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I skimmed through the highlights of that hearing. What a pathetic performance from the democrats. Trump was right, they're not after him, they're after his followers.

The fact that this video has been taken down a thousand times pretty much sums up that it is correct, but the media and far left do not want America knowing the truth. They could cure cancer tomorrow and the media and far left wouldn't let that get out....

If it were to come out that these doctors, whom the governments said to trust the doctors, were right and hydroxychoriquin was a cure they would lose the new control over the people.

Every one of these politicians trying to hold America back right now needs to be shot in the face. Twice.
The full video can be found here for anyone who wants to watch it.


Hobby Farmer
To be honest...this is a scary thing. I think at some point it is going to scare you too.

Its fucking up kids now in weird ways. And i dont mean your usa press with its bias and slants i mean really legitimately causing problems.

IF you dont choose to wear a mask keep a safe distance. For your own good i mean.

I really dont care who is right who is wrong or any of that shit.

I am glad i have the buckshot....the stock groke off so i had to make it a sawed off with a 28 inch is within Canadian regulatinons.

Sweet 16 for the Apocalypse or to defend my awesome plants...and you know i got to. I dont sleep anyway lets rock some worlds. Louisville hardball bat from 20 years ago is my home defense of choice anyway...buckshot is for the zombie apoculypse thatw gun is locked away so deep i think its hidden with the last 2 oz of wedding dub i havent been able to find since may 24

I am high and i cant read without my readers and i lost 5 pairs someplace....

Glad you have mail in ballots too. Let the people decide....


@gwheels The way the media is spinning things here scares me far more than this pandemic. I honestly don’t know if any of that is worth believing, or not, and I am not one who buys into conspiracy theories. This is the first time I’ve thought there is something very scary going on with the media and outlets government. I know the media has always spun things, but what is going on now scares the shit out of me. I’ve seen the news claim that black Americans are catching it more than white and now they are saying woman are losing jobs due to the virus more than men and that it is unfair. All I see when I watch these news articles is the typical “white man bad” bullshit that has been going on for years now. The commercials here are a big indication of what’s going on, too. All the commercials from large companies have one thing in common. Anytime they have a white man in them, he’s either a moron or an aggressor. People on the left see this as an evening of the playing field, but I see it as punishing the white man of today for what their ancestors had done 50+ years ago. The problem with all of this is people seem to forget that the vast majority of white men in the US also come from poor to middle class backgrounds and don’t deserve the prejudicial bullshit that is going on anymore than POC or woman do.


Blümen Meister
@gwheels The way the media is spinning things here scares me far more than this pandemic. I honestly don’t know if any of that is worth believing, or not, and I am not one who buys into conspiracy theories. This is the first time I’ve thought there is something very scary going on with the media and outlets government. I know the media has always spun things, but what is going on now scares the shit out of me. I’ve seen the news claim that black Americans are catching it more than white and now they are saying woman are losing jobs due to the virus more than men and that it is unfair. All I see when I watch these news articles is the typical “white man bad” bullshit that has been going on for years now. The commercials here are a big indication of what’s going on, too. All the commercials from large companies have one thing in common. Anytime they have a white man in them, he’s either a moron or an aggressor. People on the left see this as an evening of the playing field, but I see it as punishing the white man of today for what their ancestors had done 50+ years ago. The problem with all of this is people seem to forget that the vast majority of white men in the US also come from poor to middle class backgrounds and don’t deserve the prejudicial bullshit that is going on anymore than POC or woman do.
Typical marketing trying to capitalize on what they think the pulse of the nation is. If it offends you, don't buy their sh*t. I wouldn't. I also don't watch TV much.

Hollywood doesn't pull this crap, despite being a largely left-leaning group. Why? Because they know if they cast minority leads, the movie typically tanks. When it comes down to it, these people trying to re-imagine reality and introduce innate bias are nothing more than greedy hypocrites.


I get the weird media thing but India, South Africa Africa it's bad it's not politics there it's death

All politics aside it will get a lot worse. It is very worrisome
Notice something in common with those areas you mentioned? The problem is a combination of over population, and the virus, more than the virus itself. This is why people in large overpopulated cities believe this is far worse than it is...because it IS worse in over populated areas. What people fail to grasp is that the majority of the US is not overpopulated and those areas can and should handle this differently. This, IMO, is what is wrong with the left in the US. They feel like they have to govern the entire country as if it is Chicago or LA and people who don't live in overpopulated crime ridden cities are just tired of it. Gun control certainly hasn't worked in Chicago, LA, NYC, or Boston, so how do they expect it to work across the entire country? The left would like you to believe that 80% of Americans live in cities, but that includes small suburban cities that barely qualify as one. The reality is closer to 50%-70% of Americans live in these overpopulated urban cities. My personal opinion is that the left is destroying middle and lower class white households in an effort to somehow correct what was done to POC 50+ years ago. The people they claim to be hitting (the wealthy) aren't being hit...the left is like an annoying fly to them that they just keep swatting away.

Highland Rogue

Really Active Member
Notice something in common with those areas you mentioned? The problem is a combination of over population, and the virus, more than the virus itself. This is why people in large overpopulated cities believe this is far worse than it is...because it IS worse in over populated areas. What people fail to grasp is that the majority of the US is not overpopulated and those areas can and should handle this differently. This, IMO, is what is wrong with the left in the US. They feel like they have to govern the entire country as if it is Chicago or LA and people who don't live in overpopulated crime ridden cities are just tired of it. Gun control certainly hasn't worked in Chicago, LA, NYC, or Boston, so how do they expect it to work across the entire country? The left would like you to believe that 80% of Americans live in cities, but that includes small suburban cities that barely qualify as one. The reality is closer to 50%-70% of Americans live in these overpopulated urban cities. My personal opinion is that the left is destroying middle and lower class white households in an effort to somehow correct what was done to POC 50+ years ago. The people they claim to be hitting (the wealthy) aren't being hit...the left is like an annoying fly to them that they just keep swatting away.

Your observation has many good points. Although there is no significant difference in how either party approaches "governing".

What is wrong with "the left" is the same thing that is wrong with "the right". They think governing people rather than protecting individual rights is a noble cause. It isn't.

Gun control ideas by "the left" are absurd and self evidently contradictory, since All government edicts are backed up by guns.

Both, the left and the right are IN LOVE WITH GUNS. Guns are what all political types will be okay with using if you don't pay for their ideas.... even if you remain peaceful and simply decline supporting their ideas. Whenever I point that out to "gun control people" they usually change the subject, call me names, whine etc. , but they NEVER refute it with an actual proof that I'm wrong.

Politics primary means of operation is the use of , or threat of , violence against people. Replacing the individual political parasites won't change what the system of politics really is.


Your observation has many good points. Although there is no significant difference in how either party approaches "governing".

What is wrong with "the left" is the same thing that is wrong with "the right". They think governing people rather than protecting individual rights is a noble cause. It isn't.

Gun control ideas by "the left" are absurd and self evidently contradictory, since All government edicts are backed up by guns.

Both, the left and the right are IN LOVE WITH GUNS. Guns are what all political types will be okay with using if you don't pay for their ideas.... even if you remain peaceful and simply decline supporting their ideas. Whenever I point that out to "gun control people" they usually change the subject, call me names, whine etc. , but they NEVER refute it with an actual proof that I'm wrong.

Politics primary means of operation is the use of , or threat of , violence against people. Replacing the individual political parasites won't change what the system of politics really is.
I hear what you are saying, but I'm talking more about the current situation, rather than comparing it to a country with no government. How about I put it this way... I feel that the politicians on the right are wolves, while the politicians on the left are wolves in sheep's clothing, and I find the latter far more dangerous to our country.

Highland Rogue

Really Active Member
I hear what you are saying, but I'm talking more about the current situation, rather than comparing it to a country with no government. How about I put it this way... I feel that the politicians on the right are wolves, while the politicians on the left are wolves in sheep's clothing, and I find the latter far more dangerous to our country.

The Constitutional Republic idea, is a relatively good one, when comparing that form to all the other forms of government which more openly rule over and oppress subjects. It at least payed some lip service to "rights".

Although the government of this country assumed consent from the onset, when that wasn't the actual case. I like many of the concepts of the bill of rights, but recognize the Constitution itself is really not a contract, nor has it protected people's rights or restrained government.


Whip Eurass

Super Active Member
@Whip Eurass I know we agree on most of this stuff. If you haven't seen the movie "Wag the Dog" I highly recommend it. If you have, you can see the similarities with the stuff since the election.
Our differences, as you note, are few. I'd actually love to read a point of view that would give a flicker hope that a return to some form of previous normalcy could happen. Unfortunately, with each new day, hope wanes further south.

I feel that the politicians on the right are wolves, while the politicians on the left are wolves in sheep's clothing, and I find the latter far more dangerous to our country.
I feel that the majority of politicians on the right are bought and paid for, same as on the left. The difference to me is, the left has balls and tenacity, growing by the day as the "conservatives" on the right stay cowering in silence and inaction.


I feel that the majority of politicians on the right are bought and paid for, same as on the left. The difference to me is, the left has balls and tenacity, growing by the day as the "conservatives" on the right stay cowering in silence and inaction.
They are definitely all bought and paid for. We wouldn't have so many extremely wealthy politicians if that weren't the case. The left isn't afraid of being called out for their bullshit, either, and that's what scares me. The first time I ever watched, and REALLY paid attention to a congressional hearing, was during the whole Fast and Furious fiasco. That really opened my eyes to what was going on with the democrats and it made me so angry that I tried to avoid politics all together. It was nothing more than a bunch of assholes denying things that were clear as day, and on paper, while denying anyone on the right to get a word in. Eric Holder should be in jail for how he handled that and lying during a congressional hearing does not come with the punishment it should.


Super Active Member
watch the animated porn where Mitch and Lindsey are double penetrating Pelosi

Schumer runs off with all the money across the border absolutely Fuckkng hilarious


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Our differences, as you note, are few. I'd actually love to read a point of view that would give a flicker hope that a return to some form of previous normalcy could happen. Unfortunately, with each new day, hope wanes further south.

I feel that the majority of politicians on the right are bought and paid for, same as on the left. The difference to me is, the left has balls and tenacity, growing by the day as the "conservatives" on the right stay cowering in silence and inaction.
This year I am voting for reelection because I like the policies of the President and they work. I have yet to see stories from Canada or Mexico about them catching liberals trying to flee the USA. Also - Biden is a puppet for every socialist he has surrounded himself with.

As for the lower elections, I am not voting FOR any GOP'er, all feckless morons doing their best to remain under the radar and not be called racist. All of those elections are "lesser of two evil" votes because - demotards and their extra chromosomes.

Whip Eurass

Super Active Member
"Local and federal agents attempting to restore peace and public safety to the fractured community in recent weeks have suffered from demonstrators launching assaults using mortar-style fireworks and lasers that can cause permanent blindness. "

Would this be allowed if it were an invasion by al qaeda?






So.....Yahoo has turned off it's reader comments.

Who want's people pointing out issues with factual journalism? They certainly don't. What's disturbing to me is they are accusing the GOP of doing exactly what they and the left do on an hourly basis. If I were one of those doctors I'd be suing the pants off of all these media outlets for slander.
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