The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
@Hust17 - if you are wondering about the mini-dome in the corner it's just bag-seeds from the blackwater mystery. I am trying that little dome out, but not keeping the plants. Seeing how different size small cups do for starting them.


@Hust17 - if you are wondering about the mini-dome in the corner it's just bag-seeds from the blackwater mystery. I am trying that little dome out, but not keeping the plants. Seeing how different size small cups do for starting them.
Oh I didn’t even notice that tiny one! That’s so cute and sweet! Actually can you let me know what they’re called? Who knows when you’re gonna need a good dome and those look quality :D


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I knew we had this convo before, I found it a few pages back haha! Must’ve been almost gone that night :) Thanks!!
I'm thinking that a 1-2" extender would probably be best for those stretchy seedlings, but it could just be a hole cut out of a block of Styrofoam or something. Cardboard would work if it was waxed or waterproof in some way. It wouldn't need to be clear or have vents or anything just for seedlings. All 8 of the bag seeds popped already, so I'll get to see how it does. And I'll tweak it before I run real seeds.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Busy morning. Clones are fed and undomed.
Covids are flipped. Gonna give the BHP a few more days.
The Rainbow Man are thriving! They all had roots popping out the bottom, and were dry so I figured it was time.
Dinoberry Bites got set out of the dome last night, and spread her wings, so I figured I'm done with the dome. She got watered a little, but not ready for a pot. When she is she'll get a two-gallon until I flip then a five shortly thereafter.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
This will fill the flower tent eventually. 4 girly-clones in the back, 4 RM regs in the middle, and the BHP fem and DBB fem. IMG_7740.JPG
Started pinching secondary shoots on the big clone. IMG_7742.JPG
Anyone wondering what the hype was about flower-clones/monster-cropping, there is probably 3 times the flower-sites/sprouts popping on this than the seed plant. IMG_7742.JPG
They have a new sprout popping about every half inch. First try at this I just let it go, and this area around the trunk was like a head of cabbage.
Still not sure what I am keeping on this, because 8 tops would be a beast of a plant on these.
I am leaning towards the standard 4-top just to try and keep them controlled.
If you ever wanted to easily fill a scrog, do a flower clone.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The dbb got it's new pot to hang out in until flip. Looking much better in the fresh air.
The rainbow man got the bottom set of shoots pruned off. I never keep those.
since the topping worked well on the first clone getting the shoots to start growing I am working on the others. Two had symmetrical nodes for the first few, so I kept them and topped the rest. The middle one was asymmetrical after the first node so I just bent it over to see what dominates. It was missing a lower shoot on one side so I bent it that way.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Here's a couple of tops on the @J.James G13 Genius. The main thing I notice about this plant is the number of flower sites after flip - DAMN!
You can see how many there are with little or no stem. All post-flip.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The mystery plants showed quick! Flipped 5/25 and I had a definite boy and girl tonight. Another one bites the dust.

But the G13 and the "runt" hippie have both outgrown the original hippie. Well, the runt does have one gimpy leg :)


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
These are chugging along. The Rainbow Man look uniform, ready for topping in a week or so.
Probably flipping the BHP soon just too see if mine does the stretchy thing.
Also thinking about just keeping all the clones, but keeping them in smaller pots. Do a mini-SOG


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I flipped the BHP mainly out of boredom. She just looked noticeably taller this morning and I don't want to chance having to behead plants or otherwise mangle them when they start hitting lights.
This room gets water before lights out at noon.
And if you use plastic pots, the soil pulling away from the edge is a good sign they are getting light. IMG_7786.JPG


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I almost topped the Rainbow Man. The sprouts look good, but I don't know what I'm going to do as far as cloning so I'm leaving them alone for now.

I repotted all the clones. Two I popped out then put more soil in the bottom to raise them up, then back in the one gallon. Two went into two gallons. Flipping them in these and I'll see what happens.
More back yard wildlife. The babies are out.