Domestic Terrorism

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Blümen Meister
When you talk about systemic racism are you referring to affirmative action? That's about the only systemic racism that I'm aware of. Are there laws that only apply to minorities that don't apply to white people? I'm genuinely curious and unaware of them..
It’s not about pointing fingers to me. I could care less. Rep/dem all worthless in my eyes. I’m just not ignorant to certain disparities. Yes, dealing with the law for a black person can be different than a white person. It has nothing to do with riots and looting. Police abuse and overreach isn’t just a racial issue either. I get it. But if there wasn’t any issues, people wouldn’t be protesting, and there’d be no reason for the bad apples to capitalize on it. But all Trump has is harsh words, and an indifference to a real underlying problem. I don’t really care about the political spins on it. And I sure as shit don’t want any President turning the military on us.


Mediocre grower
Wow, this is fucking retarded... Who said black lives don't matter? Over 300 million people in our country, but you're saying the whole country doesn't care about black lives because of some shit that a few cops did? Do you morons learn nothing? Funny how the people who claim to be against racism will judge an entire group of people based on the actions of a few...


Blümen Meister
When you say "us", are you meaning the entire population, or the criminals burning and looting the cities?
When you say "us", are you saying you are one of the criminals burning and looting the cities?

Just wanna be sure where you're coming from.
Any citizens. I realize it's a last resort, but it's an option that shouldn't be casually tossed around. It's unlawful, and in some ways represents the erosion of democracy.

Big Perm

How many people were murdered last night in the US? What are their names? That's what I thought.
Imagine a world when someone gets killed, a riot breaks out and they go burn down the people's house who did the killing? Is that allowed?
Back to the original question. What does it take to become a Domestic Terrorist?


Blümen Meister
How many people were murdered last night in the US? What are their names? That's what I thought.
Imagine a world when someone gets killed, a riot breaks out and they go burn down the people's house who did the killing? Is that allowed?
Back to the original question. What does it take to become a Domestic Terrorist?
Inciting riots is illegal. But does it constitute terrorism? There's danger in the Federal government labeling anyone they choose as terrorists... because once a person/group/whatever has that label, they have zero rights. Stripping US citizens of their rights is a very bad thing. Again, where are the arrests of these domestic terrorists? Am I led to believe the Trump admin and his intelligence network are so incompetent they've been foiled yet again by the Antifas? LOL. I think not. I think Trump, and conservative tactics in general, rely heavily on fear mongering and unveiling the latest boogie man to keep the 2nd Amendment supporters well armed.

...FWIW, I do support 2nd Amendment rights. Probably because I am fearful of our government.

Imagine things get so out of hand, and martial law is enacted. Elections get nixxed, special powers are given, Trump stays in another term... would even the right-leaners here be happy with any of that? Would they suspect that maybe it was they who were duped? Just a thought experiment, but it's the kind of thing that keeps me fearful and suspicious of the Oligarchy running the show...

EDIT: Just to be clear, I don't believe that is Trump's plan just saying that's how I view the government ✌

Big Perm

IMO if you are a single person doing the rioting, you get arrested and go to jail for the destruction of property. Once it is a group of people too large to deal with, that changes. No matter the race. I think it needs to be stated that this is a race war. Some on different levels of extremity, but still. It's funny how easily people are controlled. I hope some day they wake up.

Also, in another post, there is a third option: 3) Allow riots for every person that is murdered. Since all lives matter.

Which also begs the question, what defines murder?


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
For those of you not in or from America, here is the answer to all the questions. The First Amendment text reads:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
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