I didnt miss the point, I lived the point. Compound fracture of R femur, compound fracture of R Fibula and tibula, Two plates/13 screws in R femur, 1/2 " Diam rod down center of Tibia, 2 ribs moved to femur to replace 4" of femur that was left at scene, piece of hip moved to tibia to replace piece of it that was left at scene, Compound fracture of radial, 1 plate and 5 screws used to repair radial, near casteration because of gas cap, shoulder chopped up like hamburger literalty, and more. But the main point here was, I had a helmet on with three 1/4" scars down the left side of it that showed exactly where my head would have been ripped open. After everything I went thru it was the damn helmet that gave me a fighting chance. I dont care if no one wants to wear it or not, that choice is theirs. I am.