Noob here


New Member
Hey ya’ll. Glad to be here. New at growing and Ive run into a jam. Been growing Autoflowers, day 16 and ran into a yellowing issue. Water and soil are correct PH, using a 1000W led in a 2*2. Thought it might be cal mag deficiency and used foliar spray today. Growth seems to be coming along. Seeds are NL from FastBudz. Any assistance would be appreciated. A7011F9E-20CE-4EF3-BA95-C334A7C8E492.jpeg


New Member
It is a cheaper LED, although it says 1000, I think it is closer 600. Open to any reccs for a good 2x2 light. Soil is Maine Organics platinum mix. Feeding them nothing but PH water, but planned on starting the FF trio. I did give give it some CalMag in a foliar spray.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Coast of Maine Platinum mix and just PH treated water so far. Was going to start FF trio this week but not sure now.
It looks like they are hungry. Even 600w is a ton for a 2x2. I ran one with a 135w just fine.

But more light will make them eat more, and more LED makes them need more calmag. Those two basic things might help. If you have the FF trio I would juice them with a half to a full dose of the Big Bloom. It is the organic one of the bunch and is basically a compost tea. Really low on the NPK food but lots of other plant goodies in it. Work 'em back slow.


New Member
It looks like they are hungry. Even 600w is a ton for a 2x2. I ran one with a 135w just fine.

But more light will make them eat more, and more LED makes them need more calmag. Those two basic things might help. If you have the FF trio I would juice them with a half to a full dose of the Big Bloom. It is the organic one of the bunch and is basically a compost tea. Really low on the NPK food but lots of other plant goodies in it. Work 'em back slow.
Thank you! I will give it a shot!

Deleted member 60

^^^^Good advices^^^^

Second peice of advice......don't hover over shit/over-analyze everything. (and for god's sake...don't mist yer fuckin plants...LOL) That shit drives me nuts. For WHY? (I only recommend doing this to check for spider mite webs)

As an off-the-shelf product...your soil mix >should< be in the zone for pH. If it isn't....their "Platinum" tag is a scam. I agree that..especially at this stage of your hobby growing....adjusting pH is a recipe for disaster. All you really need to do is get the temp/humidity/lighting/ventialtion in check and in the zone....and let things roll. And..there are other routes besides the fabled go to of 'it's a Cal Mag issue". For my money/experiences...all you needd to do is find a good (mineral matrix has been a go to here for about 15 years) trace minerals package and go easy. Mere drops per gallon here and there...especially in veg....will minimize or eliminate such things. I've grown for over 30 years now and I think i've only bough one bottle of "Cal Mag".....FWIW.'s like misting plants.....some guys do it...and some know better than to do it.

But that's just me. YMMV. Either of luck with the grow!