Under Construction: Proceed With Caution! Buckets That Bubble & More...


Insanely Active Member
Yea kinda my point....not sure if it's even worth taking it to the end. I'll more then likely bring it down at some point.
If your Looking to make room and in a position to do so you could always throw it outdoors and see what happens , semi shaded first till she adapts. Got nothing to lose if your only going to throw it . Just a thought
Sorry can you help a noob out, what is wrong with her? Looks likes it’s going to be a fatty to me 🥰
Raising the bar...she's hitting the back end of flower now and the smell isnt there and her trichome production is very small. Why take her another 3 weeks at minimum when I can easily walk over to my other tent and replace her. This then allows me more room. I have another tent going up in 24-72 hours so you know what is about to happen. I am revealing the gems.
If your Looking to make room and in a position to do so you could always throw it outdoors and see what happens , semi shaded first till she adapts. Got nothing to lose if your only going to throw it . Just a thought
My wife allows me to do some pretty fucked up shit without a blink...I wouldnt have the balls to ask her to plant anything outside other then veggies. I did try to convince her once that cannabis could be classified as a vegetable.


Raising the bar...she's hitting the back end of flower now and the smell isnt there and her trichome production is very small. Why take her another 3 weeks at minimum when I can easily walk over to my other tent and replace her. This then allows me more room. I have another tent going up in 24-72 hours so you know what is about to happen. I am revealing the gems.
Because you’ve taken her so far already. I don’t know I hate killing plants unless they’re really bad and that isn’t even close to my really bad hahaha! But if you need space you need space


Insanely Active Member
My wife allows me to do some pretty fucked up shit without a blink...I wouldnt have the balls to ask her to plant anything outside other then veggies. I did try to convince her once that cannabis could be classified as a vegetable.
Makes me feel a little warm and fuzzy inside knowing I’m not the only one to have to convince the wife that my “hobby” is good for my mental health
Makes me feel a little warm and fuzzy inside knowing I’m not the only one to have to convince the wife that my “hobby” is good for my mental health
So here's a story for ya...lol

So I have always been a heavy smoker...one day I found 2 seeds in one of my bags. Now at the time....you could have told me to piss on my plants for maximum yield and I would have believed it. I didn't know a thing about growing. It's a seed...just needs some water and light...so I started to grow them. Outside....and without her knowing about them. Then one day I got called outside by her as she's in the area of where they were growing. " That's where I knew I fucked up.....so after hearing here mouth for a while I was like you know what....I am growing plants if you like it or not. Well that's not what I said but I sure wish I did say it. So anyways...to make a long story short. I got her one day to give me a green light on a small grow operation. Like a little area for 2 decent sized plants. Now she's all like " stop cursing in front of the plants....you will make them upset ". true story lol
Because you’ve taken her so far already. I don’t know I hate killing plants unless they’re really bad and that isn’t even close to my really bad hahaha! But if you need space you need space
Well not really need the space...but I am just trying to rid anything not impressive to me. Why waste the space for something so so...Probably give her a good week though before deciding.


Insanely Active Member
So here's a story for ya...lol

So I have always been a heavy smoker...one day I found 2 seeds in one of my bags. Now at the time....you could have told me to piss on my plants for maximum yield and I would have believed it. I didn't know a thing about growing. It's a seed...just needs some water and light...so I started to grow them. Outside....and without her knowing about them. Then one day I got called outside by her as she's in the area of where they were growing. " That's where I knew I fucked up.....so after hearing here mouth for a while I was like you know what....I am growing plants if you like it or not. Well that's not what I said but I sure wish I did say it. So anyways...to make a long story short. I got her one day to give me a green light on a small grow operation. Like a little area for 2 decent sized plants. Now she's all like " stop cursing in front of the plants....you will make them upset ". true story lol
Yeah mate I have a story on a similar path only mine caused a bit more grief . My wife is in most cases really cool about most things but I got a bit sloppy and it all nearly got very messy and fast . Anyways I’m a noob at indoors for a reason so I’m hoping to get things on track and avoid starting anymore fires so to speak .
Yeah mate I have a story on a similar path only mine caused a bit more grief . My wife is in most cases really cool about most things but I got a bit sloppy and it all nearly got very messy and fast . Anyways I’m a noob at indoors for a reason so I’m hoping to get things on track and avoid starting anymore fires so to speak .
Oh I wandered down that path too once...now when I am not sure I create threads to ask before I find out on my own.

Yeah mate I have a story on a similar path only mine caused a bit more grief . My wife is in most cases really cool about most things but I got a bit sloppy and it all nearly got very messy and fast . Anyways I’m a noob at indoors for a reason so I’m hoping to get things on track and avoid starting anymore fires so to speak .
If you are used to outdoors then indoors will be much easier. Now you have total control of everything in the garden. Right now I am not in a legal state so I don't want to push it too far, Once we go legal....that's a different story.