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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I am all for free choices. I do it because I want to not because I am told too. There should have NEVER been a lockdown BUT they should also not force people to go out in they choose too. Let people the right to choose if they want to potentially expose themselves. But also give people the right information as well.....
The only issue with that, is that initially without the government backing it people go to work sick.

That is the main benefit I see from the lockdown - FOR 7-14 DAYS - while you get your head around the facts and get past the initial incubation period of the virus. No problem with them supplementing income for 14 days for this purpose. Best way I can think of to spend my tax dollars is to let me spend them.

Adding additional incentive to unemployment for people not to go back to work was a dumb-ass move (demotard amendment that had to be accepted)

After that - play ball. If you're still scared, stay home. But the rest of the country should not have to support your local issues.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I still believe that letting people get the fuck out and build up immunity after the first 14 days would have been best. We knew who the at risk people were - they don't have to play.

That's all a damn vaccine does is build up your immunity. Walking around is free though, and they can't patent that.


Water boy
I've seen it all now. To take wearing a mask in these times and play it out to climbing into a boxcar, is beyond words. I have a idea, since this is a SPAMDEMIC, I think Trump should hold a large rally every day. When those old fucks at his rally start dropping like flies, Trump can say hes got everything under control.
I’ve only just started having a quick look so haven’t seen previous posts or after .... but you just said it... “old fucks”.

A virus that kills off the old and the weak. Hmmm, sounds oddly and scarily ideal🤷‍♀️. The two groups that probably put most strain on taxes. (Meaning not contributing to).
It’s all about the money and always has been.


Water boy
The flu kills around 70-80,000 people a year with no social distancing practiced. How can you compare that to 120,000 in 4 months with social distancing in place. Its simple math.
Here’s something I find funny.. In 1918 it was declared there was an influenza pandemic and people were made to stay home and establishments closed down. And if u needed to go for necessities then practice social distancing and no forming in groups; practice good hygiene and wash hands often etc etc we all know the drill.
You should check out the stats on the deaths it’s pretty full on. I can’t remember off the top of my head and I’m sooo stoned and couldn’t be bothered finding it LoL, but death count was insane like a third of the entire population. (God i hope I remember that right ). The highest amount of deaths was in the US I do remember that.
Ha 100 yrs later. Social distancing was all we could come up with.


Water boy
Old people are the ones that own homes and pay the property taxes that keep the schools open for all the renters and section 8 housing people that pay no property taxes.
You serious? Not all old people and especially ones that rely on welfare. I have no idea what the stats are there but I dare say there’d be a few for government to carry. And same with the already sick. The virus specifically targeted compromised and weakened immune systems and by chance happened to have little to no effect on “most” children.

I don’t believe in coincidences.
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