I appreciate the apology, but political discussions can be civil if people just try a little harder to keep their emotions in check.
That was pre 2000. Today politics are this
i am this and your an idiot because you are that...for every side. That is politics.
No issue has shown this more than Covid.
Once upon a time governance was by the people and for the people. Thats your shit not ours. We are a different kind of democracy up here. BUT that crap spills over.
And both sides are wrong...get used to it. The solution is....if knew both sides would object.
What bothers me the most about politics in Canada (because i know this better) is that the cons have a stick up their ass so everything Liberal is stupid (its the party name), but it is not ALL stupid.
The Liberals go the other way and if you have a boo boo we should pay and regulate the shit out of it....and the Cons are MONSTERS who murder babies...but thats not true either.
Global warming can be believed by either party...it is not mutex as many would lead you to believe...same as religion.
I believe you have the absolute right to believe in a deity and worship that deity should that not involve breaking laws (hurting people, cannabilism, moaning over snakes etc_, well then your rights should be impugned.
And we dont have the guns the same so the correlation of wearing a mask and boxcars and taking away guns is the height of paranoid delusion....lay off the sativa man...smoke some chill liberal weed or something.
But that is where politis are today...i once thought capatilism would never fail, but it will. All civilizations have.
I wont march for anything...all of those marches are dumb as fuck because you know...covid is real. It actually kills people.
Head firmly in sand or not.
Geeze man...a worldwide conspiracy where every nation is culpable...that IS the craziest thing i have ever heard. The UN proves it wont work they cant agree on anything.
This morning i was chill with a combo of punch and mangum PI with some Oil Slick kief hash to make it burn longer. Its a beauty day.
Love your neighbor man ! Wear a fucking mask because i forgot mine you lazy asshats !!!