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Really Active Member


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Another big factor from previous years is just the fact that there was NEVER flu testing on this scale.


Really Active Member
I hope the number of infected is understated, not overstated, or the eventual death toll goes up.

I understand how they were counting deaths. That's why you need to ignore their numbers.

In order to find out how many people actually died as a result of the pandemic, you need to simply compare how many people have died this year versus previous years. Which is what I showed you with the first 2 articles. The increase in deaths compared to previous years shows the real picture.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Another big factor from previous years is just the fact that there was NEVER flu testing on this scale.
In other words, any comparison to other years is pretty much worthless. We have no clue how many people DIDN'T DIE from the flu last year. If they died and had the flu - easy. No one else was tested to see how many people are actually walking around with the flu and never know it.


Really Active Member
How many people that died or didn't die of the flu last year doesn't really matter.

The deaths from ALL causes combined is what matters


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I hope the number of infected is understated, not overstated, or the eventual death toll goes up.

I understand how they were counting deaths. That's why you need to ignore their numbers.

In order to find out how many people actually died as a result of the pandemic, you need to simply compare how many people have died this year versus previous years. Which is what I showed you with the first 2 articles. The increase in deaths compared to previous years shows the real picture.
The thing you can't count are the people that have or will die because of the "cure". Sorry, but the lockdowns are not worth it. People losing jobs, is bad, but those will come back after November. The people that commit suicide, the child abuse that is not noticed and reported by teachers, the breakfast and lunch that kids won't be getting from closed schools is a big one.

Look at your local elementary school and check the number of kids receiving free or reduced lunch. Those are the kids likely wondering when they will eat next if school doesn't open. I have a degree in Elem. Ed. and you have to teach to get that - I know. Several schools also have "take home" programs where those same kids get to take a sack of groceries home on weekends and holidays. It is worked with the local food-banks. Doesn't happen in summer - or if they keep schools closed.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
How many people that died or didn't die of the flu last year doesn't really matter.

The deaths from ALL causes combined is what matters
I'm just saying that all their big scary numbers come from testing. Like the doc in the video said, they were never pressured to test for the flu before when people died from other causes. This year the covid is an also-ran on lots of death certificates when it had little or nothing to do with the death.


U are a fucking moron haf and u always will be . Keep letting the media control your mind . Maybe u should think for yourself for once ?? Talk about sheep . I asked the dude to show me somebody and he's like oh look a politician says it bahahahahhahahaha
Remember what you asked me to do in that message? This is me doing it ;)


Just some asshole
I just don’t understand the numbers. I met with a bunch of emt’s again yesterday. Number of admitted patients for all the hospitals in a city of almost a million(guessing much more If you count the surrounding suburbs) was 9. 9 patients admitted to the hospitals with covid. One of the guys said they’re having more people come in with gunshot wounds than be admitted with covid

Then you watch the news or read articles and it’s a giant pandemic and people are dropping like flies. County I live in the death count is up to 0.

NY has been at less than 10 deaths a day since June. Some days 0.

Y’all sure these politicians are pulling a fast one?


Same as in Ontario...its going to get crazy here. I think they will have to declare them an essential service which will make school happen.

Until there is an outbreak...and there will be.

I can teach him to be a farmer i guess.
He's 14? Hopefully they get this crap worked out so he gets a senior year. I'm seeing many kids getting shitty deals for being seniors. Last years seniors had somewhat of a year, missing a few months, now it's going to be much worse for the next crop.
Solution?........hell, I can't think of much to solve it.


Just some asshole
He's 14? Hopefully they get this crap worked out so he gets a senior year. I'm seeing many kids getting shitty deals for being seniors. Last years seniors had somewhat of a year, missing a few months, now it's going to be much worse for the next crop.
Solution?........hell, I can't think of much to solve it.
Kids are in school here. For how long who knows. Guessing they will go long enough for them to get the state funding then close? 🤷‍♂️


Hobby Farmer
Its pretty shitty that things became so polarized politically that people lost sight of what made respective countries great.

Its just orange man bad....liberal sniffer bad...

Here it is Trudeau is dumb as a weeks rain and all of the cons look like Mr Burns but have the appeal of Jerry Springer.

Because its a real problem worldwide. And that shit spills over.

Because 98% of the NOT the usa.

And for the record Australia is REAL....the world is NOT flat.

There may be an impact of humans not giving a fuck on the earth....

Science is real until proven otherwise...that is how SCIENCE works...and the otherwise has to be repeatable by other people to be binding until it is overturned again by new repeatable science. Of course there are contradictions with regard to an unknown disease.

the whole unknown thing and all.

And you are so very wrong....China may hold your debt but the next problem in the world IS Russia and their new emporer.

Elected for 30 years is an emperor not a democracy. Without a vote I mean. Lets extend trumps reign by 20 years...4 Schmore.
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