The James Gang


Seed Slingin' Outlaw
Sorry I haven't been around much, been working on revamping the website and finalizing the our logo for our seed packs and other upcoming merchandise! Everyone's plants look great! Keep up the good work!

Dank Sinatra F4 to be released soon!

Big Terps

Growing on a dime
The roots never stop growing, that's how a pot gets root-bound. If you gently ease it into new soil and water it in there's really no 'recovery' time for an established plant. If you break up the root system (which generates more new root growth) it will have a few days of not drinking as much.

I always break down the pots after harvest to see what the roots did. On pots that I left intact at repot, there was still a defined pot shape from the smaller pot, but the roots had grown into the new soil. There was no root-circle at the bottom. On the ones I broke up it was a whole new big-pot root-ball. Both grew plants fine - the ones that _ 'damaged' the roots on drank better in general.

All I do now is hold the root-pot-ball thing and open the bottom like flower petals. Still keeping most of the root-ball in tact, but getting the root circle at the bottom broken up. I also dust the new soil with rooting enhancer at repot.
I agree with u transplanting to bigger shoes during early flower. It never hurt the plant or affected it in a negative way from the couple times i was forced to do it. As long as u dont damage a bunch of roots in the process it shud be happy to see the firesh soil/ compost. Im talking early flower is when ive done it.

Again im just going off the handfull of times i hadta do it myself. Not saying its somthing id doing everytime but for emergency cases it can b done. My 2 cents tho..
Thx ✌


Seed Aficionado
I agree with u transplanting to bigger shoes during early flower. It never hurt the plant or affected it in a negative way from the couple times i was forced to do it. As long as u dont damage a bunch of roots in the process it shud be happy to see the firesh soil/ compost. Im talking early flower is when ive done it.

Again im just going off the handfull of times i hadta do it myself. Not saying its somthing id doing everytime but for emergency cases it can b done. My 2 cents tho..
Thx ✌
After hearing u too I'm gonna try , I mean she is a gorgeous plants and hate to limit it's bud growth so here goes thx guys


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I agree with u transplanting to bigger shoes during early flower. It never hurt the plant or affected it in a negative way from the couple times i was forced to do it. As long as u dont damage a bunch of roots in the process it shud be happy to see the firesh soil/ compost. Im talking early flower is when ive done it.

Again im just going off the handfull of times i hadta do it myself. Not saying its somthing id doing everytime but for emergency cases it can b done. My 2 cents tho..
Thx ✌
I've been keeping them in one gallon until flip (later for regs waiting on girls to show), then right into a 3 or 5 gal. I'm sticking with 5 gallons and fewer plants now, but three gallons worked well for my last run with a bunch of different plants. I really didn't want anything getting too big. Now it can do what it do.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Busy today, and not done yet tonight.
First, I dropped seeds this afternoon.
and since I have the propagator warmed up, what the hell. I'm venturing into "monster-cropping" again tonight. The Hippie Crippler had some decent size sprouts and I was going to prune them anyway. They are not too far into flower, so re-veggin might not be too painful to watch.
I am running those family seeds that might never be available again. I need to get a good harvest out of each of those packs, and since they only have 5-6 seeds each there might only be one girl. I am not the long-veg type so I need two to three plants. This is a practice run for that. I'm thinking that out of 4 clones from each, at least one should take. Then I'll just grow one clone out for my trouble - if I get one pheno that looks better than the others I'll run that one.
I trimmed 6 sprouts from each plant. One node on two limbs, two nodes on the other two.
But I don't "lollipop". I keep the fans


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I watered the G13G and runt Hippie, and pruned some lower shoots on them. Not taking clones so they are getting all the juice forced to the tops early on. Once a set of shoots gets a node, it's gone. I'm growing hog-legs with the G13G, but the runt is not clone material and is just getting flipped when I need room.
Checked on these, and the G13HP need a last feeding and some water,
and the DCP project is "done enough' so I'm chopping it tonight or tomorrow depending on how old I feel later.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Also did some dry sift. I still have more to run. I tried bubble-hash on the Blueberry Biscuit and it was for shit. I like the dry version because you can see when you're done.
The White Grape was frostiest so far, but that is not a photo-trick on the Blue Eyes that had the purple leaves. the leaves froze almost black, and the keif is purple. If he sells it -- buy it - and look for the purple pheno!
I'll get a better pic when I'm done with the other bags I have in the freezer.
This is just everything worked over a 220m work screen (same as a 220m bubble bag) which leaves about 50/50 keify-bits and leafy-bits.
That is sifted through a 120m screen. Everything that stayed on top of the 120m screen gets iso-washed. I'll get a pic of the process at some point.
But some of the leaves weren't dry yet so they went back on the rack in the dehydrator. Fan on, no heat. I'll get a bit more of the two Blue Eyes.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The DCP is definitely done, but can wait until tomorrow. The big fanleaf tip breaking off just from the oscillating fan, and the good coloring on the sefondary fan leaves sealed it.
One G13xHP is frosty, chubby, and looks to finish earlier than her sister.
This one I have no clue - but it's purty :)


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Guess I flattened the curve:unsure::sneaky:😆

What a load of unnecessary horse-shit this has all been. Thanks for my $1200 back - it doesn't make me your whore Mr. Gubmint! :cool:


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Soaked these two, and I learned something. I am in the habit of staying in the one gallon pots until flip from running regs. When I watered these the HC runt soaked easily. 500ml water and it soaked, very little run-off. The G13G the water ran through quickly and the pot still felt light.
I ran another bottle of water through it and it got a little heavier, but not much.
It is ready for re-pot. and the HC is not. More root volume, less water retention.