The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
this is good to know!
There are a handfull of strains I have that can give you that all-over headrush after a good bong rip - reliably. I mean, some will on occasion if your head is just right, but some will get you almost every session. In my fridge now its

Chem D
Chem D auto
Homecoming Queen
County Line Hashplant
and now the 007up.

Croquembouche was like that but I'll need to grow another at some point. The SSHP x Baguettes is from that same chuck so I'm being patient ;)
Also the original Hippie Crippler and a few of her crosses.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The Grapefruit and the Sangria Cookies both have a killer high, plus the amazing taste, but neither had that fuzzy, looking up out of a hole face-punch where you feel like you might need to hang on to something. I haven't had a fruity strain I can think of that fit that category though.


The Grapefruit and the Sangria Cookies both have a killer high, plus the amazing taste, but neither had that fuzzy, looking up out of a hole face-punch where you feel like you might need to hang on to something. I haven't had a fruity strain I can think of that fit that category though.
I just bucked both of my Sangria Cookies plants. I was going to trim them up tonight but I’m feeling lazy and will probably put it off until Saturday morning. They smell amazing though!


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I just bucked both of my Sangria Cookies plants. I was going to trim them up tonight but I’m feeling lazy and will probably put it off until Saturday morning. They smell amazing though!
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View attachment 101400
Nice! Here's an old motto of mine:
Why put off until tomorrow something you can get away without having to do at all? :ROFLMAO:
What comes to mind on the smell? I don't want to ask "does it smell like _____" and put the idea there LOL


Nice! Here's an old motto of mine:
Why put off until tomorrow something you can get away without having to do at all? :ROFLMAO:
What comes to mind on the smell? I don't want to ask "does it smell like _____" and put the idea there LOL
The biggest thing I smell is licorice. Kind of like a mix of berries and black licorice. I sampled a popcorn bud with a friend and I really like it, can’t wait to see how it is after a proper cure.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The biggest thing I smell is licorice. Kind of like a mix of berries and black licorice. I sampled a popcorn bud with a friend and I really like it, can’t wait to see how it is after a proper cure.
If you're not worried about runnig out give it a try every week. The taste changes as it cures but if it is dry enough to burn it's good buzz. That part doesn't change as much.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I should have plenty to try that. I’ve smoked and vaped it and it’s great both ways so far.
I've gotten out of that purist 'theology' on the cure. I have plenty of everything and when I jar it at a week or so I always try it. If I liked it at that point it's in the rotation. The big realization is that I am grabbing out an 8th or so to twist a few and pack a bong with the leftovers - or less than that to fill a large doob tube for packing bowls with. I am not sitting there smoking an ounce or three in one sitting.

I have also found that if it wasn't that great when you jar it, it ain't getting that much better no matter how long you cure it. A really long flowering plant might 'mature' into a better mellow buzz, but the hard hitters don't change much IMHO. The veg matter is mainly what is changing in the cure, and that isn't where the buzz is. But there have to be some terpenes in the veg that may 'ferment' into something special after a longer cure. Who knows.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The Querkle is a girl so I have 8 plants to mess with. I am thinking that ditching the fan leaves earlier might let me keep more flowers. I see trying to keep it a flattish canopy of lowers and let the center cola do whatever. Next watering they'll all come out and get a top dressing and severe pruning.

I can adjust the front and rear light height independently but I may still have to stick a few elsewhere. I am setting up a spare 18x32 tall tent with a spare HLG-135 that I can either use for veg or flower. It can hold three 5g pots but it's pretty tight.
I rearranged the BCL. Grow tip: Having a reised plant in the rear makes hand watering much easier
- instead of reaching over a raised pot to get to one on the floor... :rolleyes:
I can put some light bondage on these and make room for a few plants but I'd rather not.
Day 40F for D1,2 and OrgiBX 1 and I have come to the conclusion that growing without a scrog(s) while trying to fit 3 plants in a 3 X 3 tent might be a bit too much ask. All the bent and twisted stems sure look cool though especially with sticky weed growing all over them.
D1 D2 O1 D40F B .JPGD1 D2 O1 D40F .JPG
Day19F and BCL 2(Front R) has opened hard and strong while BCL 1(Back R) and OrgiBX 2(Left) are still taking shape.
BCL 1,2, OrgiBX 2 D19F.JPG
BCL 1,2, OrgiBX 2 D19F B.JPG
BCL 1,2, OrgiBX 2 D19F C.JPG
That face you make when you are pretty sure you see wisps of pink hairs forming...
Spidy Tingles.jpg


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
while trying to fit 3 plants in a 3 X 3 tent might be a bit too much ask.
Now you know why I don't veg long. My tents are only 3.5 x 3.5 but there's plenty of room for 4 trees. or nine 5gallons if the plants are kept within the pot diameter (like the 4-tops).

I think the trick is to occasionally spend some time out of the tent with each one and shape them. If you like growing them longer to get the bulk I think you'd like doing a manifold with 8 or more tops. And they are pretty much self levelling.

The heavy bondage early keeps you from having to beat them down later.
Now you know why I don't veg long. My tents are only 3.5 x 3.5 but there's plenty of room for 4 trees. or nine 5gallons if the plants are kept within the pot diameter (like the 4-tops).

I think the trick is to occasionally spend some time out of the tent with each one and shape them. If you like growing them longer to get the bulk I think you'd like doing a manifold with 8 or more tops. And they are pretty much self levelling.

The heavy bondage early keeps you from having to beat them down later.
Self leveling would be awesome! I will definitely give a manifold 8 a try. Thanks H.A.F. (y)


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Also check out “Mainline”. It’s a little different than a manifold.
@Zaphod420 - it's the same thing - one was built off the idea of another. The main thing is you sacrifice everything but 2 limbs, and it's best to wait for the two that come from the first 5-blade node..

The 'manifold' was describing the end shape of an 8-top that resembled an old V-8 engine exhaust. I did that exclusively for a bit to get bulk and start on my headstash.

There's a description and many pics earlier in this thread if you get bored, but the gist is that the initial topping breaks the apical dominance - no fat center cola. Most of the directions you'll find show how to have all your cola as tertiary limbs coming off the two secondary ones you kept. Like the ones in your picture.

That sucks. They do not end up even. The "lower" 4 limbs in your pic will have 2/3 the weightof theother 4, and will be shorter. It'll make a fat plant no doubt, but there's a better way.

Keep two opposing limbs like in the picture, but higher up so there's an actual trunk. He had a splitting problem because you get the opposing halves of the plant producing weight. It can split late in grow and you don't even notice until something odd happens up top. This was how I started topping them almost to the next node. By the time that piece of stem dries up and falls off there's a strong knuckle underneath instead of what he has.

He also kept limbs from either the seed-leaf node or the 3-toe node. They are un-even stem thickness. Better to wait. You can also bend the limbs down to pot level if needed to keep the height down and keep pinning them down laterally untill you get to the edge of the pot, or get the number of tops you want.

Instead of stretching those two limbs out, then keeping everything off of them, you top them after the first node for 4 limbs. Later you top those 4 for 8 tops. Each topping takes about a week of veg in between. Any questions don't hesitate, I'll talk you over the ledge :unsure: :ROFLMAO:


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Here's one of the last ones I did, and I was getting bored and left extra stuff on.IMG_0117.JPG
The part I lined out is where you just keep topping each limb instead of keeping them all off the first two.
In the pic by #2 you are topping just after "3,4,5 & 6", then topping those again later.
I am going to be topping and training the bagseed plant I keep so I can flip it with the babies I just dropped, so I might as well do a mainline-ifold ;) Follow along LOL
Lots of really good info above and thanks a bunch for sharing as I really need to get a better handle on how to make a plant grow how I want inside my tents. I will totally keep an eye out and try your according to hoyale H.A.F. manifold technique as your ability to fit so many plants in the space you do amazes me. (y)


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
ability to fit so many plants in the space you do amazes me. (y)
It's about the pot diameter. If you keep the plant confined to that vertical column above the pot it means if you can fit a pot you can fit a plant. That's another part of the pulling them out of the tent part. You have to think of them as individual entities instead of "a canopy". You can also raise and lower each plant to get that even canopy - or close enough.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
If height isn't an issue, you don't have to bend them down drastically at the start.
I have also done it with clones, but they weren't as uniform. It's still about keeping two limbs and bonsaii-ing them into the shape you want.