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Seed Aficionado
There was a time not so long ago that most people, including politicians on either side, hated being caught in a lie.

Then a new strategy happened on the left. Lie openly. Blatantly. Frequently. If someone calls you on it, call them [a] racist sexist [c] white [d] Uncle Tom [e] pick your favorite combinations. Attack them. Call for sponsors boycotts. Call out a mob to the bastard's residence. Do the Maxine Waters technique - confront them wherever you find them...restaurants, gas safe zones.

They look right in the camera and lie. They get called in front of congress and lie. The right responds with outrage. Investigations. Ultimately, no consequences ever happen to the lefty liars. Zero. Nada. Three years of Hannity and crew peeling the layers of the corruption onion, exposing criminal acts has resulted in zippity doo dah. What ever happened to Tom Fitton and Judicial Watch, who were the pit bulls snipping at the lefty's heels?

Contrast that to the hell Michael Flynn continues to endure, even after Barr's justice department declared no prosecution should occur against him.

That's 'who the fuck blames Trump'. Truth to them is a mere inconvenience.

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U cannot blame someone for a disease that's out of control. U understand what I am saying. He isn't a scientist that made it in a lab. Who's to say another president would have done any better .
He answered your question. Not really sure what more you want.
I think there is a misunderstanding. Are u the person? Can u bring me an actual person or do u know an actual person who blames Trump for covid. He is not a scientist he didn't make it in a lab . This is hilarious. Must be some words being miscommunicated .


Seed Aficionado
U cannot blame someone for a disease that's out of control. U understand what I am saying. He isn't a scientist that made it in a lab. Who's to say another president would have done any better .
I think there is a misunderstanding. Are u the person? Can u bring me an actual person or do u know an actual person who blames Trump for covid. He is not a scientist he didn't make it in a lab . This is hilarious. Must be some words being miscommunicated .
Sorry lol 😁 don't even wanna fix it . When we say blaming him for corona we need to actually say blaming him for making it worse . How's that. And put ur fucking masks on . Show some respect. U aren't a sheep 🐑. It cool ✌


Just some asshole
U cannot blame someone for a disease that's out of control. U understand what I am saying. He isn't a scientist that made it in a lab. Who's to say another president would have done any better .
I think there is a misunderstanding. Are u the person? Can u bring me an actual person or do u know an actual person who blames Trump for covid. He is not a scientist he didn't make it in a lab . This is hilarious. Must be some words being miscommunicated .
Surely you read social media. There’s millions who blame him for everything. Some dumb cunt I went to school with got a flat tire and blamed him. “Flat tire this morning. Fuck trump”. Much of the media blames him for shit all the time. Goes back to whips post I just quoted. No one is held accountable.

Prior to the Chicago looting the pd shot some black dude. News says “black man gunned down by police”. Knew damn well it would start violence. Those reporters and news agency should have to pay for those damages done.

Dude shot at cops. Cops shot back. South side of Chicago, where obama said he was going to work to clean up his home city


Seed Aficionado
Surely you read social media. There’s millions who blame him for everything. Some dumb cunt I went to school with got a flat tire and blamed him. “Flat tire this morning. Fuck trump”. Much of the media blames him for shit all the time. Goes back to whips post I just quoted. No one is held accountable.

Prior to the Chicago looting the pd shot some black dude. News says “black man gunned down by police”. Knew damn well it would start violence. Those reporters and news agency should have to pay for those damages done.

Dude shot at cops. Cops shot back. South side of Chicago, where obama said he was going to work to clean up his home city
No I'm not on social media and I don't watch the news, and those people are fucking morons ,if they actually exist. Have to say though I appreciate u getting back to me the way you did. A few could learn a lesson in manners from you


Super Active Member
You can’t go see your mom because of state rules. He turned it over to the states month ago.

Trump tried to play it off as it was going to be ok. Your kid skins a knee do you tell them it’s going to be alright or do you go straight to amputation? (Might me a silly questions considering the demented fuckers on here😂)

Guess he should have came out and said if you’re old and sick good luck.
Thank god for the state, he had everything so fucked up, that the states had to pick up the pieces. We are grown adults, he had no reason whatsoever to lie to us. Who the fuck does he think he is. We aint talking about a skinned knee, we are talking about a virus that has killed over 160,000 and still rising. He didnt lie once or twice about the state of the virus, he lied daily for weeks and weeks. Wake up, he dont care one thing about you or anyone you know. All that matters is he looks good.


Just some asshole
Thank god for the state, he had everything so fucked up, that the states had to pick up the pieces. We are grown adults, he had no reason whatsoever to lie to us. Who the fuck does he think he is. We aint talking about a skinned knee, we are talking about a virus that has killed over 160,000 and still rising. He didnt lie once or twice about the state of the virus, he lied daily for weeks and weeks. Wake up, he dont care one thing about you or anyone you know. All that matters is he looks good.
Didn’t say he did care about me. I don’t care about him either. Sure he is a clown. He did what the doctors said, or took their knowledge and made judgements based on them. Some bad some good. Bottom line is the media is blowing this up much larger than it should have been.
So much division.

My state you could go visit your mom...


Seed Aficionado
Didn’t say he did care about me. I don’t care about him either. Sure he is a clown. He did what the doctors said, or took their knowledge and made judgements based on them. Some bad some good. Bottom line is the media is blowing this up much larger than it should have been.
So much division.

My state you could go visit your mom...
Agree completely. Media has made this just awful. Sad really


Just some asshole
Trump was divisive before he got elected. Hillary was a piece of shit who killed my friends.
It’s no wonder she lost, the dems just did not pick a good candidate. Not that the republicans did either.

I just don’t understand why the dems did not learn anything from the prior election. I almost think they have a worse candidate this time.


Seed Aficionado
Trump was divisive before he got elected. Hillary was a piece of shit who killed my friends.
It’s no wonder she lost, the dems just did not pick a good candidate. Not that the republicans did either.

I just don’t understand why the dems did not learn anything from the prior election. I almost think they have a worse candidate this time.
Seriously smh, it's pathetic if only Bernie were younger ... 😁 Ok how about nadar then lol


Just some asshole
Agree completely. Media has made this just awful. Sad really
Beginning of corona I think America came together a bit. Not like 9/12 but they did some. Then I think the media divided us. The politicians followed suit. Trump says dumb shit or divisive stuff. Guess what Nancy and chuck just throw it right back just as good. Come on kids. It’s like a damn food fight in kindergarten.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
A clown movie?
One with lots of riots, no cops, no borders, no history but what is approved, tax the shit out of anyone working to support the rest. Etc.

Basically any dystopian movie ever made. As long as they are the ones in charge that don't have to live in the ashes, they want to rule the ashes.
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