The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The SL 4-top clone got a 3gallon and a flip. So this is all Sacred Lotus. After emptying the tent I cleaned everything, then shifted the stuff from the closet. Tomorrow I'll clean the closet out and that's where the Heisen-flips will go.
The heisen testers look better. No clue what the issue was other than topping them. The Dank Sinatra like their new pots, and I emptied out the seedling starter. I'll watch these close in case I need to put the whole dome in here, but I wanted them getting more light. IMG_9477.JPGIMG_9479.JPG


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
You can clearly see a difference, i wonder if there is gonna be a smell/taste difference.
Can't tell yet, but that would be cool if they were wildly different. I know it is partly due to the different pruning. I chopped the 8 main tops so they had roughly the same number of buds on them.

I'm high and think about stuff.

Would those 4 main tops have been plump like the other one if there wasn't a third of the plant weight in the tiny limbs?


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Smoke report on the Banana Hashplant (fem) from CLG.
This was the baby of the tent, healthy from day one, and has never had a hint of banana smell. I've tried to find it, but I think I got the hashplant leaner.
It has a similar scent to the G13 Hashplant I grew a few months back. Smells spicy (like fresh sage) like the GHP does,
but with a sour/earthy/bread undertone which is probably from the banana. Very nice 😋
I kept out what wouldn't fit in a quart and ground it up. It'd medium-density, not fluffy, but not chunky.
Ground up it has more of the sourdough bread smell, but still spicy.
Bong-hit is awesome! Pack it and take a big hit - no cough. The buzz creeps up, but then hits. Is there such thing as a get-r-dun mellow? I feel like I could chill and watch a movie - but would rather do something and enjoy being high while doing it :unsure::cool:
My version of a home-rolled


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Three of the Heisen testers will get flipped in the next day or so. When they need water they'll get jammed into 3-gal pots and I'll fire the closet back up. The Lemon Tree and the Lemon Tree x Sundae Driver are both going to get held back for a week or so. They each lost a few lower shoots.
The two in the middle are the Dank Sinatra. Why do I get the feeling that there is a male and female?
The 'female' shorty lost the seed-leaf and first 3-toed-leaf shoots. There was a small and a large shoot, so both went. Not keepers for a 4-top.
the 'male' (hope not) had nice even shoots on the second rung, so they stay and I'll be watching for their leaves to beef up a little before I top.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Sacred Lotus is looking great @H.A.F.
It is a strain I am really proud of, I hope you get one of the vanilla cream cake batter phenotypes
I don't even remember which plants the clones came from. They all look the same on top, but two had feeding issues. Too much, too little- don't know. But all were treated the same and two didn't like it - all the newer growth looks OK. It's doing like the two RM did, half the grow will have the first fan leaves onuntil harvest, the other half will be stripped bare as they die off 🤷‍♂️

I'm hoping it stops before it gets to the frosty-fans, but it is what it is. Everything gets water tonight, and I'll be soaking them with just the RO/calmag to see what the run-off on each plant tells me. Along with a few repots and flips. Moving right along.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Top to bottom.
Sacred Lotus re-evaluation -
there is only one still on the struggle-bus. Never produced many flower sites after flip compared to the others because of whatever issues it had.
I got a BOGO deal on soil, big bag of FFHF, with a free small bag of FFOF. I divided the FFOF between 5 pots for the Heisen plants, and repotted 4 of the 5. The SD x LT is just not ready to flip - the others are close enough. just over 4 weeks on them. I moved the SL clones in here with similar height plants, but the one I just flipped (center) will probably stretch and end up back in the tent. IMG_9514.JPG
The seedlings ar eall still vertical, and the Dank Sinatra are doing the 'rock me slowly' thing. IMG_9520.JPG


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The fat one will weigh the same, but will probably be tomorrow before i jar it.

The climate in granny's wardrobe is 71f and 55% rH, so if it stops losing weight in the wardrobe, it is almost too dry. Today I am weighing the fattest limb on the other plant about every 6-8 hours and jotting down the weight. It is still losing about .3g each weigh in, (out of about 26g) so it's close.

This one weighed 63g this morning, then went into vacuum with an rH pack to see if it gained or lost weight. after a few hours, it still weighed the same so it's jarred.

If it loses weight under vacuum it'll also probably feel a little softer to the touch, so I air it out.
If it gains weight I'll keep putting it back under vacuum until it "rehydrates"
This one was perfect.

The 63g filled a half-gallon and a quart to the neck. I don't see the chunky one filling a half-gallon. Dense!


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The Rainbow Man 4-top was 68 grams de-stemmed. After vacuum for a few hours it was 70g. Jarred it came up to the neck of a half gallon, but it'l settle out as those leaves I didn't trim break off.
Smells. A little sweet, a little gas, mainly weed. I mean that in a good way. It smells like what I remember weed smelling like back in the day.



a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Morning stoner thoughts.
The Hippie Crippler mom is not nearly as frosty and the flower-clones.
They both smell and taste the same, but it's a difference between 2 hits and 3 hits if you get me.
The mom is more dank and resinous with a respectable amount of frost, but the clones look frosted.

Since I have plenty I jammed all but the 4 big tops of the mom in the decarb. This should be cool 😋

But it got me wondering about breeding, and whether or not the traits the flower clones showed would transition to seeds if you bred them, or would the seeds still be just like the mom?

Enquiring minds want to know! :ROFLMAO:

hippie crippled monday


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The babies got their first watering with someting other than a spray bottle. I use a sports-bottle and they get a straight stream once around the cup. Probably between an 1/8 and 1/4 cup.
LVTK by @thenotsoesoteric
And the James Gang
There are a few monsters here. Last run I marked the initial tall ones, and they were the boys.
Which would make this 2 boys, 2 girls, and 2 undecided.
Dank Sinatra 1 is nowhere near being ready to top. Itty-bitty sprouts.
But this one got topped and cloned. I figure one of these must be a girl, and I'd rather have two to flower out. So I'll clone the top on both.
It worked out well on the SL one that was vegged. but the one I flipped to sex is just a novelty, so these will veg for a while.
and the Sundae Driver x Lemon Tree from @Heisenbeans got a bigger pot to see if it'll get her moving. Roots looked fantastic, she's just tiny.