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Whip Eurass

Super Active Member
Trump was divisive before he got elected. Hillary was a piece of shit who killed my friends.
It’s no wonder she lost, the dems just did not pick a good candidate. Not that the republicans did either.
Ann Coulter, who has since turned on Trump big time, predicted he'd win the nomination when there were more than a dozen candidates. Is there any one of them that you would have preferred over DT? So many empty suits in that group led by 'low energy' Jeb. I'm not saying that makes him a good candidate, unless it's by comparison to his competition.



Just some asshole
Seriously. Why can’t we get a candidate.

I’d like to see some guy who served oh 12 years or so In the military. Then went on to do great things. Maybe a few businesses. Maybe a non profit.

There’s guys out there like that. They just don’t want to step into the mess that’s there now.

Only reason I prefer military is they teach you leadership at every level. I was never told to do something by someone who hadn’t already done it or wasn’t willing to do it.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Ann Coulter, who has since turned on Trump big time, predicted he'd win the nomination when there were more than a dozen candidates. Is there any one of them that you would have preferred over DT? So many empty suits in that group led by 'low energy' Jeb. I'm not saying that makes him a good candidate, unless it's by comparison to his competition.

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Ted Cruz is actually smart. Harvard Law and all that shit. I don't think he has the balls to tell DC "we're not doing that shit anymore" like Trump has. Maybe Ross Perot should have been elected back in the day.


Just some asshole
Ann Coulter, who has since turned on Trump big time, predicted he'd win the nomination when there were more than a dozen candidates. Is there any one of them that you would have preferred over DT? So many empty suits in that group led by 'low energy' Jeb. I'm not saying that makes him a good candidate, unless it's by comparison to his competition.

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I think they wanted someone who wasn’t a career politician. A businessman. Not some dude who hung off that government tit while making millions and not accomplishing anything in their careers.

Joe had 8 years to give all the answers to Obama


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I think one of the few promises he hasn't kept is "Lock her up" - but if some of her coconspirators go soon she might be a second term indictment - after the other treasonous bastards cut deals for turning in their bosses.

Whip Eurass

Super Active Member
I think one of the few promises he hasn't kept is "Lock her up" - but if some of her coconspirators go soon she might be a second term indictment - after the other treasonous bastards cut deals for turning in their bosses.
Find that in the 'don't hold your breath' file, unfortunately.


Super Active Member
Trump was divisive before he got elected. Hillary was a piece of shit who killed my friends.
It’s no wonder she lost, the dems just did not pick a good candidate. Not that the republicans did either.

I just don’t understand why the dems did not learn anything from the prior election. I almost think they have a worse candidate this time.
Hillary did kill 4 soldiers BUT Trump killed "thousands" of americans because he wouldnt admit he was wrong and do the right thing early on with Covid.


Just some asshole
Hillary did kill 4 soldiers BUT Trump killed "thousands" of americans because he wouldnt admit he was wrong and do the right thing early on with Covid.
How do you think the response to “well this is gonna get bad folks. No one can work stay in your houses” right out of the gate?

I’d have preferred “This may be bad, if you’re sick, elderly or unhealthy stay home. Those of you that are of working age be mindful of your elders and those staying home. Be safe”


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The problem with ALL the career politicians is that they know "how everything works" in DC - except that it doesn't fucking work. Except to line the pockets of the ruling class. Someone strolls in that knows how things SHOULD work, and starts fixing it - how many bank accounts in DC do you think suffered from every new trade deal, or deregulation?

Whip Eurass

Super Active Member
How do you think the response to “well this is gonna get bad folks. No one can work stay in your houses” right out of the gate?

I’d have preferred “This may be bad, if you’re sick, elderly or unhealthy stay home. Those of you that are of working age be mindful of your elders and those staying home. Be safe”
No one knew then who were most vulnerable, so it couldn't have been said.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Last I heard, over half the Obama era EPA hires were let go -and not replaced. Some of those that previously held that power resigned because they no longer had that power.


Super Active Member
Ann Coulter, who has since turned on Trump big time, predicted he'd win the nomination when there were more than a dozen candidates. Is there any one of them that you would have preferred over DT? So many empty suits in that group led by 'low energy' Jeb. I'm not saying that makes him a good candidate, unless it's by comparison to his competition.

View attachment 68355
I was pulling for Rubio for the win
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