#Heisenbeans Genetics


Super Active Member
This is gonna make me seem a bit conceited, don't give a fuck. I know what I know and I mean what I say.

"Shoreline's ecsd" is ecsd. Plenty of people love it, more than don't or it wouldn't be in demand. I haven't grown a plant in almost a year and still have people asking me about when the next batch of ecsd is coming.

Way back when this whole thing started heisen was saying his shit wouldn't herm. I kept telling people some of his shit would throw balls on lowers of seed plants and even throw sterile nanners on clones that were a little stressed/over ripened. Totally ignored by most, obviously.

You can't blame the seeds, the seed maker or the plant when that happens; even if heisen said it wouldn't happen. It's a known highly probable outcome. If you don't know what you're growing before you pop the seeds, your fault.

I think some of the cuts he's been through and tossed are better smoke/genetic material than what he's got right now, even with the marriage of the gps catalog. I've grown progeny from everything he's had/has to make my claim and smoked em pure as well.

Even way back when I said using katsu's bubba wasn't gonna be the best option. Still willing to see what's in there but the pre98 does magic in crosses compared to the katsu. Anyone remember what happened to that plant? I do.

Totally conjecture here and I'm sure someone will see this as a dig, it's not: it seems he's basing some of his decisions on his wife's preferences on smoke, since he doesn't regularly, and combining it with his experience with the plant.

If you've smoked cigarettes in your life your palette is diminished. If you haven't trained your palette, you don't have one to begin with. I've trained my palette, use it every day to make hundreds of people happy. I can smell and taste figs, vanilla, cinnamon and a hint of apricot in 120 proof whiskey, tell you what kind of woods a meat was smoked with, what herbs/seasonings are in your grandma's stew, etc.

I've smoked an immense variety of some of the best weed on planet earth for my entire adult life. All day, every day. I know what to expect from genetic combinations based on experience. I'm not just trying to get decked, I'm trying to enhance my time on this planet. You can be captain pothead with a high tolerance and not be able to pick up the nuances of what makes the smoke awesome or realize its better suited for activity/situation x instead of y.

Half the clones/projects he's scrapped have probably been because over half of those seeds are going to clueless dipshits that couldn't grow their way out of a wet paper sack and are too headstrong to realize it.

I'd rather take a pack GMO or jetfuel s1s/crosses and grow them right... cloned from sexually mature plants, plenty of root space, organically, in an ideal indoor environment; sound familiar? .... than a million packs of purple punch crosses. Since there's not a barrier of entry (price, harder to find/source, etc) that's disconnecting the noobs from the purveyor this is what we get. I'd do things totally differently and real growers/cannaseurs would be happier with the end product.

You can parrot shit heisen says all day, it don't make it right. I respect him for doing the thing but sometimes he's a bit facetious, which is something I like about him. I wish heisen nothing but success merely because I enjoy his demeanor and appreciate where all this came from.


Hobby Farmer
GMO cake...this was going to go outside but it got UGE...in a 1 gallon pot...moved it to a 5 at 2 am today. Currently had a bout 3 gallons of coco in it and i will top it up as she grows up.

The root mass was completely filled in the 1 gallon pot. I am glad i bought a 24 of those pots because i think after its solo cupped up or sprouted well the 1 gallon is the best pot size (thanks @Heathenraider ). Until you get sick of looking at them and make them huge.

She responded to the new shoes in about 30 minutes.

Chuckers continues to make me a better grower...honing my skills like a diamond.
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Seed Aficionado
Do u have any pics of the early balls? I had a problem last run cause I didn't spot it. And it ruined 9 plants. ....
Thanks for anybody's input
Its early flower I need to be on the lookout, ya?
GMO cake...this was going to go outside but it got UGE...in a 1 gallon pot...moved it to a 5. Currently had a bout 3 gallons of coco in it and i will top it up as she grows up.

The root mass was completely filled in the 1 gallon pot. I am glad i bought a 24 of those pots because i think after its solo cupped up or sprouted well the 1 gallon is the best pot size (thanks @Heathenraider ). Until you get sick of looking at them and make them huge.

She responded to the new shoes in about 30 minutes.

Chuckers continues to make me a better grower...honing my skills like a diamond.
View attachment 57306
Agreed on the 1 gallon pots for sure 👍


Totally conjecture here and I'm sure someone will see this as a dig, it's not: it seems he's basing some of his decisions on his wife's preferences on smoke, since he doesn't regularly, and combining it with his experience with the plant.

If you've smoked cigarettes in your life your palette is diminished. If you haven't trained your palette, you don't have one to begin with. I've trained my palette, use it every day to make hundreds of people happy. I can smell and taste figs, vanilla, cinnamon and a hint of apricot in 120 proof whiskey, tell you what kind of woods a meat was smoked with, what herbs/seasonings are in your grandma's stew, etc.

I've smoked an immense variety of some of the best weed on planet earth for my entire adult life. All day, every day. I know what to expect from genetic combinations based on experience. I'm not just trying to get decked, I'm trying to enhance my time on this planet. You can be captain pothead with a high tolerance and not be able to pick up the nuances of what makes the smoke awesome or realize its better suited for activity/situation x instead of y.

Half the clones/projects he's scrapped have probably been because over half of those seeds are going to clueless dipshits that couldn't grow their way out of a wet paper sack and are too headstrong to realize it.

I'd rather take a pack GMO or jetfuel s1s/crosses and grow them right... cloned from sexually mature plants, plenty of root space, organically, in an ideal indoor environment; sound familiar? .... than a million packs of purple punch crosses. Since there's not a barrier of entry (price, harder to find/source, etc) that's disconnecting the noobs from the purveyor this is what we get. I'd do things totally differently and real growers/cannaseurs would be happier with the end product.

You can parrot shit heisen says all day, it don't make it right. I respect him for doing the thing but sometimes he's a bit facetious, which is something I like about him. I wish heisen nothing but success merely because I enjoy his demeanor and appreciate where all this came from.
I grew out the ecsd and it just wasnt my cup of tea. Then again compared to bbc a dub and hbastards its nothing. This was well put. I hope no-one sees that as a dig.
Ive always held a high respext for you. This just proves why.
Those gmo or jet fuel s1s would be amazing. Im loving everything the gmo touches.
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Deleted member 60

Everyone has a different palate and take on what is what/etc.

I enjoy the Punch like I enjoyed the OG/Bubba/Chem (now "GMO") fare in it's day...what...15 year+ ago if not more? That stuff just keeps being dragged along and renamed. Obviously...folks enjoy some aspect of each offering. Some folks are tired of Punch like you seem to be...and folks like me are tired of the OG/Chem/Fuel (jet or not) fare.

But I can see why Gu/Heisen run the Punch crosses over Bubba crosses. Who wants that old hat? LOL. Somebody (who wasn't there when they dropped/for the last 20) LOL. GPS already uses the "Stardawg" cut..which is..yet again...just a renamed Chem cut someone ("JJ") found and rode hard on. He didn't do anything to create it..he just singled out a good tasting cut from someone else's shit...who also go it from someone else...who got it from...etc.etc.etc. Think "Pre-98"..."Katsu"..."Green Cut" "Punch" and all the rest.

Everyone has different experience/skill levels and egos....but just as you say some can't grow themselves out a of a paper bag...others think they shine/know more than everyone else/have performed extensive magic because they crossed very easy-to-source and very-easy-to-grow-and-show seeds of the day and renamed them/claimed them as their own offerings. It's all still the same shit. Nobody is fooling anyone here. Nobody is really doing anything new here. Nobody in the game today has any real ground to stand on here and tag others for how "they" cross all the same shit differently. Just because someone holds a cut tight doesn't mean it's THE shit. Maybe to them...but not to everyone. "we have all been here before...we have all been here before..."

In the end they are all just snapshots in time/offerings of the day of the same stuff we smoked before. Punch..GMO...whatever.

sure are fun though....and part of that fun is that we all enjoy different things. Be well/good luck out there folks...wherever you are on this road.


Blümen Meister
If anyone is dissatisfied with their Purple Punch crosses, I'll gladly take them off your hands :)

Purple Punch, Zkittlez, and GDP crosses are exactly my cup of tea, so I'll be on Heisen's Purple Punch crosses for a while.

Like sticky said, Purple Punch and Stardawg might not be everyone's cup of tea. That's fair. IMO those are two great pollen donors to have, especially when you compare with other seed makers charging 2-4 times the $$$ for the same shit.


Super Active Member
I have a HB purple banana cookie that’s
A special case...

it never complains ... and runs to a beat of its own.

I’m looking forward to see how it finally finished out in flower which I have yet to flip the whole room but I will soon.
Looking forward to physically getting to see all these different strains flower out.
I can tell you that
The purple Mac ,

purple chem4

purple banana cookies
are short but & heavy compacted growers out of all the other 32 HB strains I have in veg.
They are perfect bonsai size!


Always rockin’ at half mast
I have a HB purple banana cookie that’s
A special case...
View attachment 57416

it never complains ... and runs to a beat of its own.
View attachment 57417

I’m looking forward to see how it finally finished out in flower which I have yet to flip the whole room but I will soon.
Looking forward to physically getting to see all these different strains flower out.
I can tell you that
The purple Mac ,
View attachment 57418

purple chem4
View attachment 57419

purple banana cookies
are short but & heavy compacted growers out of all the other 32 HB strains I have in veg.
They are perfect bonsai size!
View attachment 57420
By never complains you mean what? 😂


Super Active Member
It will uptake whatever is available.
No drooping, no yellow, no dried up leaf curling. It just putts right along.
Spends time with seedlings
Spend time with clones
Spend time with the big moms
Currently all 3 are strapped into the
Scrogg by their 6” pots hang 10 in free air.
Light ppm/ high ppm
Low light / high light
Even when timers don’t shut off 🤬
Underwater / overwater
Never pulled a leaf yet ...
Oh yeah wait no balls either...lol🤣
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Blümen Meister
It will uptake whatever is available.
No drooping, no yellow, no dried up leaf curling. It just putts right along.
Spends time with seedlings
Spend time with clones
Spend time with the big moms
Currently all 3 are strapped into the
Scrogg by their 6” pots hang 10 in free air.
Light ppm/ high ppm
Low light / high light
Even when timers don’t shut off 🤬
Underwater / overwater
Never pulled a leaf yet ...
Oh yeah wait no balls either...lol🤣
How’s the smoke?


Super Active Member
I honestly do not know yet! Currently all 35 HB strains In my grow are all mature in veg. I started this back in Nov2019. With 18 strains only 5 made it.
So I have
(5) moms from 9/19 grow in veg.
Then I cloned
(8)GG4 clones from mom
(9)BrideZilla clones from mom

I then in January redropped all the lost seedlings plus many of the purple current drop.
Which kicks me up to a room full of 35 HB mature veg Moms.
Then there was the week of the aphids Attack!!! (Self induced)
Oh.... let’s take the plants out for spring sunshine ☀ while I work on lights! 🌱👾😱🤬
Fricken won the battle!😈
So....next. I took 4 clones each from each 35 strains and slammed those into a brand new turbokloner 144 which worked by reading and following the instructions Really good for making bare root seedling moms.
So..now .thats why I keep pulling fan leaves like bad dog ....
I Just packed my scrogged with those plants infilling the Scrog to at least get close to Uncle HB’s grow density before flipping to flower.
I’m down to 18 gallons of veg feed mix in my 70 gallon Rez ....so flipping to flower is damn near upon me 😃☝
Everything’s been a first since I started this I cannot express enough between HB genetics and the super grower input and help from this board. The resource is awesome and I have a room full of happiness during a world pandemic😊🌺.
This experience has brought so much peace to my life it’s going to be really exciting seeing it all explode into flowers! So I wish the very best in everyone’s grow! May you find the happiness and peace you seek . 😊🌺
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Fungas Gnat
I have a HB purple banana cookie that’s
A special case...
View attachment 57416

it never complains ... and runs to a beat of its own.
View attachment 57417

I’m looking forward to see how it finally finished out in flower which I have yet to flip the whole room but I will soon.
Looking forward to physically getting to see all these different strains flower out.
I can tell you that
The purple Mac ,
View attachment 57418

purple chem4
View attachment 57419

purple banana cookies
are short but & heavy compacted growers out of all the other 32 HB strains I have in veg.
They are perfect bonsai size!
View attachment 57420
I had a PP s1 like that It turned out to be very frosty with long trichs and crazy grape terps, buds were leafy but still works good. Would be great for concentrates. There is a pic somewhere on here. Oh yeah ...my avatar. I ordered another pack on 420.