Under Construction: Proceed With Caution! Buckets That Bubble & More...

I think in another 24-48 hours I am really gonna start abusing the PBB. I ran her no chiller entire grow so I am going to start dropping a few frozen water bottles in the res. May even split her main stem. Were see but best believe I am going to give it to her. Theory is....triggering her defense mechanism.


Stress Tester
I think in another 24-48 hours I am really gonna start abusing the PBB. I ran her no chiller entire grow so I am going to start dropping a few frozen water bottles in the res. May even split her main stem. Were see but best believe I am going to give it to her. Theory is....triggering her defense mechanism.
Awsome you have peeked my interest once again.
What are you expecting to happen?
Awsome you have peeked my interest once again.
What are you expecting to happen?
So, in a cannabis plant ( or any plant for that matter ) ...they have a defense mechanism. That's their way to fight off pests or anything considered a predator. I.E deer or any herbivore. The defense for a cannabis plant is trichomes and smell. In theory....doing this to a plant prior to harvest " triggers and tricks " the plant thinking winter is here or thinking its about to be ate by an animal. This in return triggers the plant to produce even more trichomes and a much more stronger smell.