils and aspect (terrain) affect the taste of wine. Some regions are said to have more ‘terroir’ than others.