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Just some asshole
His donating his paycheck would equal out to maybe you or I donating 10 a week, its just a gimmick to make himself look good. I dont know how much his pay is but Id say its probably in the vicinity of the hush money he paid Stormy. A drop in the bucket to him.
Good, I love a story where a person can work the system and come out on top. I’m doing it right now myself.

That same system is available for everyone in America to work. Don’t be Mad at someone who capitalizes on it and you didn’t.

Highland Rogue

Really Active Member
You completely and utterly miss the point. He does not HAVE to care about me personally!!! He cares about a majority of the things I care about and is fixing them. His agenda is fine with me and makes sense. I really don't care if he cares about me - why should I? I have friends and family for that shit - I want him to run a country somewhere besides into the fucking ground like the Hussein was doing, and like Biden would bring back.

Wake the fuck up.

Wake the fuck up?



a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Sorry, I misspoke. It's a flu - -that is safe for children and most healthy people, unlike the regular flu that kills randomly, and kids are hit the hardest.

So this is actually a good flu. But in an election year.


I don't care who is in office, or who says they will take our guns, because they know deep down that this isn't Australia, or Great Britain, and there are far too many guns in the hands of Americans to even attempt it. Any attempt would result in an immediate civil war and the vast majority of those in the military would tell the president to pound sand before going against the constitution they swore to protect. People seem to forget that the majority of the people in our military come from rural backgrounds and they love their guns. It really blows my mind that gun control is still a political talking point.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I don't care who is in office, or who says they will take our guns, because they know deep down that this isn't Australia, or Great Britain, and there are far too many guns in the hands of Americans to even attempt it. Any attempt would result in an immediate civil war and the vast majority of those in the military would tell the president to pound sand before going against the constitution they swore to protect. People seem to forget that the majority of the people in our military come from rural backgrounds and they love their guns. It really blows my mind that gun control is still a political talking point.
If guns kill people

Then wrenches fix plumbing
Hammers build houses

It is a tool - as are all the idiots on the left.

Highland Rogue

Really Active Member
I don't care who is in office, or who says they will take our guns, because they know deep down that this isn't Australia, or Great Britain, and there are far too many guns in the hands of Americans to even attempt it. Any attempt would result in an immediate civil war and the vast majority of those in the military would tell the president to pound sand before going against the constitution they swore to protect. People seem to forget that the majority of the people in our military come from rural backgrounds and they love their guns. It really blows my mind that gun control is still a political talking point.


Have you ever served? My guess is you haven't, because the vast majority of American troops don't blindly follow their leaders. There are a few idiots who would, but not enough to make a mark. People who never served seem to think that military personel have to follow every order they are given, and that is completely false. We swear to protect the constitution, first and foremost, and are only required to follow LAWFUL orders that don't violate the constitution. Hell, I disobeyed a direct order from my commander to swap VIN plates between two vehicles...and you think soldiers won't stand up against orders to disarm their fellow Americans?


Also note that we never had any war or murder before they invented guns!!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Whenever anyone talks about how gun control can work I point them to Chicago. BTW, we have a guy running for congress here who did a short stint in the Marines (I'm guessing Marine Reserves) and is related to the Kennedys. I wish I could find his ad that has been playing here because he talks about the problem we have with mass shootings, while a picture of Mark and Patricia McClosky goes across the screen, and says "I was a Marine and I know that weapons of war don't belong in the hands of citizens." First of many Marines do you know who say "I was a Marine"? That tells me he joined for a short stint just to add it to his political resume. Second of all, what do the McCloskys have to do with mass shootings?

Highland Rogue

Really Active Member
Have you ever served? My guess is you haven't, because the vast majority of American troops don't blindly follow their leaders. There are a few idiots who would, but not enough to make a mark. People who never served seem to think that military personel have to follow every order they are given, and that is completely false. We swear to protect the constitution, first and foremost, and are only required to follow LAWFUL orders that don't violate the constitution. Hell, I disobeyed a direct order from my commander to swap VIN plates between two vehicles...and you think soldiers won't stand up against orders to disarm their fellow Americans?
Some day, maybe, I will disclose my experience with the military induction process. Not today though.

Nice story and thanks for your disobedience, it's important to defy "authority" that relies on offensive force as a primary means.

Except, your story is far from the rule.

The vast majority of troops DO blindly follow unconstitutional orders, just like "oath keeper" and non oath keepers cops continue to.

That's why the USA has an unconstitutional standing army, a drug war, illegally occupies most of the world, and gun registration laws exist already, not to mention the most people in prison for victimless crimes of any place in the world.

Where is the constitutional authority to force people into lockdowns? Wear masks, etc ?

Where's the all the brave troops and cops who are going to stop that from happening? Why hasn't ANY Governor been arrested ?


Some day, maybe, I will disclose my experience with the military induction process. Not today though.

Nice story and thanks for your disobedience, it's important to defy "authority" that relies on offensive force as a primary means.

Except, your story is far from the rule.

The vast majority of troops DO blindly follow unconstitutional orders, just like "oath keeper" and non oath keepers cops continue to.

That's why the USA has an unconstitutional standing army, a drug war, illegally occupies most of the world, and gun registration laws exist already, not to mention the most people in prison for victimless crimes of any place in the world.

Where is the constitutional authority to force people into lockdowns? Wear masks, etc ?

Where's the all the brave troops and cops who are going to stop that from happening? Why hasn't ANY Governor been arrested ?
I agree that what is going on is unconstitutional. I don't expect most soldiers risking their career over those types of rights being stepped on, and I don't expect them to start attacking their superiors if a gun grab ever happens, but I can see them refusing to participate and doing what they need to stop it from happening. I may catch flak for this, but I personally don't include most of the National Guard with my statements. Most of the National Guard (prior full time active duty personnel excluded) are people looking for a free ride to college and very few of them have the typical mindset of full time military personnel.

Highland Rogue

Really Active Member
I agree that what is going on is unconstitutional. I don't expect most soldiers risking their career over those types of rights being stepped on, and I don't expect them to start attacking their superiors if a gun grab ever happens, but I can see them refusing to participate and doing what they need to stop it from happening. I may catch flak for this, but I personally don't include most of the National Guard with my statements. Most of the National Guard (prior full time active duty personnel excluded) are people looking for a free ride to college and very few of them have the typical mindset of full time military personnel.


Just throwing this FACT out there against the sheer ignorance and blind orange foollowing on this thread.
Sunday, Trumps own man, flat out said that hydroxychloroquine does not work and it never did........period.

"from a public health standpoint, at first, hydroxychloroquine looked very promising" but at "this point in time, there's been five randomized control, placebo-controlled trials that do not show any benefit to hydroxychloroquine."

"So, at this point in time, we don't recommend that as a treatment. There's no evidence to show that it is
," Giroir said.

Shows no benefit...........put that in your big pharma conspiracy pipe and smoke it.


Just throwing this FACT out there against the sheer ignorance and blind orange foollowing on this thread.
Sunday, Trumps own man, flat out said that hydroxychloroquine does not work and it never did........period.

"from a public health standpoint, at first, hydroxychloroquine looked very promising" but at "this point in time, there's been five randomized control, placebo-controlled trials that do not show any benefit to hydroxychloroquine."

"So, at this point in time, we don't recommend that as a treatment. There's no evidence to show that it is
," Giroir said.

Shows no benefit...........put that in your big pharma conspiracy pipe and smoke it.
Why do you think they banned it, and are making it so hard to prescribe, when it has been safely used since the '50s? This is why so many people think this is a big pharma conspiracy. The news made it sound dangerous because some morons thought pond treatment chemicals, which contained a version of the drug along with other chemicals, was suitable for ingestion. That's like saying water should be avoided because it is in bleach. Just to be clear, I'm not arguing it's effectiveness, because I'm not a doctor. I just find it strange that they are making it so difficult for doctors to prescribe.
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