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Just some asshole
I wonder what it does cost trump to play a round of golf? Secret service is paid wether there sitting on their ass or doing something. Probably costs more to keep AF1 grounded than in the air. Who knows.


Super Active Member
Can you explain to me how electing a democrat will fix or improve America?

Lately all I’ve seen on the news in Democrat ran cities is murder, violence, chaos. Democrat ran America wouldn’t turn into more of that?

Even Obama said what is going on is nonsense... Seems like what I am seeing is defund, dismantle and destroy from the Democrats, how is that better?
Electing my Dog would be a impovement over what we have



a.k.a. Rusty Nails
He certainly cares a lot more for the black community than obama.
Actually, I think he just points out that the things he is doing are helping "black Americans"
and "Hispanic Americans"
and "Asian Americans"
and all other Americans because what he actually does helps America as a whole - at the expense of the rest of the world if needed - because that is what a President is supposed to do for his country.

Rather than send pallets of cash to terrorists in the middle of the night, or fail to respond to Americans under attack and dying in Libya, or selling our uranium to Russia, etc.


Insanely Active Member
That little part shows that you are a sheep to the media - turn it off.
ummm i dont watch tv? maybe you should turn it off lol.

you call me a sheep yet your the one that seems to be blindly following someone you think has your best interests at heart when in reality their leading you to the slaughter.

figured you couldnt even answer the question bc you no just as well as i do, they do not care about us.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
you call me a sheep yet your the one that seems to be blindly following someone you think has your best interests at heart when in reality their leading you to the slaughter.
Oh please enlighten us with which eminent slaughter you think is coming. So far by the lefts standards I have survived about a dozen Armageddon's so bring it. All you are really saying is that you think Biden is the answer? I am "blindly following" (actual term - voting for) the person least likely to fuck everything up - and that is based on almost 4 years of seeing his "destruction" (mainly of leftist douchebags and policies)


I know how I’d fix the plandemic.
Eat right.
Take vitamins.
Don’t be a fat slob.
Exercise daily.
Turn off the news.
Go live your life.

Don’t see anyone endorsing that stuff and most of that’s free. Will make you a healthier person
Being healthy is good advice.

Not sure how it's going to help the guy I know who has COPD and diabetes.
Or my niece who has leukemia.
Or my mother who is pushing 90 but is otherwise healthy.

I'm glad you aren't the president -- but you might be smarter than the one we've got now.


I don’t give a fuck what it costs for him to go golfing, I’m sure it is expensive. I’ve worked personal security, still do. Not quite at his level but close. It’s expensive. I’m pretty happy to see that orange turd out living life and not being a little bitch hiding in his basement. Has Pelosi left her mansion to go do her job yet?

I’m pretty certain any president wouldn’t be the person to come up with a plan. That would probably fall upon the CDC to do so. Maybe I’m wrong, I don’t know whose responsibility it is.

When a toilet in the whitehouse stops up is it trumps fault? I suppose it would be if he shit in it. Is it his responsibility to fix it? No, it’s probably up to a janitor, and if he can’t fix it, I bet it’s his responsibility to call a plumber and pass on the responsibility to the plumber.

It wouldn’t matter if he has a perfect plan. The left would hate it and the media would hate it.
Everything you just said is wrong.

What the fuck has he been doing since March besides playing golf and calling his pal Putin?
He is not doing his job, and he's trying to blame the people who work for him.

Fauci advises him to do something.
Trump doesn't do it.
Then he blames Fauci and creates fake news about him.

Trumptard fascists believe whatever he tells them.

BTW the orange turd LOVES fake news.
He pioneered it, with the help of his pal Putin.
It's how he got elected after all.


“You’re so dumb!”

Using this as a retort to everything makes you sound like a mentally challenged teenager. I know you are only saying it to try to piss off whoever you say it to, but it’s obviously not doing that, and it’s just making you look like a retard.
I like it when dumb people try to sound smart.
You are so cute, I could squeeze your dumb little cheeks.


I wonder what it does cost trump to play a round of golf? Secret service is paid wether there sitting on their ass or doing something. Probably costs more to keep AF1 grounded than in the air. Who knows.
Trump resorts bills the govt for everything at full retail.
Do you think secret service agents pay for their own hotel rooms & food?
Fuck no, we even pay for their golf cart rentals -- and they don't play golf.

It is actually well documented, but it was reported by a real news agency so you will call it fake no matter what.
That's what trumptards do.
It's called "willful ignorance" and it's really, really sad.


Just some asshole
Everything you just said is wrong.

What the fuck has he been doing since March besides playing golf and calling his pal Putin?
He is not doing his job, and he's trying to blame the people who work for him.

Fauci advises him to do something.
Trump doesn't do it.
Then he blames Fauci and creates fake news about him.

Trumptard fascists believe whatever he tells them.

BTW the orange turd LOVES fake news.
He pioneered it, with the help of his pal Putin.
It's how he got elected after all.
Would you do what fauci says? He changes his mind on a daily basis. Remember he said masks don’t work....


Just some asshole
Trump resorts bills the govt for everything at full retail.
Do you think secret service agents pay for their own hotel rooms & food?
Fuck no, we even pay for their golf cart rentals -- and they don't play golf.

It is actually well documented, but it was reported by a real news agency so you will call it fake no matter what.
That's what trumptards do.
It's called "willful ignorance" and it's really, really sad.
I wonder if it cost more for him to golf or for Obama to send his wife plus a bus load of people to South Africa? He went to the Keys a lot too. 328 days of vacation in his presidency. Is a game of golf a vacation? Maybe he plays 2. I don’t know. I know nothing of golf.

But hey man if you think Hillary or Biden could be doing better then vote to the left.


Just some asshole
Here’s how I see a left vote.

Bring in Joe. make DC a state. Kill the electoral college, will never be a republican elected ever again. Implement the green new deal, no more power plants, only wind solar and water. Largest economic collapse in history.


Would you do what fauci says? He changes his mind on a daily basis. Remember he said masks don’t work....
He never said medical masks don't work. He said that he didn't think everyone needed to wear an N95 to go about their daily business.
Doctors know masks work. That's why they wear them in hospitals. It protects healthcare workers and their patients.

When it comes to improvised masks, the protection level depends on a lot of things.
You really should use your time to educate yourself. All of this information is readily available.

This is a new virus and we are learning new things about it every day.
The CDC (Fauci) may change their recomendations when new information becomes available.

Why would you do what Trump says?

He stared directly at a solar eclipse. o_O


Here’s how I see a left vote.

Bring in Joe. make DC a state. Kill the electoral college, will never be a republican elected ever again. Implement the green new deal, no more power plants, only wind solar and water. Largest economic collapse in history.
We have already had the largest economic collapse in history.
This is Trumps America.
Look around.

Trump has already made sure there will never be another republican president.
I wasn't a fan of GW Bush (only voted for him once) but I'd take him any day over the orange turd.


If Trump wins, I’m honestly more worried about 4 more years of the left tearing the country apart than any harm he may do to the country as president. We have laws to handle presidents that are out of control, but they feel like they have to make everyone so enraged at the president so they will just demand his removal.

Can we talk about more serious issues though? I live in a state where I haven’t been able to get my beard trimmed by a barber since March! 🤣

Joking is it that dentists can work in people’s mouths all day but a barber can’t trim a fucking beard? I’m sorry, I’m going to visit my mother today and I can already hear her saying “You look gross! Will you please let me trim that beard!”😁
What does a president have to do to be out of control?
Collude with our enemies?
Fuck up our alliances?
Kill hundreds of thousands of Americans with his lack of pandemic response?
Try to cut funding for covid testing?
Embezzle taxpayer money?
Violate campaign finance laws?
Pay hush money to porn stars?
Make undercover deals that cost us an ally in the middle east (Syria/kurds).

Holy shit man.
Fox news and Rush are not telling you the truth.
DC has never been swampier.

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