Domestic Terrorism

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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
That's an emotional and irrational "argument" though.
It's basically "but we've always done it that way", which isn't a good reason by itself. I hope you can get past that and be open to discussion.

You aren't able to disprove that those people are all paid via confiscatory measures. How does a person, like a cop protect you from being extorted if he is paid via extortion? The answer is obvious. He can't.
You want to have your daughter dial 911 because her husband is beating her, and have an unarmed psycho-babbler show up to help?

Theoretical stuff belongs in college classrooms - to be debunked by adults with experience.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
But most professors today have never held a job that did not involve teaching. They read books, make opinions, write books, and spread theories.

Highland Rogue

Really Active Member
Then get some of your whiny ass lib-tard protesters to get off their ass and BE cops.
I'm afraid that's a bit of a misunderstanding on your part. I don't own or influence whiny ass libtards and don't ascribe to their contradictory beliefs myself, generally speaking.

Be a cop? That's funny. In the present way Policing is set up, I could not recommend that to anybody. Since it REQUIRES cops to enforce all laws and not all laws are just, most are unjust. So taking a job which you KNOW will require you to enforce unjust laws, would be irrational if your goal is justice.

Now, being a person who protects others rights and property, I could endorse.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails

The libtard anarchists are getting their shot at "autonomy" in Seattle - lemme know how that works out for you.

Highland Rogue

Really Active Member
You want to have your daughter dial 911 because her husband is beating her, and have an unarmed psycho-babbler show up to help?

Theoretical stuff belongs in college classrooms - to be debunked by adults with experience.
What if her husband was a cop and he was beating her, because she wanted to use private security and didn't want her kindly neighbors forced to pay her thuggish husband who got his pay thru confiscatory measures ?

Your reluctance to admit, that cops can't protect you from extortion, if they are first paid via extortion is somewhat of a giant lump of shit under your carpet so to speak. I guess you could stomp on it some more and maybe it would flatten down a bit....but the stain and the odor. Lol.

Highland Rogue

Really Active Member

The libtard anarchists are getting their shot at "autonomy" in Seattle - lemme know how that works out for you.
They are not actual anarchists, they are communists who want others to provide for them. I don't feel compelled to defend their actions, since I don't agree with much of it.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
What if her husband was a cop and he was beating her, because she wanted to use private security and didn't want her kindly neighbors forced to pay her thuggish husband who got his pay thru confiscatory measures ?
And if frogs had wings they wouldn't bump their ass when hopping. How fucking stupid are you? Ignored. Have a nice day.

Highland Rogue

Really Active Member
So far the Seattle SPAZ zone has had a few murders and rapes - with non police able to respond.
Sometimes the answer isn't "red or blue".

Sometimes the answer is freedom and consent. Would you consider it a crime if I forced you to pay for my ideas against your will?

Highland Rogue

Really Active Member
And if frogs had wings they wouldn't bump their ass when hopping. How fucking stupid are you? Ignored. Have a nice day.
Calling a person stupid, when it's obvious they're not, is not a good way to converse though. I hope you can beat your hate boner into submission and come back around after your frustration has subsided.
I'm always open to future discussion, rather than name calling.

Yes, thank you. I will have a nice day.

Highland Rogue

Really Active Member
Kind of the same with the military - stand a post or shut the fuck up about things you have no knowledge of.
So, if a guy was drafted, against his will, and then ordered to go kill people he didn't even know, (and didn't want to kill) would that soldier be "fighting for freedom" ?

Also, please don't tell me to shut the fuck up, it's not a very good argument. I'd much rather you persuaded me, with a better argument. Thanks.

Highland Rogue

Really Active Member
There's a difference is services and products.

If you pay for a car, you get a car.
If you pay for insurance - you get DICK. It's a service you hope you'll never need - like the cops.
But if you total the bitch you hope you have full coverage.
I know you're ignoring me, (or so you say) but I think it's only fair that I answer this "argument".

If you don't want a particular car, instead you want no car or another car, should I force you to pay me for the particular car you didn't agree
to buying ? Isn't that about how the present Policing model works ? You pay them whether you want to or not?

Would it be okay if I forced you to pay for a service I offer, even if you don't want it ? You seem to avoid answering that kind of question, you're not breaking furniture and kicking the cat at your house I hope? Don't call the Police if you don't want them to shoot your cat!! Nobody likes dead pussy!

Highland Rogue

Really Active Member
Lol, you and your tangent are based on agenda more than reality.

Okay, reality then.

Prove that police don't first participate in extorting money so that they can "protect" you from people who might extort you.

Go for it, prove the impossible. My agenda is peace and always has been.

How is beginning a service with pay me "or else" not extortion? Are you saying the actual (reality) meaning of the word extortion shifts dependoing on who is doing the extortion ? Hmmmm....reality. Lol.

Highland Rogue

Really Active Member
If you don't like the services your tax dollar is providing - leave. The laws are what they are. The system is what it is, and 90%v of America is fine with it.
Well, at least you finally admitted (by evading answering) that my original point was correct. Cops are paid via extortion, which means they couldn't possibly exist to prevent extortion.

Leave? But I thought this was the land of the free and sugary fountains flowing with justice ? Why would I want to leave that !? Maybe you should go somewhere where extortion is seen as being a good thing and cops can beat the hell out of people (or murder them) with legal immunity ?

When you say "the laws are what they are", does that mean the shitty laws (which most are) should be blindly obeyed ? If 90% of Americans are fine with it, how come so many people consume cannabis, even though it's still Federally illegal ? If 90% of people were fine with slavery, that would make slavery okay ?

Whip Eurass

Super Active Member
Prove that police don't first participate in extorting money so that they can "protect" you from people who might extort you.

Go for it, prove the impossible.
If I agree with the concept, and am happy to pay, and I get what I pay for, I am not extorted. You've hammered that nail a dozen times or more, and though I'm open to being persuaded, I'm not persuaded.

I'll happily pay a nickel on a dollar to have [ in theory] my 95 cents live at home. I'm pretty sure most people feel the same, especially those who've gotten genuine service for their nickel's worth.

High kev

Yankee seeds
Love the discussions. Even though not all party’s agree on the same thing. Only way to get through it is talk it out. I’m pretty dumb. This helps me learn stuff. Got some good points that my brain hasn’t thought of yet and probabaly never would have.
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