Under Construction: Proceed With Caution! Buckets That Bubble & More...

I run my DWC buckets without having to move them.....one of my 4 current in late flower now has never had a res change and roots are awesome looking. But...I legit ran tubes under my floor connected to the res. This way I can pump water in if needed or use gravity to change the water. Once i chop....I'll be showing how I did that.
A little story about this lovely lady....First off she is Bubblicous from Nirvana. At the time, I had gotten the seeds from The Single Seed Centre. She was in my first ever seed order. Prior to her...the only seeds I grew was what I found in my bags lol. So anyways...this picture here was her 4th harvest. Each harvest got a little smaller then the prior run but it didn't matter to me because the smoke was unmatchable. It had the best smell and was soooooooooo tastey. She had a wicked kicked to her too. I have retired her but man was she a favorite of mine as well.
