Under Construction: Proceed With Caution! Buckets That Bubble & More...


4 grams total. I know I didnt have a pound of trim, had to be well under. Not a bad return at all IMO....I'll do weights next time to get a better idea of return weight. I'll provide a nice smoke report this evening too.

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That's a decent haul from trim, IMO. BTW, when you do bud, I believe it is recommended to cut it up with or a knife some so there is more surface area for the ice water to contact. I just chopped mine up with a kitchen knife on a cutting board like I was chopping carrots.
That's a decent haul from trim, IMO. BTW, when you do bud, I believe it is recommended to cut it up with or a knife some so there is more surface area for the ice water to contact. I just chopped mine up with a kitchen knife on a cutting board like I was chopping carrots.
Yea it's basically just larf junk from a grow moons ago. Trying to switch out my older flower with fresher flower. I'll just use it for making bubble now. I use to just give my trim away for free to the needy.


Seed Aficionado
Corrogated cardboard works well for drying it and let it dry for at least a full day. Then press it into a brick, freeze it, micro-plane it, and then let it dry again. If you don't do all of that then you run a higher risk of it molding on you. Also, when you micro-plane it, fill a bowl with ice (or, better yet use dry ice) to keep the hash cool and to sit the micro-plane on to freeze it between planing. Otherwise the hash will start softening up from your hands and will stick and smudge on the plane. I was wishing I had a walk-in freezer to do it all in last time I made hash!
Just curious what the mold looks like when it begins to form . U got me all nervous now.