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Hobby Farmer
So we are back to just believing no doctors?
I am not saying that. I am saying there are different groups of doctors that advise different things. It is why Canada has a different approach than many of the States.

In Ontario Canada its 100% caution and we will pull the plug if things get stupid again. Which is not the same approach as that team of doctors advising of the negative effects of having dental offices closed for routine dentistry. It may be different there here we have emergency services open but teeth cleaning and stuff is not available until the next wave of opening things up.

People are pissed because...why cant church open if you will open a bar (here both are closed) etc. And it is a massive kick in the balls to the ecomony.

This approach is different...not wrong exactly but which is right ?

I do understand the problem better as it drags on...the information has been so skewed by various news sites its hard to know which is truth.

the answer is more razor wire and maybe a moat.

And screw you the masks are this...i had to copy it because it is fitting isnt it...

The masks...are to stop you launching your sick snot on the populace...not to protect you from others exactly but they have a mask for that (its just not the N95).


Whip Eurass

Super Active Member
Which is not the same approach as that team of doctors advising of the negative effects of having dental offices closed for routine dentistry. It may be different there here we have emergency services open but teeth cleaning and stuff is not available until the next wave of opening things up.
Right - they mentioned dentistry. They mentioned a few other things, but those didn't fit your schtick.

"The millions of casualties of a continued shutdown will be hiding in plain sight, but they will be called alcoholism, homelessness, suicide, heart attack, stroke, or kidney failure. "

Damm doctors caring about people. The gall !


Highland Rogue

Really Active Member
I broke a tooth the day this shit started and have been waiting until they open.
Condolences on your tooth problem.
I self drained an abscessed tooth recently. Edibles to the rescue!

Most of my choppers are still in tip top shape, but being an old fart, one was gonna get a flat sooner or later.


Mediocre grower
No offence, but you all are the laughing stock of the rest of the world right now. But tbh you always have been.
As George Carlin said "when you're born in this world you get a ticket to the freak show, but when you're born in America you get a front row seat"

I just sit back and watch the freak show. Fucking crazy... One side will scream "believe science" and then the same people will say men can have vaginas and get pregnant. They radical leftists have turned this country into a joke...


Mediocre grower
We're going with Door #1, Monty. We plan to keep our exposures to a minimum. Once a month grocery shopping...and doing without most other stuff. Pretty easy to do when it comes down to "Do i need that badly enough to die for it?" Nah. Probably not.

I feel for the folks who need a paycheck or whose "nearly failing before the pandemic" anyway "business" is gonna take a final hit... but it isn't up to me to pull your ass out of the fire you built under it. We know what it's like to have absolutely NO money coming in. We haven't had an income in 6 years. LOL. These tough guys can't make it a month. Hear that @gwheels ?? Kinda makes ya chuckle even if it is DUH. LOOK comes the CIVIL WAR....

Just make it all happen within a month...cus after that...LOL. >cue perpetual whining about Gov't oppression/etc.<

"separate the wheat...from the chaff...."
I was thinking... Isn't it hilariously ironic that this is the same exact attitude as people getting covid 19 but not giving a fuck and wearing a mask because they are young and healthy and asymptomatic and won't die from it so they don't give a fuck about if other people contract it from them?

But I'm guessing you're a republican with that attitude? Fuck everybody who is struggling. Cut food stamps, social security, Medicare, and Medicaid because "fuck em, they should have saved their money better" that's cool, I can dig it...
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