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Hobby Farmer
If you look at one particular tariff, maybe - but I trust him to make better business deals that Trudeau - don't you? Why don't you check into the rest of the new NAFTA or whatever they call it. America finally doesn't not perform as a charity for you or Mexico.
OMG it is one tariff. In the last week. Get your head out of the sand.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
just because you don't agree with his reasons, or they are not good for Canada, they will be fine here. He has unfucked so much trade imbalance that the economy was booming, manufacturing coming back, etc. that the demotards have to have scamdemics to slow his roll before the election.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The Trump economy was booming EVEN THROUGH:
Russia hoax
Ukraine Impeachment
Murder Hornets
Marxist protests
Cities abandoning the police in favor of the mob

But blame Trump - moron.


Hobby Farmer
just because you don't agree with his reasons, or they are not good for Canada, they will be fine here. He has unfucked so much trade imbalance that the economy was booming, manufacturing coming back, etc. that the demotards have to have scamdemics to slow his roll before the election.
you will pay more for goods.

Is it just impossible to admit when he makes a mistake? i dont get it.

Our leader can be a proper fucktard...welcome to how it works. I just find it incredulous to believe you just buy what he is selling.

Jonestown Koolaid and all.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
you will pay more for goods.

Is it just impossible to admit when he makes a mistake? i dont get it.

Our leader can be a proper fucktard...welcome to how it works. I just find it incredulous to believe you just buy what he is selling.

Jonestown Koolaid and all.
The price of nothing has gone up - and the price of gas has been below $2 since the election, and he shut down the EPA bullshit on getting our own oil. The price everything is the same, but I am not buying Chinese crap any more, so I am spending more - by choice.


Hobby Farmer
Choose what you wish. I will buy Canadian henceforth exluding beans... because my favorites come from the US of A

Actually half of you have your head out of the sand so there is hope...this election will be electric.


Hobby Farmer
The problem is that you are listening to reports from other OMB media - bet on it. You are being propagandized.
The problem is you do not realize we get our news from non USA completely independant sources....

And the Canada now what we do is tariff the shit that makes Trump look bad. Tariff the piss out of every promise he made.

But you will probably see no increase.

Mabye you should read some non USA news or something...get a bigger view.

You dont have to pay extra to be informed.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The problem is you do not realize we get our news from non USA completely independant sources....

And the Canada now what we do is tariff the shit that makes Trump look bad. Tariff the piss out of every promise he made.

But you will probably see no increase.

Mabye you should read some non USA news or something...get a bigger view.

You dont have to pay extra to be informed.
Your "non-biased" media is questionable. Also - we don't need Canada - tariff all you want. The "America First" policies have pissed off the rest of the world, and that is where you get your news. I trust what I see, not what the media says.


Hobby Farmer
Your "non-biased" media is questionable. Also - we don't need Canada - tariff all you want. The "America First" policies have pissed off the rest of the world, and that is where you get your news. I trust what I see, not what the media says.
You dont need Canada? ok we will find other markets for our resources.

Good luck eh.

Maybe you should actually read up on what you it pertains to natural resources.

OMG so you actually think you produce what you need?


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
If you can think back to the beginning of the year, when Trump closed travel to China based on info he had from doctors.

Pelosi went to Chinatown, and begged everyone to get out and not be racist...
Cuomo went downtown and talked about what a fool the President was, everything is fine.

If he cured cancer, the headlines would be "Trump cuts all cancer research funding!!!"


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
As far as needing Canada - you need us more than we need you - financially, gross national product-wise, etc. You play the tariff game with us, and YOUR people will end up paying.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
And the Canada now what we do is tariff the shit that makes Trump look bad. Tariff the piss out of every promise he made.
Which is what he's counting on, because that is stupid business practices based on emotion.


you will pay more for goods.
Don't take this as support for Trump, because it isn't, it's just common knowledge....We aren't going to be able to fix our system without it costing us more. The problem is that people here are hypocrites, and they think it's perfectly fine to have everything we want produced by slave labor in China, while fighting against slave labor in the US. Another problem is that most people would also be unwilling to give up their precious iPhone/Android and they are unwilling to pay the price they would cost if they were manufactured here. The only way we will be able to bring more work back here, and cut down on the slave labor, would be for us to be able to accept the fact that most of us won't be able to afford a lot of the electronics we take for granted today. But, so many people feel entitled to stuff like that, so it's a hard fight. I have more technoligy in my house that I can't afford than most people at the same income level as me, but most of that is because of my job, and not so much because I can afford it. To put it into perspective, though, the touch panels we used to sell and install used to be manufactured in NJ and a 10" panel used to cost our clients about $4,000 retail, and the question we always got was "why can I get a far more powerful iPad for far less than that?".

OMG so you actually think you produce what you need?
This is what Trump is trying to change. He's trying to get Americans to produce more of what we need.
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