I don’t think we need the draft back, but I do think a lot of people would benefit from even just one year in the military. The whole point of “basic training” is to knock everyone down to the same level and to teach people to respect one another as equals. It does a lot of good to a lot of people, IMHO. I know some people consider that “brainwashing”, but I don’t think I would go that far. I personally think it empowers a lot of people, and helps people understand what it is like to be a nobody for awhile. Their was a guy in my barracks from GA who’s father was some higher-up with the KKK and our drill sergeant was black. Kid was so damn racist when he got there but, by the end, he was a totally different person, and on graduation day he shook the DIs hand with tears in his eyes and thanked him for helping him become the man he became in such a short time.Sure, because everybody knows you can't protect "freedom" unless you have people forced into uniforms to do it.
Sort of like during the "civil war" when the Union Army used conscripted soldiers to protect the Union, ostensibly a free country, to fight the slave holding south who claimed they were leaving the Union as an act of freedom.
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