The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Since I got the two female Hippie Crippler already in flower, the 6-top clone is the only one I am interested in getting a "harvest" from.

The two 4-tops will stay in 1gal until they start needing water every day.

The one shaped like the ugly Beetlejuice art will stay in a 2gal.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
@Big Perm snagged a few pics of mine. She's not "chunky". She has decent stretch, but nothing surprising.
the Covid is to the left and is about twice as stretchy. IMG_7879.JPG


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Looking at the pics and now I want to go prune some shoots 🤪

I was going to do it when I re-potted the other day - and didn't repot.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
idle hands LOL
I renamed the "Covid" the "Scamdemic" :cool:
I started manually bending the tops up now that there is clearance - for the nicely stretched lower sprouts.
I am surprised, but it looks like they might keep up and be a level canopy
And since I was in there, here's some Hippie porn :)
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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The Alton giant robert wadlow lived in a town called Alton, Illinois. Bout 45 mins away from me.. Lol. Just thought id share that once i seen u u used his name.. Lol
Figured it was someone tall, but I don't follow basketball so I had no clue if it was a current star or some other pop-culture reference.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Busy night so far. The G13G got staked up because she was top-heavy.
The BHP and the "Scamdemic" got their final 5g pots.
The Scammer got untied completely a few days ago and is maintaining her shape like a champ.
She's also really flowering fast compared to the BHP. Might be a really quick smoke which seems crazy for a stretchy plant.

There will be a "strain reveal" on the Scamdemic by @J.James when he gets around to it, but I can tell you I have been stoked since I found out. It has some landrace goodies, and the raspberry colored sap was a big clue as well :)

Tell you 'bout the dome on the next post.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I also bugged the shit out of the boss today to try and make a decision on the Rainbow Man.
I//we (ok, him) decided on longer veg vs flipping and then banking on flower clones for some weight if needed - which set in motion other regular growing stuff.

So the next step was pruning them for a longer veg, and on the first one the plant told me I was an idiot.
I started trying to train 6 limbs into a Trivial Pursuit pie like the 6top flower clone. Seed plants were not made for that so I decided to keep the 4-tops. Now they aren't as crowded, and I didn't prune anything but the bottom two shoots on each. The bottom right one is twice the height of the other three. Hoping its male and the other three female.
Which left me with two good shoots on each plant - clone - dome - 12/12 and I can find out which is which hopefully :) IMG_7946.JPG


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Random shit: had a cool snack today. Buttered popcorn. :rolleyes:
But it was Simon & Garfunkel popcorn.
Simmered the butter and herbs for a bit. then strained it and did the popcorn thing.
I tossed in some cheapo parmesan and hit the jackpot.
Anyone get why it's Simon & Garfunkel popcorn? :sneaky:


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
LOVE the training you’ve done on these! Spectacular.
Thank you sir! I got away from doing the manifolds when I had rooms full of random plants that I was in a hurry to grow.

And I have selective OCD when it comes to stuff like that LOL


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I'm almost tempted to go back in there and lop two more shoots off the Rainbow Man

almost :)

Since I am decided on vegging a few more weeks It might happen when I give them new shoes. but I doubt it.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I still need to go back and mess with the Hippie Crippler flower clones and flip them if I have room or can make room. The mom is getting FAT tops and nugs. Gonna be a weighty plant. Don't know about the runt plumping like that, but I'll have a lot regardless. I don't want to run a whole closet full of another batch of HC. These will be hiding in the corner somewhere and let go once I get them trained 'open' enough in the middle.

I got too many other fires to set!