Friends Chat!


Deleted member 60

I've been serious before and never grew the kinda weight indoors that I can get outdoors. Still love to tip those scales heavily.... but it's habit now vs. need. I dunno though......5 or 6 of those magic tents might change things....especially filled with Phototrons.


Insanely Active Member
I’m sure all those tents would be at bargain basement price as well. Hmmm never heard the old neighbourhood resident drug dealer back in the day say “ Buy one get one free” . What an opportunity missed


Tegrity Greenthumb
I'd smoke weed witchyoo JF. I can have a swell time conversing w/ someone with an opposing pov as long as they're not an asshole. People that are in total agreement generally have little interesting to talk about.
You already know what it is. One day it may have to happen. Always enjoyed talking with you. Others..... yea I guess it was still fun lol.